
Name:Godly Fisherman Author:
"Honey, it's time to have a rest," Amelia said to Xiao Peng.

Xiao Peng took off his earphone and put down his book: "well, thank you for your concern." He is learning Greek there.

"How are you doing?" Amelia asked.

"The basic dialogue should be OK. After that, it should be almost." Xiao Peng put the book aside and said, "Emilia, how do you feel now? Is the space comfortable? "

They didn't go to Greece by their own private jet, but by civil aviation.

Amelia was a quick tempered person who said she would leave. They had not applied for the route of their private plane, so they simply took the civil aviation plane to Greece.

Julia bought a small island in the casterolizo islands and is now on holiday there, and even in Athens, she has to make a change. It doesn't matter to be a civil aircraft.

Amelia looked at it and exclaimed, "if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe anyone could learn a language so quickly."

Xiao Peng did not speak, but a voice came from the side: "I saw it with my own eyes, and I don't believe anyone can do it."

They turned their heads together and saw a Western man with blonde hair and blue eyes sitting on the side of the seat, his eyes glowing at Amelia, and a Chinese man beside him was listening attentively, looking like a translator.

Xiao Peng took a look at the foreigner and said with a smile, "believe it or not, it must be from Eagle country."

After translating Xiao Peng's words to the man, the man was surprised: "eh? How do you know I'm from Eagle country? Yes, eagles gentlemen are the most famous presence in the world. "

Xiao Peng shook his head: "no, no, no, you misunderstood. People like you can only be the people of Yingguo, which is what you are good at."

Emilia laughed, and Xiao Peng clapped her hands.

When it comes to the term "European scum stick", many people think that it means Poland. In fact, Poland is the "European foot binding". It means that no matter who its neighbors are, they must step on him when they go out. Just like Sweden, Austria Hungary, Germany and the bear state have trampled on him. They have been divided by these countries for three times, but no one sympathizes with it.

The poor popularity of Poland is due to its great ambition. Once Poland was a big European country, it attacked Germany and the bear state, even invaded Moscow, Sweden and Lithuania. Can people not hate him?

At most, people are looking for fault everywhere and being hated by others. What kind of shit stick is this? The real "European scum stick" refers to the eagle kingdom.

This is not really an injustice to the eagles. The core of their foreign policy is "offshore balance". What does this mean? To put it bluntly, it is to drag the second to beat the boss, and never let any country become powerful:

when Spain is strong, it will unite with other countries to oppose Spain; when France is strong, it will organize an anti French Alliance; when Germany is strong, it will drag France to fight Germany, and when France becomes strong, it will support Germany to contain France. Xiong Guoqiang will say you kill spies...... In any case, the history of the eagles was such a mess from beginning to end, and the chance of unification in European history was almost ruined by the chance of its unification. They call it "glorious independence."

In fact, to say that it is a "European excrement stirring stick" is to save face for them. It is no exaggeration to say that they are the "world's strongest shit stirring sticks". Among more than 200 countries and regions in the world, only 22 countries have not been invaded by him and colonized most of the earth. Of course, people don't call this "colonization", others say it's cultural transmission!

In fact, many of the problems left over by history in the world are actually caused by the eagles: for example, Kashmir, which led to the conflict between India and Pakistan, is actually the ghost of the Hawks' rule; and the Palestine Israel problem is also caused by the "Belfort declaration" made by the eagles. Otherwise, how could a large number of Jews migrate to Balak Stan? After they withdraw from Palestine, they start to buy weapons with their lives, so that both sides can have a good fight......

The rest, including the civil war in Sri Lanka, the Rohingya problem in Myanmar, the war in Iraq and Kuwait, the makmahong line between China and India, and so on, were all caused by the Hawks. So this is definitely the world shit stick, who is close to the bad luck.

Later, in order to prove that they are a democratic country, they played a referendum on brexit. In the end, they didn't think about it. They really cast themselves out. The whole country is stupid. The most happy is the European Union, sleeping trough, you can finally get out of here, hurry up! How can hawks regret not wanting to leave the EU now? The EU stands firm and firmly refuses to let hawks return to the EU: go to your sister's house and have long been reluctant to play with you! Do you really think you are a sweet potato?

And they not only meddle with others, but also with themselves!

