Shen Lang shook his head with a smile: "fairy, I don't think so. What Shen did was just to repay the fairy for saving her life. There is no reward for saving lives. As long as I don't die, I will protect the fairy! "

Yunmeng fairy's beautiful eyes lost their consciousness for a moment. She practiced since she was a child. She was not touched by seven emotions and six desires. Never before had a man treat her like this. She couldn't help touching her heart.

"Do you think this fairy will care about you as a flower protector?" Yunmeng fairy said with a slight smile, the corner of her mouth was as bright and moving as the blooming Begonia flower.

Shen Lang was a little stunned. He had to admit that the woman was really beautiful. Even if there were fairies, she was just like this. Of course, temperament gap is another thing.

Shen Lang said with a smile: "it doesn't matter if you don't care now. It's just that Shen is willing to do it."

In fact, what he said just now is not bragging, but only on the premise that Shen Lang can protect Yunmeng fairy under his own safety.

If he is unable to protect himself, Shen Lang may not be able to take into account the safety of Yunmeng fairy.

"It's appropriate to repay kindness with kindness. However, benxianzi also wants to tell you that I saved you only because of the relationship between you and cloud trace son, and there is no other private will. If the cloud trace son and you have not been implicated in the slightest, benxianzi would not have saved you at the beginning, maybe even killed you! " Cloud dream fairy not cold not light said.

"Shen understood that these assumptions are no longer important, but the results." Shen Lang zhengse road.

"If you can think it out."

Yunmeng fairy appreciates Shen Lang's style of speaking and acting, and her mood seems to be better.

After a brief exchange, Shen Lang continued to bake another pig's hoof.

Yunmeng fairy couldn't stand the temptation of barbecue. She turned her back to Shen Lang and began to eat the roast pig's hoof wrapped in leaves.

As expected, as Shen Lang described, the barbecue is very delicious, charred on the outside and tender inside. Moreover, it is also sprinkled with seasonings, which is delicious but not greasy.

Yunmeng fairy gently bit the barbecue and chewed it slowly, perhaps to taste the delicious taste of the barbecue. Yunmeng fairy ate quickly, but the appearance was very elegant and decent.

After eating a roast pig's hoof, Yunmeng fairy was already very full. She was tired and fell directly by the tree and fell asleep.

Shen Lang had a large amount of food. He ate another roast pig's hoof before he was full.

Maybe the smell of barbecue is too attractive. Even if Shen Lang sprinkled powder around, it still attracted some ghost animals.

Shen Lang killed a few of them and made an example to others. The rest of the ghost beasts just scattered.

After finishing this, Shen Lang also fell by the tree to keep his eyes closed.

The ancient devil is dead, and Shen Lang is short of a big problem. It's unbelievable that I can kill a monk in this way.

However, Shen Lang has consumed all the thunder and lightning in his body. In the nether world, limited by the power of the law, the source of the thunder and lightning in his body cannot be warmed up.

Shen Lang and Yunmeng fairy woke up after sleeping for several hours. During the process, Shen Lang was half asleep and half awake. He did not dare to sleep too well and was afraid that some unexpected guests would intrude.

Fortunately, there was no danger until they woke up. Only a few low-level Hades scurry around looking for food.

Shen Lang's spirit has almost recovered and Yunmeng fairy looks much better.

They didn't talk too much, and soon began to travel.

Three dogs have been killed, Shen Lang is OK, Yunmeng fairy's body is weak, long-distance travel is very unfavorable.

After discussing for a while, Yunmeng fairy plans to follow the previous method to take in a ghost beast and use it to travel.

They began to search in the fog marsh forest, and soon found a target by a small stream.

A wild horse with red hair was drinking water by the stream. It was five meters tall, with four feet extremely long and its head had red single horn, which was as bright as blood crystal.

"Four level peak ghost beast, red shadow horned horse! This is one of the five level netherworld's best at running. It's very fast, but it's not strong enough. It's much worse than the ordinary four level Hades. We're just aiming at the beast just to get through the road Yunmeng fairy explained.


As soon as Shen Lang's eyes lit up, he rushed towards the stream.


The red shadow horned horse found that the deep waves were approaching rapidly, opened its mouth and gave out a fierce roar, as if warning.

Shen Lang rushes forward and kicks back the red shadow wildebeest.

With a dull sound of "Dong", the red shadow wildebeest was suddenly kicked by Shen Lang, and his huge body fell to the ground, and his hind legs hurt.

The purpose of Shen Lang is not to let the red shadow wildebeest escape, so he attacks the hind legs of the wildebeest.

The fighting power of the red shadow horned horse was obviously much weaker than that of the three headed dog. After the horse fell to the ground, Shen Lang fought wildly in the past. The animal was almost unable to resist, so he was beaten down by Shen Lang.

Yunmeng fairy appeared in time, as before, using his own blood to depict the seal of the bleeding contract, and took the red shadow horned horse.Shen Lang didn't attack hard just now. The red shadow horned horses after taking them were all flesh injuries, so their actions were not a problem.

They sat on the back of the horned horse and headed for the deep fog marsh forest.

Even in the misty woods, the speed of the red shadow wildebeest is still very fast, which is much faster than that of the three headed dogs.

They rode through the fog marsh forest for a moment on the red shadow horned horse. They actually saw a clan land of evil spirits, and the scale was much larger.

Shenlang and Yunmeng fairies are not too surprised that the evil spirits are distributed all over the nether world.

Shen Lang was also ready to ask for some food and dry food from the evil ghost family. Seeing Shen Lang and Yunmeng fairy, all the evil spirits in the clan area were frightened and respectful. They naturally took out some dry food.

By chance, Shen Lang realized that the ancient demons were the king of this evil ghost family. Seeing Shen Lang and Yunmeng fairy breaking in, they thought they were the companions of the ancient demons.

Shen Lang was too lazy to mention the ancient devil, and continued to ask for a map.

these hag as like as two peas before the shenlang encounter, are just like a map in the small area, and there is not too far away.

However, Shen Lang was provided with a detailed map of part of the fog marsh forest area.

Shen Lang's eyes are bright. This is exactly what he needs.

The range of fog marsh forest is too large, if you do not mark all the way, it is easy to get lost. In this way, the travel speed is not fast, there is a detailed map, can save a lot of time.

Shen Lang studied the map carefully and found that he and Yunmeng fairy were already at the end of the fog marsh forest. If we didn't make a detour, we could go through the fog marsh forest if we walked north for two or three hundred miles.

The reason why there is no detour is mainly because there is a rather dangerous place in the north of the fog marsh forest, which is called poisonous fog swamp.

There are many poisonous insects, and natural disasters such as insect tide often occur. , the fastest update of the webnovel!