Chapter 1900

"In addition."

Lai Yongsi's mouth showed a cold smile: "the person who injured you just now is a practitioner. Their purpose is to go to mount Taihuang. Junxian, don't worry. As long as you get to mount Taihuang, it's my friend's territory, and then I'll give you a bad breath!"

Bu Junxian was overjoyed. Thank you very much!

Therefore, the purpose of the five remained unchanged and went to Mount Tai.


"Dear friends, here comes Annan city. Please take your courtesy and get off in order..."

Four hours later, the radio of the train sounded. Fang Xue, who was already hungry in the stomach, stood up and pushed Li Yun, a reclusive recluse: "get up, get up quickly. We get out of the car to eat. We are starving."

"You didn't eat a takeout just now." Li Feng said with a smile.

"Cut, I don't have to eat on the train or the plane. It's expensive and tasteless." Fang Xue showed a disdainful expression. It was obvious that she had been trapped once. It was estimated that she had eaten once when she went to travel with her parents, and then she killed herself.

"Is it too expensive for a lady of the Fang family?" Li Yun picked up the three people's luggage, in fact, not much. He put all the things that occupied the space in the space ring. The two women's small bags were filled with cosmetics, sunscreen and other things.

"I mean it's cost-effective. Your brother and sister always bully me. You shouldn't travel with you!"

"It's not Xiaobai Xue. Did you complain first?"

"Who said that, hum ~"

the three got off the train talking and laughing, and then they saw Bu Junxian and his group at the exit of the station. Li Yun was given a vicious look by each other, and then they left in a hurry.

Go to a hotel next to the train, Li Yun meets them again.

After dinner in the hotel, Li Yun and his three people took a taxi to Mount Tai. After half an hour, they finally stood at the foot of Mount Tai.

"What a spectacle

Fang Xue is standing at the foot of the Taihuang mountain, which is full of tourists, looking up at the legendary mountain with a height of 3000 meters.

Legend refers to the position of Mount Tai in the hearts of HuangXuan people, as well as the cultural heritage and historical heritage embodied in it.

Mount Taihuang has always been called the world's famous mountain, and there is also the saying that the mountain does not look back when it comes back (fictitious, Mount Tai + Huangshan). Through the ages, it is unknown how many literati and poets have recited poems and poems for Mount Tai. Several great emperors, such as the first emperor of Qin Dynasty, Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty, Emperor Guangwu, Emperor Gaozong of the Tang Dynasty, have granted Zen again, which makes Mount Tai more sacred and solemn.

Therefore, for the first time, Li Yun and Fang Xue chose this Mount Tai, which has countless historical details.

"It's really beautiful."

Li Feng also exclaimed. She looked up and saw that Mount Tai had been shrouded in the misty clouds from the middle of the mountain. The ancient buildings were faintly visible, like a fairyland.

"Let's go, let's board..."

Before he finished, Li Yun's eyes saw several acquaintances.

"It's just bad luck!"

Fang Xue also noticed that she could not bear to look at her forehead. Li Feng was also speechless. This fate should not be ignored.

"Well, it's a coincidence to see you again."

Bu Junxian walked over with his head held high. He changed his previous acquisitiveness and took a defiant look at Li Yun, as if he were saying that you would hit me if you had seed.

“…… Ah

Li Yun was dumbfounded, but he was prepared in his heart, because the system had already prompted the event trigger, indicating that something would happen between him and the gang.

However, this reminds him of Jin Liuli. The girl called him after the college entrance examination. She expressed her miss and then hung up in a hurry. Li Yun couldn't guess what she was thinking.