"Dong Dong Dong!"

The loud sound is like the explosion of the Milky way and the collapse of heaven and earth.

The endless strong light from the arrow of killing God covered everything. The bodies of the original God and Asura disappeared in the strong light, and they were gone in an instant.

Shen Lang, emperor of Donghua, ancestor of Styx sect, xuanxiao, goddess of cangyue, Duan Lei, emperor of nine poisons, Fei ye, ice and snow, Ouyang Changfeng and other monks are all devoured by the strong light.

However, in addition to the target shot by the arrow of killing gods, although the rest of the monks felt the energy impact like the extinction of heaven and earth, they did not suffer any damage, and seemed to be exempted.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

The roar continued, and the space inside the first floor of the reincarnation palace collapsed repeatedly.

When the soul of Yuanshi Tianzun was destroyed, the reincarnation palace had become a ownerless thing.

The destructive force in the first floor of reincarnation palace was too strong, and the protection mechanism was started by itself. The internal space began to collapse and transfer, and the terrifying energy poured out and spread to the outside world.

Shen Lang and other monks were also squeezed out of the outer world by the pressure of space generated inside the reincarnation palace!

I don't know if it's the monks. Everything in the reincarnation palace has been removed, including the fallen immortal treasures, and even the destructive energy in the first layer of the reincarnation palace.

In a flash, they were forced out of the reincarnation palace and returned to the sky above the snow mountain.

"Boom boom!"

The golden light and blood awn that destroyed the sky and the earth ravaged the outside world, covering the whole snow mountain.

The power of the arrow of killing gods is so powerful that it can't be described. The destruction energy transferred from the reincarnation heavenly palace ravages the outside world. I don't know how long the explosion lasted.

Under the impact of golden light and blood awn, the whole snow mountain completely collapsed and turned into a mess.

All the spaces around the snow mountain collapse, forming countless gaps and cracks in space, and the whole Mongolian world seems to be experiencing the collapse of heaven and earth!

I don't know how long it took for the big bang to subside.

The monks stood on the void, looking blankly at the ruined and shapeless Mongolian space, and could not be calm for a long time.

Shen Lang, who shot the arrow of killing God, had a serious overdraft of his soul power. The huge dizziness almost swallowed him up. Shen Lang's whole body was convulsing and trembling, and his whole body was shaking in mid air.

"Brother Shen, how do you feel?"

Cangyue Saint flew to him in time, helped him up and asked.

"No harm!"

Shen langqiang's spirit, running from the body of the glass fire.

Fortunately, at the moment of the self explosion of Buddha's relic, Jin chanzi transferred many of the original forces of the waves to the division of the soul, including the liulixindeng fire.

With the power of Liuli's heart fire, Shen Lang can barely keep his consciousness clear.

"At last... It's over!"

Shen Lang showed a relieved expression and felt that everything seemed to be over.

Under the power of shaking heaven and earth, the soul of the original God has been completely destroyed. Theoretically speaking, it is impossible to recover.

Of course, Yuanshi Tianzun is the Taoist Tianzun who survived from the Hunyuan era, and may not have no other means to protect his life.

The monks standing in the mid air released their divine consciousness one after another and scanned around the snow mountain, trying to find out the trace of Yuanshi Tianzun, for fear that the old man was not dead yet.

After the state of Shen Lang and so on recovered a little, he immediately opened the Shura holy pupil to see around.

Don't say, he really found a trace!

In the depths of the crumbling ice of a large snowy mountain, there are white spots.

The number of these light spots is rare, but they are clearly visible, rising like white dandelion, releasing a dazzling white light, giving people an indescribable deep sense of mystery, just like the pure world God light.

"This is..."

As soon as Shen Lang frowned, he flew away to the spot of light and came to the ice.

I don't know if it was Shen Lang who found this place strange. The emperor of Donghua and the ancestor of Styx came here almost at the same time.

Seeing this, the friars followed one after another.

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