"Good brother!"

"Second brother!"

"Deep waves!"

At this moment, the king of ape, King jiutou and yuluocha, who were closest to Shen Lang, cried out in astonishment at the same time, and their faces were frightened.

At the critical moment, longtuozi's eyes are quick, and his right hand fiercely strikes a light toward the giant turtle magic spirit on his side.

I saw that the giant tortoise magic spirit quickly turned into a huge green shining turtle shell shield.


Dragon camel, a rickety giant, hurled the tortoise shell shield.

"Hoo Hoo Hoo!"

The huge blue tortoise shell is like a discus. The Golden Shield condensed in front of Shen Lang's body is blocked in front of Shen Lang at the moment when it is punctured.

It was almost impossible to send it. The Tiansha needle just hit the tortoise shell.

And then.


The shell of the tortoise was smashed by the powerful Tiansha poison needle, and was broken into countless pieces.

Longtuozi blocked half of the power of the Tiansha poisonous needle at the cost of the life of the "earth carrying mysterious turtle" spirit.

Even if half of the power is dissolved, the power of the Tiansha poison needle is still creepy! It is not a magic power that Shen Lang can resist with normal means.

Among all the holy envoys of the three saints' sect, only Guixie's great envoy can perform the top-level Xuanxian skill while making up for the loss of himself. Although the Gangjian Saint envoy can barely perform the top Xuanxian skill, it needs to pay a certain price.

The cloud scorpion emissary is a special case. At the cost of losing a lot of his soul power and vitality, he can hit the life poison needle, and its power can reach the level of the top level of Xuanxian skill!


After the shell of the tortoise was broken by the poisonous needle of Tiansha, it continued to stab the shenlang's forehead with the terrifying and incomparable destructive power. The speed was appalling!

All the celestial friars who witnessed all this turned pale, especially those Taoist lovers in Shen Lang, who were pale and frightened.

At this critical moment.

Shen Lang's heart pulse suddenly lit up a golden awn which was full of the sun. Suddenly, he broke out and ran into the attacking Tiansha poison needle with the potential of tearing up the stars and destroying the sun.


The explosion was like a thunderbolt from the clear sky.

The golden awn that broke out of the body is the spirit of the spear and spear that hasn't come out for a long time!

Feeling that the master is in trouble, the spear is still coming out at the critical moment.

The head of the three pointed spear burst out the golden light, and resisted the attack of the Tiansha poison needle. It gave out a sharp and piercing sound and trembled.

Shen Lang's eyes are like electricity. He holds the fire spear spirit as fast as possible, and pours chaos spiritual power into the spirit.

"Spear, stop it!"

With the sound of Shen Lang's drinking, the purple flame of the spear and spear flashed, and the fierce purple fire snake flew out, and they all collided with the huge Tiansha poisonous needle.

"Boom, boom!"

A large area of Ziwei Tianhuo roared and burst, entangled and collided with the black light energy burst out of the Tiansha poison needle.

The fire sharp spear spirit was in a violent turbulence. Shen Lang infused his whole body's chaotic spiritual power into it, and finally managed to resist this extremely dangerous Tiansha poison needle! A sigh of relief.

"No It's impossible! "

Seeing that he couldn't kill Shen Lang with all his efforts, the cloud scorpion saint's mentality was about to explode. His mouth was filled with blood and he roared with grief and indignation.

"The dog of the three saints, die for me!"

Taking advantage of his good condition, Shen Lang holds the three pointed spear tightly, and his right arm is full of green tendons. The fire spear is surrounded by eight frightening purple fire snakes and stabs directly at the bloody scorpion with holes in his flesh!

This shot, the sun through the moon, destroy the sky and destroy the earth!


The lifeless blood and shadow Scorpio has no strength to defend. After making the last unwilling roar in his mouth, he is hit by the spear spirit.


The endless golden light and purple fire rise up, completely engulf the flesh of the scorpion, and the terrifying energy bursts and scatters. The sea floor is like a big earthquake, and the violent current sweeps around.

After a blow, the body of the bloody scorpion is completely fragmented and the body collapses.

Cloud scorpion emissary, died.

Fire spear spirit also turned into a little bit of streamer, into their own body.

Maybe the strength of shenlang spirit has been greatly improved compared with before. Therefore, this time, the soul power consumed by using the spear spirit is not much, which will not affect the next action.

"Demon pot, close it!"

Shen Lang turns his hand to offer sacrifice to the demon refining pot, and puts all the remaining chaotic spiritual power in his body into the demon refining pot, trying to take away the soul of the blood shadow scorpion.

"Hoo Hoo Hoo!"

Suddenly, a large blue storm suddenly rolled up in the demon pot, sweeping over the remains of the blood shadow scorpion, which bound the damaged soul of the blood shadow scorpion, and dragged his life into the pot.

However, at the moment of sucking away the bloody scorpion, the pot makes a dull sound of "bang bang bang", which is unstable.The soul power of the bloody Scorpio is too fierce and powerful, and it is actually resisting the binding power of the demon refining pot!

This is still in the condition that the soul of blood shadow scorpion is seriously injured. If the soul of blood shadow scorpion is intact, Shen Lang may not be able to control such a powerful soul.

"Be honest with me!"

Shen Lang's forehead is sweating, and he keeps on entering the chaotic spiritual power into the demon pot, trying to stabilize the soul of the bloody scorpion.

After a period of stalemate, the spirit of blood scorpion can be regarded as settled down, but it devoured and absorbed dozens of weak spirits of exotic sorcerers in the demon pot!

This situation is also normal. Once the strength gap between the many souls sealed in the demon pot is too large, the strong soul will devour the weak soul.

The soul of the blood shadow scorpion is damaged. Only with the energy of the broken demon refining pot, I don't know that it is necessary to warm up until monkey years and months to restore soul power. Devouring the souls of other exotic sorcery beasts can speed up the soul body recovery speed of blood shadow scorpion.

After a while, Shen Lang is able to command the soul of the blood scorpion freely, and his face is full of surprise.

This bloody Scorpio was the holy envoy of the three saints' sect. The strength of his soul is so strong that he can definitely become his main helper!

After taking over the blood shadow scorpion, Shen Lang quickly collected the storage ring left on the corpse of the cloud scorpion Saint envoy, and hurriedly expressed his thanks to longtuozi:

"thank you for saving your life."

If long Tuozi had not blocked half of the power of the Tiansha poison needle at the critical moment, he could not have completely resisted the Tiansha poison needle with his fire pointed spear and spirit.

In a word, longtuozi saved his life.

"Shen Daoyou is very serious. You and I have made an agreement before, so it is necessary to help each other. I just don't know. These Taoist friends around you are... " Longtuozi looked at the king of ape and other friars, feeling a little nervous.

"Long Daoyou don't have to worry. These are Shen's friends. At present, the situation is critical. After getting away, Shen will introduce my friends to you

Shen Lang said that he immediately offered sacrifices to Guangtian palace. He was about to let the monks like monkey king return to Guangtian palace. Previously, the cloud scorpion Saint emissary has sent a message to inform the gang chopping Saint envoy. It is estimated that gang chopping Saint emissary will soon lead the friars of the three saints cult to chase after him. This is not the best time to face up to the other side. Shen Lang still decides to flee here as soon as possible and make a circle with him.

When he thinks so.

"What is it?"

The ape King's eyes burst out, staring at the sea floor in the distance, warning sound. At the bottom of the sea in the distance, there was a large strange black fog surging and spreading at a very fast speed.

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