Chapter 42: The Ultimate Battle in Hokkaido

Name:Godzilla Earth: Origin Author:
Chapter 42: The Ultimate Battle in Hokkaido

Hokkaido, City Hall Plaza

At this moment, Akiyama Ryo was standing in the cold wind with a large group of people, listening to the final battle plan presented from the podium at the highest point of City Hall. It was delivered by General Hirozumi Sato, the Armys commander-in-chief.

After observing the battle footage against Godzilla, I have found that Godzilla is capable of

In response to this, we have devised a completely new plan. We can lure Godzilla like this and then

By doing this we can definitely trap Godzilla.

Then, through the combined efforts of

We will achieve victory!

This is the overall plan. Godzilla is expected to arrive at the outskirts of Hokkaido City in 15 hours. We need to set up the battle lines against Godzilla in advance. Now, lets disperse.

Everyone, time is running out. Hurry up and get to work!

The speech about the plan was brief. In just ten minutes, the commander-in-chief explained his plan. It was concise, risky, and imaginative, but it could also be effective.

After listening to the entire plan at the plaza, Akiyama Ryo felt somewhat disappointed.

In his original imagination, the final battle that he would risk his life for should have been a hot-blooded, human-spirit-exemplifying battle of the utmost intensity.

But now, it turned out to be so imaginative.

Simply deducing from the sudden situation in one battle and directly concluding that Godzilla has a method of detecting humans from super-long distances, and then basing the entire plan on this vague assumption.

This was truly imaginative, indeed.

Moreover, Suzu felt that the plan itself seemed lacking and was merely based on imagination.

There were no backup plans, no confirmed methods of luring, and it relied solely on possible or perhaps with casual assumptions to proceed with such a high-risk operation

Was this reasonable?

But unexpectedly, this high-ranking official wasnt here to command; he wanted to personally go to the front lines?

How could that be?!

Mr. Yang, why is that? Akiyama Ryo naturally asked this question, as he couldnt understand why Yang Qing, who had only arrived at the East Defense Wall a few days ago, wanted to sacrifice himself here.

And Yang Qings answer was simple.

Why? Mr. Akiyama, no, Brother Akiyama, look at them.

As before, General Yang Qing gestured for Akiyama Ryo to look in a certain direction. Akiyama looked over and saw the same people as before.

This time, apart from you in the East Defense Wall, the most remaining are us from East Asia. Because we know that if youre gone, we will be in trouble.

For our homeland, for our native land. The people at the lowest level stayed behind, and besides me, the other generals have all gone back.

So, I thought, while others leave, I cant. I cant leave them here all alone. At least, there needs to be someone leading them, dont you think?

Saying this, Yang Qing did not continue speaking. He walked away from Akiyama Ryo and went behind a worker from East Asia. He patted the workers shoulder and headed towards the distant mobile base vehicle.

Akiyama hesitated for a moment and then caught up.

On March 31, 2208, at 19:13, upon learning that Godzilla was heading to Hokkaido, the remaining personnel in Hokkaido began to evacuate.

At the same time, at 22 minutes past 19:00, the Commander-in-Chief of the East Defense Wall, Hirozumi Sato, submitted the final battle plan for the East Defense Wall to the United Government in an attempt to make a last stand in Hokkaido.

At 25 minutes past 19:00, the United Government approved the plan. However, due to its high risk and low chance of success, participation in this operation was not mandatory, but voluntary. Those who chose to stay in Hokkaido would automatically be included in the battle.

At 21:09, the evacuation of 210,000 personnel in Hokkaido was completed, and the remaining 28,000 people chose to participate in the final battle.

At the same time, at 20 minutes past 21:00, the Commander-in-Chief, Hirozumi Sato, arrived in Hokkaido and began to explain the battle plan, and at 22:00, he started to gather the frontline personnel and boarded two mobile base vehicles heading to the front lines.

From 21:30 to 22:00, the final spare time for the frontline personnel.

At 22:30, the mobile base vehicles and the supply vehicles departed for the Hokkaido mountains. They would engage in the final battle against Godzilla in the East Defense Wall.