
Name:Godly Fisherman Author:
We all know that bear is a big weapon country, but...... Their equipment, such as armored vehicles and tanks, is good, but they are short of fire for high-precision equipment such as UAV. Once they went to buy a batch of UAVs with Israel, and even tested the United Arab Emirates united-40 large UAV!

As the world's second-largest arms exporter, it is ironic that it wants to buy weapons from the United Arab Emirates, one of the world's most important arms importers.

To put it bluntly, I still don't pay attention to it. Xiong people are more suitable for rough work. Other equipment dare not say, but in the no man machine this item, Xiong country is far behind China.

It's not like the soldiers in the country of narku? Who is afraid of whom! But let them accept new technology and new equipment? Their heads are still a little square.

Like paliuka, he obviously does not believe in the role of no man machine, but what does this matter have to do with Xiao Peng? I've told you everything I need to tell you, but he doesn't teach people the hobby of becoming smart.

At this time, the distant sound of gunfire.

Xiao Peng was stunned: "what happened?"

Paliuka's eyes widened: "these fools!"

"What do you mean?" Xiao Peng asked.

Paliuka said bitterly, "this is the sound of AKM's guns and our equipment. The soldiers on the island can't bear the things that Japanese soldiers sneak in...... But they can't be so stupid, can they? I told them these people are the key! It's an important person to testify against Japan! "

Xiao Peng didn't know what to say when he heard this: "don't worry, don't you contact them? Maybe they're just bluffing? "

"Oh, yes! I'm confused Captain paliuka quickly contacted the patrol over there, and soon he came back, but his face was a little strange.

"What's that look like?" Xiao Peng asked.

Captain paliuka sighed, took off his raincoat and clothes and soaked himself in the hot spring: "those Japanese people are so unlucky. Some bears who have just come out of the nest found them...... The gun was a bear shooter. You may not understand that the bear must be killed after eating people, otherwise it will develop the problem of taking people as food. In fact, we bear here are afraid of people, after all, as long as the idea of hurting people will be killed. But they were so unlucky that they met the bear who had just come out of hibernation. After all, we are a volcanic island, and we don't have so much food, so bears still have to hibernate. They must be hungry when they come out of the nest. "

Every time we mention hibernating animals, we will think of bears first. In fact, most bears don't hibernate. Only those living in places where food is scarce in winter can hibernate. If there is enough food, bears won't hibernate. When have you seen bears hibernating in zoos?

But bears hibernate because of lack of food, hungry all winter, see four prey they can bear? The results are conceivable. Poor bear, just shot.

Well, he didn't feel that those Japanese soldiers would die, but he still felt a little sad when the bear died.

Paliuka soaked herself in the hot spring and took out a small wine pot from her pocket and handed it to Xiao Peng: "the good news is that the bear first gnaws at the viscera of those Japanese people, and his face can still be recognized. But..... Trouble will come. "

"Troublesome things?" Xiao Peng asked.

Paliuka nodded: "yes, such a thing has happened. During this period of time, it is certain that the domestic attention will be put on kunasher Island, and the mineral cooperation plan here may be affected!"

Xiao Peng shrugged: "this matter has nothing to do with me, but I think it is just to cooperate in the development of iron ore, not so troublesome?"

"Well, so it is. No, it seems to be a good thing. It can promote Huaxia mining industry to enter the island more quickly! " Paliuka suddenly began to get excited.

Xiao Peng directly reached out and interrupted him: "don't tell me anything, I don't know anything! What I want now is to change into a clean suit of clothes and have a good sleep...... Wait a minute. How many bears did you say you killed

Paliuka nodded her head and said, "yes, but the bear skin is not complete as soon as the waste is beaten. As for the bear meat...... Well, it's delicious. It's very tender. It's a little bit like veal. They're ready to send the dead bear back to the camp and improve the food. "

Xiao Peng's eyes widened: "you call quickly! I want bear's paws! It's said to be delicious. I haven't eaten it yet! It's illegal to eat bear's paws in our country. It's OK to come to you. Let me have a taste of it! "

"Bear's paws can also be eaten?" Paliuka widened her eyes: "we eat bears, but we never eat bear paws! But I've heard of experts in our country who are good at cooking bear's paws. "

Xiao Peng waved his hand: "believe me, the most favorite bear in the world is not your bear people, but our Chinese people. We Chinese love bears deeply. You can call me quickly and get in touch with me. I have something to do now! I want the forefoot! It's better to have the right forefoot! "

In China, not to mention killing bears, even buying or eating is illegal, but in bear country, this is not a problem.Xiao Peng said that Chinese people love bears. This is not a joke. There have been records of eating bears since the spring and Autumn period. But it is said that the mount of Chiyou, the ancient evil god, was a bear (or maybe a panda). The Xuanyuan family of the Yellow Emperor, the head of the five emperors, is called Youxiong, so some people call it Youxiong.

