
Name:Godly Fisherman Author:
'Peter the Great 'vodka, one of the best vodka in Bear Country, the essence of vodka. Although the degree is not high, only 40 degrees, but there are unique ingredients, such as raisins. In Bear Country, it was famous for its vodka.

However, not many people drink Peter the Great in Bear Country. With that money, it would be better to buy a few bottles of cheap vodka.

Don't underestimate the people of Bear Country. They are famous all over the world for their alcoholism. Regardless of man, woman, or child, they were all obsessed with alcohol. For example, they currently had the money to buy a bottle of high-end vodka, or five bottles of cheap vodka. Over 95% of Bear People would not hesitate to buy five bottles of cheap vodka.

How serious was Bear Nation's drunkenness? There were only four words to describe it: "Drink it to the death"! This wasn't a joke. According to a set of data released by the World Health Organization, up to 30.5% of Bear Nation's dead population was related to alcohol! Alcohol poisoning, cirrhosis of the liver, traffic accidents, suicide, bear people have the shortest life expectancy in any large country.

Because of this, a major incident happened in Xiong State a while ago. In the Siberian city of Irkutsk, more than 100 people were hospitalized and more than 70 died as a direct result of the sale of fake vodka from an alcoholic hawthorn bath made by an unscrupulous businessman. The reason why he was selling well was because he was selling cheaply!

You know, one-third of the adult males and one-seventh of the adult females in Bear Country are addicted to alcohol, but because of the country's current economic downturn, more and more poor people are looking for alternatives to alcohol. They drank whatever perfume or lotion that contained alcohol, even if they were anxious. This was the same logic as a few decades ago, when people were addicted to alcohol and couldn't buy alcohol to drink bellyache water.

The bar in the remote Pietro Pavlovsk sold 'Peter the Great' vodka because there were tourists, or no one would have bought it.

Rome laughed. "Leonid, don't you see who's coming with me? Our great Samuel, guardian of the sacred bear Wally, savior of our city! "Xiao from China, don't even mention ten bottles of 'Peter the Great', even if ten bottles of 'Schwarzenegger's Valentine's Day', I would still invite him."

'Schwarzenegger's Valentine's Day limited edition 'vodka, a bottle of two thousand gold, it was not so much a drink as a display, the bottle was very beautiful, inlaid with pink crystals, and as for the taste. Xiao Peng could only use the word 'hur' to describe it.

Leonid did not hesitate to expose the Roman saying: "Ten bottles of Valentine's Day? Can you afford it? That would cost 1.2 million roubles. Are you going to sell your truck? "

"Uh. This is the benefactor of our city, we should invite him together, right? " Rome was defeated.

"Oh, Rome is terrified." It was actually Ivan who started the commotion. Yeltina and Zoya joined in with their Roman brothers.

Rome looked helplessly at Ivan and the others. "You traitors of the revolution."

At this time, Rome looked depressed, but when Leonid brought the wine over, he became spirited again and raised his glass: "Everyone, let's raise our glasses and celebrate the triumphant return of our Chinese brothers from the Arctic! "Thank you to our Chinese brothers for bringing vitality to our city and bringing a new life to everyone!"

The Roman brothers weren't the only one who raised their glasses. All the customers in the bar raised their glasses and toasted Xiao Peng, "To our Chinese brothers!" It was unknown if they were sincerely grateful or if they just wanted to drink.

However, everyone had a kind smile on their faces as they looked at Xiao Peng, causing him to be in a very good mood. Xiao Peng raised his wine cup and said, "God bless everyone!" After saying that, he raised his wine cup and drained it in one gulp.

"Wow!" "Good alcohol capacity!"

"Just based on your alcohol tolerance, you are our eternal friend after joining the investigation team!"

"Samuel [1], you look so handsome when you drink wine!"

Xiao Peng raised his empty wine cup and indicated to everyone that he had toasted and sat down. Just as Xiao Peng wanted to chat with Rowan about what had happened recently, the bar door was pushed open and a wet person rushed in. Xiao Peng took a look and found that he was familiar with the person.

"Hey, Nielsen, don't you know how to use an umbrella? Are you crazy because you want to drink? " Xiao Peng teased.

Seeing Xiao Peng, Nielsen's face lit up. He grabbed Xiao Peng's arm, as if he was afraid that Xiao Peng would run away. "Xiao, I've finally found you."

Xiao Peng was a little curious when he heard this, "Nielsen, why are you looking for me in such a hurry? Do you want fish? There are dozens of tons of cod on board. "

Nielsen shook his head and whispered to Xiao Peng, "Xiao, someone is waiting for you outside."

