It is said that the mirror of evil in Fengdu city can understand all the sins committed by the dead before their death.

It is worth mentioning that the mirror of iniquity can only act on the soul and body, and has no effect on the living who have the physical body. Therefore, the former earthly friars can safely get in and out of Fengdu city.

Shen Lang enters the netherworld hell as a spirit body, which belongs to smuggling, and is naturally affected by the power of the evil mirror.

The surface of the soul body of the dead is covered with a layer of blood light. The depth of the blood light attached to the surface of each soul body is different, which represents the severity of the sin.

In the middle of the square there is a huge well head with a diameter of 100 Zhang.

Innumerable undead who were exposed to the mirror of iniquity jumped into the well head one after another.

The well head is the "well of hell". There are a few words about this well in the map Shen Lang read earlier.

The well of hell is the transmission place of the undead. The undead who has been exposed to the evil mirror will fall into the hell of a certain level according to the severity of their crimes.

In front of the well head, there are more than a dozen ghost errands, all of them have the breath fluctuation of Luo Tianxian's early cultivation.

"See the ghost emissary!"

Seeing Shen Lang come forward with a giant sickle in his hand, many ghost messengers kneel down on one knee one after another and perform a great ceremony. Their manner is a little dull, so they should be puppets.

"No gift!"

Shen Lang waved his hand and said, "I was ordered by the Lord of the mansion to go to the 18th hell to deal with important matters. I wonder if the well of hell can be used as a shortcut for me to go directly to the eighteenth prison. "

As soon as the words came out, the ghosts looked at each other.

The head of a ghost puppet in black armor clasped his fist and said: "if the ghost emissary holds the reincarnation note of the reincarnation God, he can indeed reach a certain level of hell. If there is no reincarnation note, I'm afraid we have to go through it layer by layer. "

Shen Lang frowned. He didn't hear Long Ming mention reincarnation paper before. Maybe it doesn't exist in this era.

"I don't have samsara. Is there any other way to get to the 18th prison quickly?" Shen Lang asked.

Black armour ghost sent a way: "I can't do anything, but I hope the ghost envoy forgive me."

After hearing this reply, Shen Lang was disappointed. It seemed that there was no other shortcut.

It's very difficult to get to the bottom of the 18th layer of hell in less than 10 days, and I don't know what kind of danger will be encountered on the way.

"Although I can't send the ghost emissary to the 18th prison, I can open the transmission channel of the first prison, so that the ghost emissary can quickly reach the end of the first prison."

Shen Lang raised his eyebrows. Although he said there was something wrong with him, he could save his time in the first prison.

"In that case, let's open the delivery channel quickly." Shen Lang urged.

"Yes, please follow me."

After giving a deep salute, the black armor ghost led Shen Lang to a stone platform behind the hell well, casting the spell and starting the transmission array on the stone platform.

"Through this transmission array, you can reach the reincarnation tunnel at the end of the first prison. The Lord of the prison is also there. He may have a way to lead the ghost emissary to the 18th prison quickly."

Black armor ghost almost every word said.


Shen Lang's mind must have come slowly to the stone platform.

At the foot of the transmission array out of a burst of blue light, "whoosh" sound, the Shen wave was transmitted out.


According to the description on the map of hell given by Longming to Shen Lang, the first prison is the hell with the largest area. Shen Lang can still save a considerable amount of time through the transmission array.

At the end of the first prison is a high mountain.

There is a hollow cave in the middle of the mountain.

It can be seen that the grottoes are full of strange and dim lights of seven colors. The inner space is like a wave, twisting and releasing a huge suction force, which makes the surrounding space extremely disordered.

The space in the cave is the reincarnation tunnel.

The undead who came to the end of the first prison, at least in the first prison, suffered nearly a million years of pain and suffering.

In order to get rid of the endless pain and suffering, the dead people who arrived here rushed into the reincarnation tunnel and tried to reincarnate.

Hell's eighteen levels. The only way to connect layers is the samsara tunnel.

In other words, if Shen Lang wants to lead to the second prison, he must go through the reincarnation tunnel of the first prison.

As long as he can withstand the whirlwind of samsara and the storm of yin and Yang in the samsara tunnel, he can reach the second prison.

There is no ghost patrol around the cave outside the samsara tunnel. There are only two giant statues standing on the left and right.

The two statues are ten thousand feet high and look like human beings, but the statue on the right has a cow's head and holds a huge axe; the statue on the left has a horse's head and a big knife in hand, which is extremely ferocious.

This image is just the messenger of hell!

Shen Lang just sent it to the cave at the end of the first prison. Outside the cave, the statue of ox head and horse's face suddenly came to life."Who dares to break into the tunnel of reincarnation?"

The ox headed and horse faced messenger stopped in front of the grottoes, and the extremely terrible breath made the surrounding air solidify. The extremely strong sense of pressure scared many dead people down the mountain trembling.

Shen Lang's mind was awe inspiring. He only felt that the two envoys were extraordinary, and their spirits were comparable to those of the later monks of the celestial immortals!

"The ghost emissary of the underworld went to the 18th prison to deal with important matters at the order of the Lord of the mansion!"

Shen Lang, holding the giant sickle of Yama, remained unchanged.

Although the messenger knew the underworld, he didn't give Shen Lang face at all. He said, "the gate of hell has long been closed by heaven. Even if he is a ghost emissary, he can't enter the netherworld hell at will. Please come back!"

Shen Lang frowned and said without expression: "do you really want to sell this face?"

"We are the master of the first prison, and our duty is to guard the reincarnation tunnel of the first prison. We won't let any non undead enter the samsara tunnel unless the Lord of the underworld comes in person! " Said the bull head messenger in a deep voice.

Ma Mian emissary also said, "come back, Daoyou! I won't say it again for the third time. If you dare to go one step further, we will not be polite! "

"In this case, let Shen see what you two hell emissaries have

Shen Lang's eyes were shining, and the holy pupil of Shura at the center of his eyebrows spewed out a large amount of blood light with lightning speed, and went towards the two envoys on the horses and oxen.

"Beyond my ability!"

The ox headed and horse faced messengers roared and opened their mouths to spew out the dark hell fire all over the sky to resist the attack of blood light.

"Boom! Boom!"

Then came the deafening roar and burst. The Inferno fire emitted by the bull headed and horse faced emissary is so powerful that it can even stand in deadlock with the blood light released by the holy pupil of Shura in the heart of Shen Lang's eyebrows. , the fastest update of the webnovel!