Chapter 096: Talk

Five hours ago, the youth has had a conversation with this employer from China, who wanted him to find an information. He asked for $250,000 dollars, which the other party felt was too expensive. So, the  negotiations did not proceed. Now, it seemed like there’s changes and the other party unexpected agreed. 

”I want you to check in the United States Bounty Hunter Association and Brazilian Jungle Hunter Association for rank S missions from the last hundred years. One that involved exploring the Amazon forest to look for a metal sphere. The diameter of the sphere would be a few meters. The mission was probably released dozens of years ago. I want to know the specific content of this mission and was there any cover-up after it was completed. I want a detailed description of this mission and the blood crystal’s whereabouts found from this mission. ” 

”Ok. ” The youth snapped his fingers. “I’m the best at doing these things. Unless the Hunter Association completely removed all data, Otherwise, it will be found. Are there other requests?” 

”Currently there’s none. ” 

”Well, pay me a $100,000 deposit first. My account number is *************. You can trust in my reputation. The underground bank will provide you with the money order, and I also have a guarantor. So, please feel assured. ” 

”Ok. ”