
Name:Godly Fisherman Author:
Can't afford to offend him, can't Xiao Peng hide?

"I'll help you prepare something to eat." With that, Xiao Peng ran off.

Milly watched Xiao Peng leave. He revealed a mischievous smile.

When she was learning Chinese, she knew another meaning of the word 'flute'.

That's right, Xiao Peng had been teased by Milly.

However, Xiao Peng couldn't be bothered about that right now. Running was more important as he had heard Yang Meng's movements just now, so he should have returned.

Yang Meng actually caught a wild boar and brought it back. It wasn't very big, only around seventy to eighty catties.

"Captured at such a young age?" Xiao Peng asked.

But Yang Meng said, "What's the point of not eating? Wild boars have no natural enemies on the island, they can eat and live. Although his growth was slower than that of a pig, he was not slow at all. He had two babies a year, one with more than ten, or even more than twenty. "Believe me, the speed at which we eat them is definitely not as fast as their breeding speed. Before long, we'll be able to earn a lot selling wild boar meat."

Xiao Peng thought about it for a moment. What Yang Meng said made sense. On the Thousand Mile Rock, there were no natural enemies for wild boars. Instead, there were quite a few oak-like wild boar food. This was a paradise for wild boars. They would definitely reproduce and survive on the island.

Besides, so what if it couldn't reproduce? At most, he would just buy a few more and kill them on the spot.

The two carried the wild boar to the shore. Yang Meng directly put blood on the pig's neck to slaughter the pig. He did not waste any of the pig's blood and picked it up with the basin. Xiao Peng wanted to make some pig's blood sausages to eat.

The wild boar's fat content was low, so skinning was especially troublesome. Xiao Peng told Yang Meng to dig a large hole in the ground while he took out the pig's internal organs and put its head to the side, leaving only its body.

"Why do you want me to dig a big hole?" Yang Meng was puzzled.

Xiao Peng chuckled, "I'll let you know what real barbecue is like. You go get some firewood and get me a large piece of tin paper from the stovepipe parts of the dryer. And bring me all the various fruits that I bought today, as well as all kinds of seasonings. "

Although Yang Meng didn't know what Xiao Peng was going to do, he still did as he was told.

"Uncle, what are all of you doing?" At this time, Fang Ran and a few others also walked over. They were wearing swimsuits, and it was obvious that they had just played in the sea.

Xiao Peng threw the firewood into the large pit Yang Meng had dug and lit the firewood. "I'm roasting meat." As he spoke, he threw the pebbles he had picked up from the sea into the fire pit.

Fang Ran didn't believe Xiao Peng's words, "How can you roast meat like this?"

Xiao Peng shook his head. "I'll open your eyes today."

Xiao Peng ignored the growing fire in the huge pit. Instead, he took out a small brush and carefully swept the seasonings from inside out over the pig's entire body.

After washing the seasonings, Xiao Peng stuffed the various fruits he had bought into the pig's stomach. He then tightly wrapped the pig with a large piece of tin paper.

By the time Xiao Peng finished doing all of this, the firewood in the fire pit had already been completely burnt, and the fire was starting to die down. Xiao Peng threw the boar wrapped in the foil into the pit and buried it in the fire.

"Alright, we'll be able to eat it tomorrow." Xiao Peng said.

"We still have to wait until tomorrow. What's good to eat today?" Fang Ran had just finished swimming and was starving.

Xiao Peng smiled. "It's still early for dinner. Should I make some food for you?"

Fang Ran raised his small hand, "Okay, okay. Prepare a serving for my classmates as well. They're also hungry, so they might as well just say it out of embarrassment. "

Just as Fang Ran finished his sentence, Milly's stomach rumbled loudly. She had made such a loud noise that everyone started laughing out loud. "Alright then, I'll make you a simple snack."

"Alright, alright. Let me tell you, my uncle cooks very well. " Fang Ran said to Milly and the rest. Honestly speaking, Milly and the others didn't believe him. After all, Xiao Peng looked so young, he didn't look like someone who knew how to cook.

Xiao Peng returned to the kitchen to see if there were any ingredients needed so that he could make some food for Fang Ran and the rest. He happened to see Ye Yuli enter with a basket of eggs.

"So many eggs?" This was a full basket.

Ye Yuli laughed, "There are still a lot of eggs that I haven't collected." The basket is full. "

The egg of the Five Black Chicken had a green shell, and the egg yolk inside was big. The egg white was very thick and was easily absorbed by the human body. Moreover, the vitamin amino acid content was ten times that of an ordinary egg!

It just so happened that he didn't know what to eat. Now, it wasn't a problem! Eat the eggs!

Xiao Peng put the egg into the water, added some salt, and began to cook it. Eggs cooked with salt are easy to peel.

Fang Ran looked at him with disappointment on his face, "Uncle, aren't you a bit too busy dealing with this? You're just going to cook us eggs? "

Xiao Peng laughed, "Greedy cat, what's the rush? "You'll know in a moment."

