In a flash, ten days later.

Yingyou still hasn't come back, and Longming is in a heavy and gloomy mood.

Now it's the worst.

Forget the river.

Under the orders of many three saints' cult leaders, the army launched the joint attack technique in batches and attacked the blood spirit array continuously.

"Dong Dong, Dong, Dong, Dong!"

The deafening roar resounded through the sky, and the land of a million miles around the river has turned into a piece of barren land.

One billion three holy cult troops are constantly attacking the blood spirit array outside the river. No matter how impregnable it is, the blood spirit array of raoshi Prefecture can not withstand such an attack.

The blood spirit array finally failed to hold on the tenth day, and cracks began to appear on the surface of the array. Once the array has cracks, it will accelerate to collapse.

It is expected that within a few hours, the blood spirit array will collapse completely.

Longming immediately ordered the commander of the underworld to summon all the remaining friars in the underworld. The total strength was only 10 million, and half of the monks were still wounded.

Compared with the one billion troops of Sansheng cult, the remaining forces in Difu are like a mantis in a chariot. Anyone can imagine the outcome of this war.

Even though they knew it was a must die situation, they resolutely took part in the final battle.

To this day, the ghost cultivation who can stay in the underworld has long held the heart of death. As for those who are greedy for life and fear of death or are not willing to be involved in the friars, they have escaped from the samsara immortal realm before.

Half an hour later, all the Difu troops gathered above the Difu hall.

Standing above the hall of the underworld, Longming is wearing a clothes of eroding the sun and holding the sword of the underworld. His eyes reveal a boundless arrogance, exuding a sense of majesty like a king in the world. Behind him are tens of thousands of underground troops.

As the Lord of the underworld, long Ming will never leave the underworld until the last moment. This is his final dignity!

Long Ming held up his sword and roared up to the sky: "all of you are of the same way. Today, let's kill the three saints' bandits together to avenge our dead reincarnation immortal world!"

"Kill the three saints' traitors

Innumerable prefectural friars roared like heartrending, shaking and drinking, and the momentum was startling and the war spirit was boiling.


The underground hall below suddenly burst out a black escape light, it is the princess Lianxing.

Long Ming glanced at the princess Lianxing who was flying in her eyes. She said angrily, "Lianxing, didn't you take Shen Lang's body away? Why don't you start yet? "

"Dad, the war is coming. Let your daughter do it for you. This is her last wish."

Princess Lianxing flew to Longming and handed a cup full of spirit wine to Longming. Even though she tried to suppress her emotions, she could not hide her sad application.

Longming didn't look at Princess Lianxing with a straight eye. He quickly grabbed the glass she had handed her, drank the spirit wine in the cup, and urged, "Lianxing, you have a great responsibility. Don't ruin the big thing!"

"Don't worry about your father. Your daughter will live up to your trust."

Princess Lianxing bowed to Longming three times with tears in her eyes, and then returned to the hall of the underworld.

For 300 years, Shen Lang's body has been preserved in the heaven and earth reversed array. The underground hall can lead to the independent space where the heaven and earth upside down array is located.

The sealed boundary transmission array of the underground mansion is located in the master's bedroom of the mansion hall. This boundary transmission array is also the highest secret known to all previous governors.

As early as a few days ago, Longming had already untied the seal of the boundary transmission array, and Princess Lianxing could leave the immortal circle with Shen Lang's body at any time.

The reason why I wait until now is that I have a glimmer of hope that Ying you can bring back the soul of Shen Lang from hell.

Unfortunately, Ying you still failed to bring back Shen Lang's soul.

At present, it can't be delayed any more. Princess Lianxing first came to the upside down array of heaven and earth through the transmission channel hidden in the hall.

Shen Lang's body is placed in the middle of the array, holding a upright posture. His skin is as smooth as jade, and his breath of vitality is as normal.

"Mr. Shen, from now on, you will be the master of Lianxing. Master, Lianxing will take you away

Princess Lianxing took a deep breath and carried the heavy waves on her back.

Before leaving this independent space, she did not forget to cast a spell to destroy the upside down array.

Since the earthly friars can't use this upside down array, naturally they can't let it fall into the hands of the three saints.

"Boom, boom!"

The black tornado with astonishing energy was hit in the palm of Princess Lianxing. The terrible black storm raged in the space. All the crystal bricks on the wall and floor were turned into powder. A magic power destroyed the heaven and earth without leaving a trace.

After destroying the upside down array of heaven and earth, Princess Lianxing hurriedly takes Shen Lang to the master's bedroom.

It takes a short time to start the boundary teleportation array. The blood spirit array has not yet completely collapsed, which is enough to support Princess Lianxing to start the boundary teleportation array.At the same time, long Ming has led the army of the underworld to rush out of the blood spirit formation and attack the three saints' cult army besieging the river.


For a moment, all kinds of aura burst, hiss and roar, magic weapon shock sound.

All of a sudden, the underground army killed from the blood spirit array was extremely fierce, and the three saints' cult army besieged in front of the river was in disorder and broke down.

The Dragon Ming who rushes in the front wields the Ming King's sword in his hand, and the black awn is raging all over his body. However, all the monks affected by the black light turn into powder and blood mist, and nobody can stop it.


In the center of the three saints' army in the rear, a gorgeous golden chariot floats in the void.

The chariot is carved out of gold, releasing a dazzling golden halo, which is particularly conspicuous.

A demon Xiu with gold armor, six wings on his back and a golden helmet sits on a futon in the center of the treasure cart, meditating in peace. He emits a strong energy fluctuation, just like a flash of golden sun. His breath is amazing.

This demon is the head of Xuanyuan three saints, Emperor shadow!

Who could have thought that Huang Ying, who was seriously injured and dying more than 300 years ago, has not only recovered completely, but also been promoted to the golden fairyland of Daluo!

Like Huang Ying, today's three saints are not the same as before.

There are as many as 100 Luo Tianxian surrounded by golden chariots. These friars are all three saints' apostles. They are all dressed in golden armor and look dull like puppets.

After the underground army rushed out, the commander of the three saints' cult rushed to the center of the army to send a message. He yelled at the golden chariot where the emperor shadow was located: "report to the cult leader, the prefectural friars are killed!"

As soon as the words fell, the Dragon Ming in the rear was deceived by the thunder, and the king of the underworld split his sword horizontally.

"Boom With the sound of violent roar, the commander who was summoned was instantly killed into a blood mist by the destructive energy of the Hades sword. , the fastest update of the webnovel!