Chapter 4028

Li Yun shrugged: "I'm telling the truth. In fact, I'm not turning in. I want to say, it's like we live, although we are all dead..."

"I will not die!"

The son, Xiao Su, was not the reincarnation of a vegetarian God. He interrupted him directly and said with pride, "I am reincarnation of a God. I am equal to a God, so I will not die, I will live forever!"

Li Yun puffed at the corner of his mouth and suddenly thought of a question: "even if someone destroys your small world in Taoyuan Village in Antarctica, can you still survive?"


Little Su Tucao: "what make complaints about you? Who can destroy my little world but you? Hum, all said don't doubt my strength, even if you Nvwa lady in the East, you will shout "sister ~" when you see me!

younger sister?

Li Yunguang is imagining the huge statue of empress Nuwa. When he bows to a little Lori and shouts out the words "sister" with a smile, how amazing the picture will be!

"By the way, there's no difference between eastern and Western gods."

Su said, "didn't you see the murals in the temple? Just now, when you told me, I was thinking about it, but I kept saying it in a good way... "

"Nothing to be ashamed of? Forget it, just don't get tangled. " Li Yun changed the topic: "the Holy Son, why is there no distinction between gods?"

"Because they are all people left behind by the creation gods, and gods are basically like this, so long ago, the eastern and Western gods in your eyes were actually from the same family."

Li Yun patted his thigh straight. He said that human beings originated from monkeys. Is that not true?

Of course, we should treat the problem dialectically from an academic perspective.

Li Yun said that there was a division between the eastern and Western gods, but Xiao Su said that there was no division. Does it prove that the mural still contains something unspoken?

Unfortunately, Xiao Su is obviously not willing to discuss anything more directly than murals. Even if Li Yun and she asked whether all the gods came out of a flying saucer, Xiao Su did not answer directly. Instead, she said: murals were painted by the second generation of larshen, the son of larshen. What they said in the murals was beautified by them. I don't want to see them.

However, Li Yun can only give up the idea of getting the answer directly from his son, Xiao Su Na, and continue to explore the secret of ancient times, so as to get more information about the ancient times.

"Wait, Sue!" Li Yun stops her. Now little Lori has taken out her mobile phone and is lying on Li Yun while lazily sliding the screen of her mobile phone. It's really no different from ordinary Lori.

Li Yun began to admire the reincarnation skill created by Xiao su. Even his eyes on problems changed. Does it mean that his personality and IQ can also be changed?

"What?" The blonde lolly lazily raised her head from him, then put her chin on his shoulder and looked at Li Yun eagerly.

Li Yun stared at her for a long time, then suddenly said with a smile, "Xiao Su, you don't know much about the creation era because you are the third generation God King, do you?"

"Dare to doubt me, ah Wu, bite you to death!"

The golden haired son pounced on Li Yun and bit him on his lips.

The wonderful soft touch rippled from their lips.

Li Yun opened his eyes, and so did his son, Xiao su. Both of them were shocked to see each other.