Xiao Peng peeled all of the cooked eggs, cut a few on each egg with a knife, and put them to one side. Then, he fried scallion, ginger, garlic, and put the star anise into the wok to flavour. Then, he added some soy sauce with oyster sauce and poured the prepared eggs into the wok, then poured a can of beer into the wok.

After Xiao Peng finished doing all of this, he covered the pot with his lid.

Fang Ran and the rest watched as Xiao Peng did all of this as if he was performing a magic trick. Their mouths gaped open when they finished, especially when they smelled the rich fragrance coming from the pot.

Xiao Peng teased them, looking at their appearances, "Pay attention to your image. A lady shouldn't be so greedy."

Fang Ran made a face and said, "I'll be a lady in a bit. I'll start the femininity mode first."

Xiao Peng patted Fang Ran's head, "Activating what Women's Mode? Each of them will have a pillow to support their stomachs. The dinner will be good in a while. "

Fang Ran said with a sullen face, "Oh."

Xiao Peng looked at the fire, "Alright, how's the taste of the beer soy egg I made?"

Fang Ran and the others couldn't wait any longer. Each of them picked up a soy egg and started to eat.

"It's too delicious!" The first one to be praised was actually Milly. "The main reason I like staying in China is because of the delicacies there. A small egg can actually be cooked to such an extent." Do all Chinese people have this kind of miraculous cooking skills? "

Fang Ran laughed loudly, "Only my uncle has such a culinary skill."

The four young girls quickly finished the soy egg in their hands and looked pitifully at the remaining soy egg in the wok. From the looks of it, they still wanted to eat it.

At this moment, Yang Meng walked in with a large net in his hand. Seeing that there was an egg in the wok, Zhang Xuan casually picked one up and swallowed it. After eating it, he found the taste to be pretty good and placed another soy egg into his mouth.

The four little girls looked at Yang Meng with hidden bitterness. Yang Meng was stunned, "Why are you staring at me like that? I didn't offend you, did I? "

"Apologies!" The four girls said in unison, scaring Yang Meng.

Xiao Peng laughed, "You will have to pay a price for eating the soy egg. "What are you carrying?"

Yang Meng waved the big net in his hand: "I just captured a bastard, this is a great tonic." The few of them took a look and sure enough, Yang Meng had a half meter long turtle in his net pocket.

Who knew that Milly would open her eyes wide and ask, "You guys are going to eat this as well?"

Xiao Peng thought Milly had said this because she had never eaten before, so he quickly said, "We Chinese live at the top of the food chain. "I'll make it and you can try it when I'm done. I'm sure you'll like it."

"Is there a problem?" Xiao Peng saw what Milly was doing and felt that something was wrong.

Before Miley could answer Xiao Peng's question, her phone rang. Millie immediately switched on the hands-free phone and picked it up. A woman spoke in English with a crackling sound. Xiao Peng couldn't understand it at all, but he could feel the urgency in her voice.

After talking to the woman on the other end of the line, Milly hung up. "It was my mother," she said. He had to observe for himself to know the specifics. But, no matter if it's the Turtle or the Spotted Turtle, these are both top tier animals in China. It's illegal for you to eat these. "

"Huh?" Xiao Peng was stupefied.

Yang Meng disapprovingly said, "It's not like that." Xiao Peng hurriedly covered his mouth. Don't let him go on. Please, killing animals at the State level is punishable by up to five years in prison and a fine. If the circumstances were serious, the punishment would be even more severe. Although Xiao Peng and the others' mistakes could reduce the punishment, they wouldn't be able to escape the blame.

Milly looked at Xiao Peng and his companion with a strange expression. However, she didn't say anything. "Where did you capture it from?"

Xiao Peng pointed in the direction of the Thousand Li Lake on the island. "There are a lot of them in the lake." Not only eat fish, but also eat my duck secretly. "As hateful as you can be."

"My mother said that she wanted to observe it. Is that okay?" Millie asked.

"No problem. At any time, you are always welcome. When you want to come, I will send a boat to fetch her." Xiao Peng patted his chest as he spoke.

Hearing this, Yang Meng had a face full of disappointment. He carried the big turtle and walked out.

"Where are you going?" Xiao Peng asked.

Although Yang Meng's voice wasn't loud, everyone heard what he said. "Uncle Xiao, these are really rare animals. We need to protect them."

Xiao Peng laughed, "I am also an animal protector. I understand what you're doing. It's the same with Mariko, but this kind of turtle is really common on the island, so we don't think of them as precious animals. "Since we already know, we will definitely protect them."

In the end, Xiao Peng asked again, "Are you sure you didn't recognize wrongly?"

Milly nodded. "Before my mother came, she specially studied the rare and protected animals of China. I also looked at that list, among them are Turtle and Zerfish."

Xiao Peng then remembered that Fang Ran had mentioned that Milly's mother was a zoologist. She should be right.

Xiao Peng sighed as well. It seemed that he wouldn't have the chance to eat the turtle. It was clearly very delicious.

Was this fellow really so ugly? Was he trying to protect animals at the national level? Sigh, guarding such delicious food and not eating it, isn't that tormenting?


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