He was born with a hobby. When fighting with his opponent, he didn't like to kill him directly, but he liked to watch his enemy sink into despair.

Anyway, it's not so fast for yunzhangzi to finish the ninth robbery. He just has time to kill this boy.

Shen Lang is just a combination of his later cultivation. No matter how powerful his magic power is, his spiritual power must be insufficient. Lu Tianqi would like to see this boy look like when he is in despair.

Nine strange beasts continue to release their own magic power, Shen Lang also continues to use the sword field, countless sword shadows emerge from his body.

Shen Lang has improved the power of these two kinds of attacks to the extreme, but still can't cover Lu Tianqi's sword net.

What's more, Lu Tianqi doesn't seem to use all his strength.

Compared with the late Mahayana friars, Shen Lang's accomplishments are quite different.

After resisting for more than ten seconds, Shen Lang's spiritual power in his body almost ran out!

Before the fight has consumed part of his spiritual power, now this kind of high-intensity fighting method makes the spirit power in his body disappear at a very fast speed.

"It's not going to work like this."

It's hard to use your mace, but you can't help it.

He extracted some nine color divine light from the nine color bone ring and converted it into a large amount of spiritual power, which temporarily made up for the deficit.

After the transformation of the nine color divine light, the spiritual power is very pure, and directly matches with his own body.

Relying on the nine color divine light stored in the nine color bone ring, Shen Lang maintains the operation of the sword area and the nine spirit mietian.

After Lu Tianqi attacked for a while, he found that Shen Lang was still standing still. He didn't seem to show much decline. He couldn't help but express his disbelief.

I didn't see the boy absorb the spiritual power around him. How did he recover the spiritual power?

At this time, cloud trace son, relying on the magic power of sword domain, has passed the fifth robbery thunder.

The complete version of the sword field is really startling heaven and earth, weeping ghosts and gods. It is a combination of attack and defense, with infinite power.

Time is running out. Lu Tianqi sees that Shen Lang has not shown any decline. He is also a little reluctant to play any more.

"Purple green double sword, kill!"

Lu Tianqi fully releases his spiritual power and infuses it into the purple and green double swords.

The sword net formed by the purple and green swords suddenly burst out with dazzling light. The countless purple blue light arcs in the sword net burst into the sword shadow space formed by the sword area, and burst out with extreme power.

"Dong Dong Dong Dong!"

The violent explosion sound is like the collapse of heaven and earth. The purple blue light all over the sky devours everything, as if to tear up the sword shadow space!

In the bursts of explosions, the sword shadow space opened by Shen Lang was full of holes. Shen Lang opened his mouth and spewed out a large mouthful of blood. The sword field was almost broken, which made him suffer a certain amount of revenge.

Seeing that the situation of Shen Lang is in danger, the jade face boy and other three people are frightened.

"The friar of fangcunshan, who claims to be open and aboveboard, is shameless to bully a younger generation! It's really disgusting. You have the ability to come to us. " Bai Wei's holy daughter sneered coldly.

"You mean woman, don't talk too much!"

Lu Tianqi glances at the fallen white Wei goddess in the distance and hits out a white beam.


The beam of light shot like lightning, through the belly of the virgin.


Bai Wei's virgin opened her mouth and spat out blood. She fell to the ground and fainted. There was a hollow blood hole in the abdomen. The wound was terrible.


The jade faced boy, with his eyes wide open, drags the seriously injured body and reaches forward to lift up the comatose white Wei Saint daughter. He is filled with grief and indignation.

Bai Wei's virgin had been seriously injured just now, and now she has been hit by Lu Tianqi. She is already full of Qi, as if she will be cut off at any time.

"Hold on, ma'am."

The jade faced boy was so heartbroken that he quickly took out a large number of bottles and jars from the storage ring. Regardless of whether it was useful or not, he poured all the precious healing pills into the mouth of the white Wei saint.

Shen Lang was furious when she saw her daughter seriously injured and dying.

"Kill! Kill them all

He was totally free, and ordered nine strange animals to kill Lu Tianqi at the same time.


The golden eyed stone ape took the lead, swung the ice fire Liangyi mountain, and smashed Lu Tianqi with the potential of collapse.

"Blood spirit immortal body? Hum, it's a waste to give you such a superior constitution as a pig or a dog! "

A trace of jealousy flashed in Lu Tianqi's eyes, and his fingers pinched. Countless purple and blue sword rain hit the falling ice and fire Liangyi mountain, which made a huge noise.

The great power exerted by the golden eye stone ape on the ice fire Liangyi mountain is offset by the power of sword rain.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

Some sword rain directly hit the body of the golden eye stone ape. In a burst of dull sound, the golden eye stone ape was ripped by the sword rain, and the blood was raging.

After repelling the golden eye stone ape, Lei Jing rushed out and used the white rainbow thunder shuttle again. The five sharp iron tails shot out five leisuo containing the ultimate power, and quickly attacked Lu Tianqi.The frost dragon also shot out the claws of the cold flame and attacked Lu Tianqi.

"A little bit of work!"

Lu Tianqi disdains and opens his sword net to block all attacks.

Although the nine monsters can't hurt Lu Tianqi, they can also hold him back for some time.

Shen Lang takes advantage of nine exotic animals to fight with him, and continues to use his sword area, which is extremely powerful. Lu Tianqi was distracted from dealing with nine strange animals, and the sword shadow space actually suppressed the sword net.

Lu Tianqi was attacked on many sides, but he was still able to handle it. Alone, he blocked all the attacks of the nine monsters and wounded several of them.


Lu Tianqi yelled at him. The weak five color Golden Toad, phantom demon butterfly and three eyed Eagle were directly hit by his purple blue sword rain, and were killed on the spot. They were scattered in the sky.

At this time, the ninth robbery of yuncengzi has reached the eighth way.


In the sky, the golden thunder cloud exploded directly, and the du'erjin thunder, which was shaped like a swimming dragon, poured out and covered the sky like a rolling sea wave. It directly pressed down on the top of the cloud trace son! There is a kind of momentum of destroying heaven and earth.

The terror of robbery thunder startled the four sides, even Lu Tianqi, who was still fighting with other animals, was so shocked by the heavenly power.

The cloud trace son above the mountain still closed his eyes, stretched out his right finger and pointed to the sky.

Countless sword shadows turn into a huge rotating star, carrying the sky shaking and earth splitting potential! The power of Haixiao and landslide! Rise to the sky, straight through the sky!


Just like the earth and the earth breaking up, the extremely harsh roar makes people palpitating! The powerful and incomparable blow of yuncengzi unexpectedly resisted the eighth thunder robbery. It's unbelievable.

"No way."

Lu Tianqi saw that cloud trace son unexpectedly safely blocked the eighth robbery thunder, in the heart dark way is not good.

I can't play any more. I have to kill Shen Lang immediately, and then deal with Yun JINZI!

"Taiyifen lightsaber!"

Even if Lu Tianqi didn't give up his vitality, he had to spit out a mouthful of blood essence and use the taiyifen lightsaber formula!

In a flash, the sword net turned into two purple and blue swords with tens of thousands of meters in length. They went straight into the sky and poked a big hole in the sky!

Countless purple and blue sword rain fell from the cave entrance, attacking the deep waves and six foreign animals with scars.

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