C481 Greater Thousand Worlds

Name:Godly Emperor Author:
Thunder rumbled in the sky as lightning dragons flashed wildly!

Wei Yuanmao had already climbed the Heaven's Altar steps, and quickly walked to the top of the Heaven's Altar step by step!

At the same time, when the lightning tribulation began, the will of the entire dimensional world started to rage violently as well.

This was a tribulation lightning that had flown up to the boundless universe, so naturally, the will of the dimensional world was also aware of it. Therefore, when the tribulation lightning descended, the will of the dimensional world immediately helped Wei Yuanmao to resist it together.

And with the help of the will of the dimensional world, the pressure Wei Yuanmao faced was not too great. At the same time, when the will of the dimensional world was resisting the tribulation of lightning, Wei Yuanmao was also aware of it.

After all, to be able to withstand the thunder tribulation so easily, even the stupidest tribulation user would be able to discover some clues.

The lightning tribulation was able to help him, and it was also obvious that the will of the dimensional world was already intent on going to the boundless universe. However, there had never been any power from the Heavenly Court that was able to reach Heavenly Court of China's current state.

Now that the Heavenly Court of China had reached such a stage and was about to ascend to the boundless universe, the will of the dimensional world would naturally not let go of this opportunity.

If Heavenly Court of China fails to ascend into the boundless universe, then dimensional world's will also represents that she will miss this chance. She did not know when the next opportunity will come, so in this opportunity, dimensional world's will will would immediately strike when Heavenly Court of China is undergoing her tribulation.

It was precisely by virtue of this advantage that Wei Yuanmao was able to quickly ascend the Heaven's Altar.

At the same time, in the Imperial Capital, in the Underworld, in the Demon Clan, in the Thunderclap Temple, and in all the forces of the Heavenly Court, everyone was dumbstruck to see Wei Yuanmao ascend the Heaven's Altar so quickly.

"Celestial Emperor, Celestial Emperor!"

Within the imperial city, it was unknown who had shouted this sentence. Following that, the entire dimensional world, as well as the voice of the Heavenly Emperor, shook the heavens!


They just saw Wei Yuanmao standing at the top of the Heaven's Altar, hand pressing and printing, quickly chanting an incantation.

Rumble rumble rumble!

His entire dimensional world began to tremble.

"We're about to ascend into the boundless universe. Pass down the order, prepare for battle immediately."

As the entire dimensional world is trembling, a series of orders were transmitted from your Heavenly Court of China, within the imperial city.

Everyone knew that when the Heavenly Court of China ascended to become a power in the Holy See, and when their dimensional world reached the boundless universe, everyone would soon face a fierce battle.

Wei Yuanmao felt her dimensional world tremble, and his eyes narrowed slightly. Wei Yuanmao also knew that this was the will of her dimensional world that had endured the tribulation of lightning;

And the fact that the dimensional world had risen to the boundless universe also meant that the Heavenly Court of China had been promoted to a power in the Holy See.

stood on the Heaven's Altar and he could easily feel that the entire dimensional world was rising into the sky at an extremely fast speed.

As they got closer and closer to the boundless universe, the dimensional world quickly locked onto the boundless universe and began to fuse with it. As long as they fused with the boundless universe, then the dimensional world would be considered to have completely entered the boundless universe.

At the same time, in the boundless universe, the area which had been locked in place by the dimensional world had suddenly erupted with heavenly thunder, flames shooting into the sky.

"Haha, the Heavenly Court has ascended into the Great Thousand World."

"This time, I must plunder properly."

In a nearby area, all the living beings turned their gazes toward the area where the heavenly thunders had exploded.

At the same time, these people were also prepared to make their moves. These people were the raiders of the boundless universe, and the dimensional world of every single person who had just ascended to the boundless universe, as well as the powers of the Holy Court, would be robbed by them.

These raiders also knew that the forces of the Holy Court that had just ascended weren't very strong as a whole. Among the forces that had ascended into the Great Thousand World, the strongest were mostly cultivators of the Nihility Sage Stage. Under normal circumstances, half a step into the sage realm was already considered very high in the sky.

That was why these raiders dared to be so arrogant. Even the powerful powers in the Holy Court couldn't stop them. After all, there were powerful cultivators among the raiders.

Amongst the looters, there were a few strong ones. Their target was not the newly ascended Holy Court, but some rather powerful ones.

However, the Chinese Holy Court is different from the other powers in the Holy Court.

"Another power of the Holy See has ascended."

As the heavenly thunder exploded, flames shot up into the sky. The Saint Masters of the powers that were undergoing the heavenly tribulation also began to react. All of them stared fixedly at the location where the heavenly thunder exploded.

"Do we need to help this power in the Holy See?"

Countless divine senses were communicating in the void. These were the divine senses of the nearby Sacred Masters. When they knew that a new Holy Court had arrived, they knew that the forces of the Holy Court had been targeted by the looters.

If they didn't help this force of the Holy Court, the Holy Lords of all the powers in the Holy Court believed that they would definitely not be able to withstand the looting of these raiders. The looting would be the end of this force.

"We can take a look at the power of this force first and see if it's worthy for us to take action."

These telepathic thoughts continued to communicate in the air.

After a long time.

In the end, all the powers in the Holy Court chose to wait and see.

Of course, if Wei Yuanmao knew about the thoughts of the Sacred Masters of the Holy Palace, he would immediately smile in disdain. Although Heavenly Court of China had just been promoted to a power of the Holy Palace, not to mention fighting against the raiders, even if he had Chinese Holy Court s, it would be easy to deal with them.

It had to be known, within Heavenly Court of China, there were quasi-sages, half-step saints and saints. Although Di Jun only came out for three hours, but he was still a sage realm cultivator, there was no doubt about it.

With Di Jun's strength, solving all these problems was not a problem.

Following the explosion of the heavenly thunder, all of Wei Yuanmao's dimensional world, under the guidance of his dimensional world, quickly entered the dimensional world.

Next, the Heavenly Court of China, oh no, should be the Chinese Holy Court. Next, the life and death of Chinese Holy Court, should have nothing to do with the will of dimensional world.

After the will of the dimensional world enters the boundless universe, the will of the dimensional world will immediately leave the dimensional world where Wei Yuanmao is at.