This Silver Star bead is the one Shen Lang got earlier.

Although the spirit body of Moby Dick suffered heavy damage, it did not die after being hit by Shen Lang's soul searching technique.

Shen Lang can take advantage of the star body beads to subdue it, and perhaps control the spirit body to re-enter the body of beluga, so that the white whale star remains "dead and alive".

The ability of star relic beads is to enslave and seal star skeletons. In fact, it is the soul body of enslaved star skeletons.

A friar can control up to two star beads, and there will be no conflict between accepting the Moby Dick and shenlang's originally owned constellation of Pegasus.

Shen Lang cut his fingertips with a sharp blade according to the method described in "Tian Xing Bi Tan". He dripped his own blood on the surface of the star body beads and Moby Dick spirits, and then made two special seals, which were buried in the spirit bodies of the star and Moby Dick.


Suddenly, the star beads in Shen Lang's hands give off the silver light of the sun.

The Moby whale spirit seems to be under a strong traction, gradually absorbed by the silver shining star beads, until it is completely swallowed up.

In this way, Moby Dick spirit is sealed into the star beads.

At this moment, Shen Lang felt that his mind was connected with the spirit of Moby Dick, and he was able to control every move of Moby Dick.


Taking advantage of the small universe in his body has not disappeared, Shen Lang uses the huge star energy to stimulate the star body beads.

After absorbing a large amount of star energy, the miniature Moby Dick spirit in the star body bead becomes tens of thousands of feet long and flies towards the corpse of beluga on the lake like a swift wind and thunder.

The only sound of "boom" is a dull sound, and the spirit of Moby Dick has disappeared into the corpse of beluga.

"Boom, boom!"

The great white whale's body was restored with a light from the white whale's abdomen.

This beluga star skeleton is originally the star body refined by Moby Dick spirit body. Beluga spirit can naturally use its soul power to repair this damaged body.

Shen Lang was overjoyed at what he saw. If he could use this powerful white whale for his own use, he would certainly be of great help in the future!

In particular, the "gray space" in its belly is of great use. Being in this space, the monks below Dara Jinxian can get rid of the shackles of the laws of heaven and earth, and impact the bottleneck of cultivation.

With the blessing of the small universe, the star energy provided by shenlang is amazing.

After only ten breaths, the damaged body of the beluga remains completely restored, even the damaged abdominal space.


At last, the giant Moby Dick regained its power of action, and the giant tail swung, making waves!

Shen Lang's face shows a look of ecstasy. It's no less than getting a treasure with such powerful star skeletons!

With the Silver Star beads in his hand, he can control this beluga star skeleton at will, which is very convenient.

Shen Lang thought of the purpose of this trip and immediately thought.

The beluga star skeleton opens its wide fangs and spits out the sand in the inner space.

A large number of Tianxuan star sand rolled to the side of shenlang with a bright wind.

Shen Lang's eyes were shining. He turned his hand and took out a cloth bag from the storage ring. A large amount of Tianxuan star sand carried by the quiet wind poured into the bag.

In just a few minutes, the Tianxuan sand ejected from the beluga remains is already tens of kilograms, enough for your own use.

Shen Lang was overjoyed. He didn't expect to get Tianxuan Xingsha in this way.

Contentedly, Shen Lang throws the Silver Star bead out of his hand and hits the blunt head of beluga, which is like a huge mountain.

The gigantic Moby Dick turned into a large silver ray, and all of them poured into the beads.

In this way, Shen Lang easily seals the star skeleton of beluga into the star bead, which is a complete acceptance of the star skeleton of beluga!

When the White Pearl of the white star comes back to the white star, the White Pearl of the inner star can be felt.

The strength of this beluga skeleton has reached the limit that the Silver Star beads can seal and carry!

Shen Lang collected the silver star like a treasure. Because of the extremely strong fluctuation of life breath, the star bone beads above the silver level will be judged as living things when they try to collect the storage ring, which can not be accepted normally. However, Shen Lang's rhinoceros ring can just store such things, which is not a problem.

After getting Tianxuan Xingsha, Shen Lang has achieved the purpose of this trip.

Tianxuan star sand contains amazing star energy. If you directly absorb the star energy in Tianxuan star sand, it will be a hundred times faster than the star energy transformed by chaos power!

This kind of thing is just like the best fairy stone. Naturally, the more the better.Through previous soul searching, Shen Lang learned that a small amount of Tianxuan star sand was still sealed at the bottom of Xingyue lake.

This part of Tianxuan star sand at the bottom of Xingyue lake can be mined any time. It is not urgent to get something sooner or later.

What Shen Lang really cares about is the Tianxuan star sand in xingmeteorite cave. Xingmeteorite cave is indeed a meteorite crater left over from the ancient Lich age. Although it has consumed a large part of Tianxuan star sand after countless years of mining, until the end of the war, there are still quite a number of Tianxuan star sands in the central caves of xingmeteorite cave, which should be several hundred thousand kilograms!

Such an exaggerated number is enough for Shen Lang to wave holly.

Thinking that you are already a Sagittarius gold star envoy, you can't help using the star energy in the future. If you can get a large number of Tianxuan star sand, it is undoubtedly a significant cultivation resource!

Shen Lang was very excited, but he also understood that it was not so easy to get the Tianxuan star sand resources in xingmeteorite cave.

Although there are a large number of Tianxuan sand in xingmeteorite cave, there are a large number of star skeleton organisms around it, and there are a lot of Silver Star skeletons.

If that's all, it's OK. Shen Lang learned from the soul searching of Moby Dick that there seems to be a powerful golden star skeleton in the middle of the meteorite cave!

After weighing the pros and cons, Shen Lang decided to take a risk.

With the blessing of the small universe, Shen Lang's combat power is far better than ordinary Dara Jinxian. As long as time permits, he has enough confidence to knock down the golden star skeletons!

In fact, the combat power of the Moby Dick spirit that I encountered before is very close to the golden star skeleton.

The treasure is near, and Shen Lang has no reason to shrink back.

After making up his mind, he tried his best to run the small universe in his body, and his golden vestment was shining with dazzling gold. The sound of "bang" was dull, and the deep wave rose like a bright golden meteor, and flew away in the direction of the meteorite cave in front of it. , the fastest update of the webnovel!