Later, the royal family of Chu in the spring and Autumn period was the descendants of Xiong. For example, the surname "Mi" in the TV drama "Mi Yue Zhuan" is actually Xiong's descendants. According to historical records, in the spring and Autumn period, Duke Ling of Jin slaughtered his own cook because the bear paws cooked by the cook were not delicious.......

It is said that bear's paw belongs to one of the "ancient eight treasures". In fact, bear's paw was not one of the "ancient eight treasures" before the Qing Dynasty. In the Qing Dynasty, when the Qing government made Han officials submit, they were allowed to eat bear paws to prove that they abandoned their ancestors and submitted to the Qing Dynasty. Then bear paw, together with elephant trunk, hump, civet, leopard fetus, monkey brain, lion milk and deer antler, is called "mountain eight treasures".

However, the bear's paw eaten by China is black bear's paw, and here is brown bear's paw. It should be about the same.

Many foreigners say that it is cruel for Chinese to eat bear's paws. In fact, anyone who said this would just slap him in the face.

Bear country, Germany and so on all have bear food, especially the German, they also have thousands of years of history of eating bear paws, and today there are!

German bear's paw food is more delicate, and it takes a few days to do it! First, the whole bear's paw should be eroded with spicy red wine, then sliced with grilled pork, and finally sprinkled with lemon juice and wine. Is now recognized as the best bear's paw cuisine in the world.

In fact, bear people also eat bear's paws, but after all, bear people are more rough, so bear's paws are usually smoked and stewed with spices.

Now, the practice of bear's paw cooking in China has been basically broken, but Xiao Peng has inherited it in his mind. Naturally, he knows the cooking method of bear's paw!

The reason why he wants the right forefoot is that it's the best. First of all, the back of the bear's paw is narrow and tastes fishy, which can't be compared with the quality of the forepaw.

The same is the forehand, and there is a saying of "left inferior and right jade", that is, the left palm is slightly worse, and the right palm is the best.

Moreover, bear's paws are hard to handle. If the heat is not enough, it can't be rotten. In those years, Duke Ling of Jin killed his cook because his paws were not rotten and could not be moved. If the heat was too high, it would be no exaggeration to say that the teeth of this man could be stuck off!

During the Qing Dynasty, there was a tradition of eating bear's paws in the imperial palace. There must be a steamed bread beside it! Eat a bear's paw, you need to use steamed bread to clean the chopsticks. This is because there is too much gum in bear's paw. If you don't wipe it clean, the chopsticks will stick together and can't be opened!

"Bear's paw is in touch!" Paliuka put down the walkie talkie: "Mr. Xiao, I think I can eat the bear's paw with you!"

"Ah?" Xiao Peng a Leng, the head shakes like a rattle drum: "you don't think about it now."

"Why?" Paliuka's eyes widened.

Xiao Peng said with a wry smile, "paliuka, this is not really stingy. I will eat it after a year or two. This bear's paw is not fresh to eat, want to process bear's paw? First of all, blood should be bled. This process can not be stained with water. If it is stained with water, the bear's paw will rot off. After the blood is drained, the water is absorbed by wiping it with lime. Then use lime and fried rice package bear paw, sealed in the VAT, after a year or two to take out to eat! Eat time to use honey to stew, in ancient times there was no seasoning, only honey can stew it rotten. After stewing, take out the bear's paw, then wash it out, and then stew it with salt and plum

"So much trouble?" Paliuka was scared after hearing this: "our country eat bear's paw is not so complicated as you, fresh bear's paw can be eaten!"

Xiao Peng shook his head and said, "it's a pity to waste precious food materials. You have a tradition of hunting bears. This bear is not rare to you. If you want to eat fresh food, you can eat fresh food, but we can't do it in China. This is a crime. Maybe I have this chance to eat bear's paws in my life. How can I not be serious? "

Paliuka laughed and said, "isn't it bear's paw? We don't need it here! If you like, I'll make you some more? "

Xiao Peng shook his head: "no, paliuka, you misunderstood me. If it wasn't because these bears must die, I wouldn't eat their paws. I'm not a fanatical animal protector, but I won't kill a bear just to satisfy my appetite. Of course, I won't miss it. No, I can't. I've processed these bear paws. You must keep them for me. I'll take my family to have a taste of them from now on! "

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