For example, when it comes to the brexit of the eagles, we have to mention two people. Oh, no, they should be two "Shiba sticks". One is called Nigel farragee and the other is Dominic Cummings.

The former is the leader of UKIP, while the latter is the elite of UKIP.

In fact, brexit is a very serious matter. A 585 page brexit document has been put directly on the government website, covering import and export relations, national boundaries, medical insurance, transportation and other aspects. It's no exaggeration to say that it takes several days to read it once, and it's not always clear.However, the government of Yingguo said that we hope that all our residents are experts, and that after studying the 585 page document, they can cast a rational and professional vote according to their own analysis.

It's just that the ideal is rich and the reality is very skinny. If everyone can read these things, the whole country will be politicians. So most of the eagles don't know what they choose at all.

According to the past experience, it's no big deal. Anyway, they don't know what kind of bullshit they're choosing in every election. This can be seen from the farmers in xingtiao and the election of AP by Chinese Americans. As long as the ruling elites in their country are called on through political propaganda, people will naturally vote with them.

But this time they miscalculated - they missed Nigel farragee and Dominic Cummings.

In fact, at that time, the whole Eagles were full of confidence in staying in Europe. However, the UKIP party sees an opportunity from it: if it can really incite the people to support brexit, then the UKIP party can take advantage of this election to stand at the top of the eagles' political arena!

That's what they think and what they do: when politicians who support staying in Europe preach the benefits of staying in Europe and tell them that staying in Europe can increase employment and investment, Cummings's approach is much simpler and crude: he relates brexit to nationalism and national security.

He doesn't even want to publicize the benefits that the EU brings to the eagles. The slogan is: take back Control (to take back our control), which has made many people in the middle and lower classes feel happy. They are looking forward to the good days of the British Empire. They are worried that if they stay in Europe, more immigrants will enter the country to rob them of their jobs. Moreover, Cummings also claims that Turkey will join the EU. If they enter the EU, Hawks will face 70 million illegal migration from Turkey People (Senior black, Turkey has only 80 million people); if you say that the membership fee of Eagle country to EU is unreasonable, it's better to spend the money on medical insurance, such as Balabala.

Under his propaganda, in the eyes of those voters who do not know what brexit is, brexit has become an outlet for the sovereignty, wealth gap and racism of the Hawks, while neglecting the most important trade and tariff for a country. Therefore, the Hawks left the European Union under the skirmish of these two big sticks.

Then the troubles of the eagles began, including the Northern Ireland border problem, the import and export obstacles, and the withdrawal of banks. Now the eagles are in a state of trouble, and even those who support brexit also have differences: how to get rid of it? When do you take off? What about the European market?

There are also proposals to hold a second referendum, because too many people are not satisfied, but how can this be possible? If someone is not satisfied with the referendum? Then don't do anything in Yingguo from now on. It's a public investment bank all the time, because it's impossible for everyone to be satisfied.

This stirred the world for hundreds of years of stirring excrement stick, and finally to their own yellow.

However, Yingguo never gives up the opportunity to stir up trouble. Even though the troubles of its own country have not been solved, they still don't forget to go out and stir them up: they send warships to China to engage in "free sailing". As a result, a ship comes and is directly "wrapped up" by more than a dozen Chinese warships, and is lost to grandma's house in disgrace. I really think he was the day of the day What about the Empire?

It is said that Eagle country is a gentleman, but Xiao Peng really doesn't like eagle country.

the English translation is a bit muddled, because Xiao Peng can speak English better than him, so he doesn't need translation.

The blonde man was also a little angry after hearing this: "I really feel a little angry when I come to China this time. Don't you people know what etiquette is?"

Xiao Peng asked, "etiquette? You have no manners to interrupt my conversation with my girlfriend. Do you say etiquette to me

After hearing this, the blonde man controlled his emotions and said, "well, sir, I apologize for my rudeness just now. Don't you have so much hostility. In fact, I'm curious to see you two. Are you husband and wife?"

"This is my fiancee. She's going to get married. What's the problem?" Seeing his apology, Xiao Peng had to have a better attitude.

"Wow, then I'll congratulate you." The blonde man held out his hand to Xiao Peng and shook hands with him: "my name is William Hancock. You can call me William. This time I come to help China. Do you mind if I ask you a question?"

Xiao Peng blinked: "are you here to help China? What else can China do for Eagle country? Don't say anything about the international aid act. That's a joke

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