Xiao Peng didn't stop drinking using his shaman's power, instead, he poured himself a large glass of vodka. He was very excited, and when he heard Nielsen's words, he ignored the rain and grabbed Nielsen's shoulder. "Nielsen, it's raining so heavily outside, and I'm not an idiot. I'm not going to take a shower." "Come, have a drink and see how you're showering."

Nielsen hastily backed away. "No, Shaw. The people waiting for you outside are really very important. "

"No matter how important they are, they can't delay our friend's reminiscence, can they, Rome? "Nielsen, I've already been drinking with you for a long time and you're not even giving me this little face?" Xiao Peng, who hadn't used his Shaman Energy to eliminate the alcohol, was now like a maniac in the face of wine.

When Rome heard Xiao Peng's words, she immediately stood up and said, "Everyone, look. There are people who disdain drinking with our Chinese brothers."

As soon as he said that, everyone's attention fell on Nielsen. Nelson didn't know whether to laugh or cry. I really didn't mean that. But Nielsen had been in Petrobavlovsk long enough, and it was disrespectful of the Bear People not to drink with them.

Nielsen quickly took the glass, gritted his teeth, and raised his head to empty the entire glass of vodka.

"Good alcohol capacity!" Xiao Peng shouted loudly. He picked up another cup, poured a cup for Nielsen, and poured a cup for himself as well. Boss, a bottle of Peter the Great at every table! "I'll treat you!"

The moment Xiao Peng finished speaking, the entire bar went into a frenzy as the cheers nearly tore off the bar's ceiling.

To the people of the Bear Country, the best wine to drink was wine that cost nothing. If there was anything better to drink than wine that cost nothing, it would be good wine that cost nothing.

The 'Emperor Peter' that Xiao Peng sent was obviously in this group.

Once Nielsen drank two glasses of vodka, he threw everything else into Java. He couldn't leave even if he wanted to. What else could he do if Xiao Peng didn't leave? Drink it!

At this moment, a black Range Rover was parked in front of the bar. Master Kiri-Mu and Augustus were in the car, looking at each other.

"Why hasn't Nielsen come out after being inside for so long?" Augustus looked anxious.

"I don't know either. Could it be that he can't call out Xiao Peng?" The chief of the Kiribati did not understand what was going on. Nielsen has been inside for half an hour. Even if Xiao Peng doesn't come out, you should come out and tell him.

Furthermore, since this trip was related to the cooperation between the East and West, no matter if it was Kiley or Augustus, they didn't bring any assistants. They only had Nielsen bring the two of them here, but now that Nielsen couldn't get out, the two of them had no choice but to panic in the car.

"Why don't we go in and take a look?" Master Kiri wanted to slap himself in the face when he said this. What kind of suggestion was this? The two of them were both dressed in grand religious attire. If they ran into a bar like this, wouldn't it explode if word of this got out?

Augustus frowned. "This isn't good."

"Oh, this Nielsen is too unreliable. Let's wait a little longer. He might be coming out soon. "

After saying that, the two of them stared at each other in the car. Just like that, another half an hour passed.

Augusto said indignantly, "This Xiao is too much. Even if you don't see us now, you should at least tell us what it's like to leave us here without saying anything. "

Master Kiri frowned and said, "Let's go in and take a look." Something might have happened. "I saw her just now. The crew on his boat have all entered, so there should be a lot of people inside."

Augustus looked at his long robe, then looked at the robes worn by Master Priest Kiri. "Isn't it a disgrace for us to come to a place like a bar in such a grand manner?"

"God has never refused us to drink," he said, shaking his head. And when she gave birth to Samuel, when she thanked God, didn't she also give him the cow, the flour, and the wine? "

Augustus wanted to say something. "But …"

"Cardinal Augustus, I know what you mean. You think it would be inappropriate for us to go to a place like a bar in such grand attire. But if we keep to the rules now, I'm afraid there's really no way out. "No matter what your church thinks, I'm going to take a look."

Augustus frowned and said, "Mu Li, the Bible said that 'drunk and beautiful women bewitching wise men'. 'Liquor makes one go mad, alcohol makes one go mad. Anyone who is addicted to alcohol is not a wise man'. It's not appropriate for us to go in like this. "

"When Jesus went out to preach at the age of thirty, the first miracle he did was to turn water into wine! And it seems that there was wine at the last dinner. Teach 31: 33 says, 'What is a man's life when he is short of wine?' The sermon also says, 'Dinner is for pleasure, wine can make life pleasure.' Moreover, the text praised the person who set up the banquet greatly. 'Those who set up the banquet generously will receive praise from the masses, and his generous reputation is trustworthy .' God forbids us to drink, but forbids us to drink too much, to drink too much, to drink too much, to drink less, to be friendly, so long as we remain true, so what if we go to a bar? "

Augustus thought for a while before saying, "Chief Priest, since you've already said so, let's go in and take a look."