Chapter 531: Wandering Planet

Name:Godzilla In Konoha Author:
Chapter 531: Wandering Planet

Momoshiki and Urashiki died with their eyes wide open, unable to rest in peace.

According to witnesses, the faces of these two esteemed Otsutsuki members were grotesquely distorted, as if they had witnessed something unimaginably horrifying.

Their eyes were even gouged out after death.

At this moment, the entire planet began to get back on track, undergoing a rapid transformation.

With no more dead to mourn, one of humanity's ultimate problems was solved.

Typically, immortality leads to decadence and idleness, but that would not happen on this flesh and blood planet because Yuuji continuously brainwashes everyone month, urging them to strive relentlessly and dedicate their lives to the supreme god of the planet—Lord Yuuji.

The relentless pursuit of power was now complete.

"Well, as I expected, popularizing the practice of senjutsu among the people can quickly improve their strength in a short time." Yuuji mused, sitting atop a mountain of flesh. This place, once known as the Hokage Rock before the war, was now his throne.

He closed his eyes, his cells spread across every corner of the planet, easily monitoring everyone.

The overall power of the planet was also rapidly increasing.

What's that? Do you say practicing senjutsu is dangerous, akin to S-rank forbidden techniques?

How amusing. Everyone here fears nothing, not even death. If annihilated by natural energy, they simply resurrect and try again.

Those who die hundreds of times eventually gain some things. After dying thousands of times, they might just grasp the basics.

Yuuji also made all ninja techniques available worldwide, including forbidden techniques like the Flying Thunder God Technique. As long as people diligently enhance their power to serve Yuuji, they could earn points to exchange for their desired ninja techniques with very low thresholds.

Every human and intelligent summoning creature on the planet was fiercely improving themselves.

Each individual was insanely dedicated, under the control of Infinite Tsukuyomi and Infinite Izanagi, zealously executing Yuuji's commands.

They trained to death, resurrected, and continued to train until they died again.

Even if they passed out from exhaustion, they would continue training in their dreams.

It was that simple.

"If this continues, the planet's natural energy will soon be exhausted," Kabuto remarked, standing behind Yuuji with a chuckle. "The Ten-Tails can devour natural energy and turn vast lands into deserts. We might not last long doing this."

"There won't be problems in the short term. The natural energy absorbed will be expended on this planet in other forms, but in the long run, it's unsustainable," Yuuji responded.

He was already aware of this issue.

Initially, in the timeline where Naruto and Sasuke fought their final battle, Naruto absorbed all the natural energy from the surface, but there was no significant desertification globally.

Presumably, after the war, when Naruto deactivated his sage mode, some of the senjutsu chakra dissipated into nature, partially returning to the environment as natural energy.

However, since there's always some loss in transformation and battle consumption, it's just a question of how much.

Yuuji encouraged everyone to consume natural energy so recklessly that eventually, the planet would exhaust its potential and become barren.

Yuuji would be unable to sustain this planet of flesh and blood because his mechanism for creating infinite clones needed natural energy as a driving force.

Without natural energy, Yuuji couldn't sustain this flesh-and-blood planet for long, and the entire planet would crumble.

However, the planet's demise was still some time away.

"All we need is to find a new source of supply within this time frame."

The entropy within a single system is irreversible and accelerates under Yuuji's interference. Without forcefully connecting with other systems, self-destruction is inevitable.

This was a universal rule, an unassailable law of nature, the truth behind the operation of all things.

Thus, Yuuji concluded that the ultimate and most perfect solution was for others to die to sustain and enhance his system.

It was that simple.

As for how other systems fare after being invaded by Yuuji's system, whether they face extinction or barely survive, Yuuji does not care.

"My side is already experiencing severe entropy. Why should I care about the life and death of other systems?"

"I recently read something written by my brother, and it's a very interesting theory. Entropy, Twilight of the Gods, the 5 Major Threats to Biodiversity, Judgment Day, Apocalypse, Endless Tribulation... They're essentially all the same, necessitating external aggression to build one's happiness on the misfortune of others, right?"

Yuuji flung Kaguya's head into the distance.

"You're fortunate to witness the downfall of the Otsutsuki clan with your own eyes," Yuuji turned and walked away.

With the coordinates in hand, there was no hesitation.


The massive flesh and blood planet began to move.

The planet was moving.

Under Yuuji's mighty power, this living planet was now in motion.

Yuuji would not let this planet travel through the cosmos; that would be too slow.

Space portals were crucial at this moment.

A vast, unprecedented portal burst open.

The flesh and blood planet slowly moved through it, dragging along two moons.

Soon, other life-bearing planets in the universe faced catastrophic disasters.

Collisions between planets naturally ended in Yuuji's overwhelming victory; in terms of both hard and soft power, the force Yuuji controlled was overwhelmingly dominant, quickly subduing the natives of each planet.

The planet's residents, who had been training fervently, also began their invasions, spreading slaughter and bloodshed across the universe.

From a god's perspective, Yuuji is leading his planet, constantly changing coordinates through space portals, though winding and twisting, clearly moving towards a specific set of coordinates.

With each move, a planet was annihilated, its natural energy plundered, turning it into a dead planet.

But Yuuji cared little for such outcomes, focused on gathering all power and enhancing his strength.

"The God of Chakra... I'm looking forward to the day when I completely control all the chakra in the universe, ascending to become the sole god," Yuuji mused, casually eliminating an unknown Otsutsuki before him.

This individual was also a warrior dispatched by the Otsutsuki clan to the planet below.

"Who are you, and why are you so powerful?!" was the opponent's last cry.

Following this, all his power—eyes, chakra, and genes—were stripped by Yuuji.

"Sorry, I accidentally let this guy rush here using space-time ninjutsu," Kakashi spoke gravely.

"It doesn't matter; warming up occasionally is quite nice," Yuuji replied nonchalantly.

After years of conquest, his body grew enormously, and the flesh and blood planet expanded several times, so the natural energy accumulated was almost terrifying.

The speed was already breakneck; the most time-consuming part was not conquering planets or plundering natural energy.

Yuuji could quickly assimilate life-bearing planets, even corroding their cores with his flesh, pulling the entire life-bearing planet onto his flesh-and-blood planet for effortless absorption and annihilation.

The fundamental time-consuming part was traveling through space.

The universe is vast, with distances of tens of thousands to millions of light-years; even direct space travel was a significant time drain.

"If it were the technology civilization from the Monsterverse, developing mature wormhole technology capable of intergalactic travel would take who knows how many tens of thousands of years."

Yuuji shook his head. The paths of superhuman and technology-based systems naturally have their strengths and weaknesses.

The most significant characteristic of a superhuman system is that once a mighty being appears, it can brutally drive the entire civilization to advance madly.

For instance, Yuuji pulled a massive flesh and blood planet through the cosmos, something no one else but Yuuji could achieve.

But Yuuji was strong enough and getting stronger all the time, rapidly gaining power. He alone could drag an entire civilization forward at breakneck speed, the main concern being whether the civilization could keep up with Yuuji's forward momentum.

Regular technological civilizations couldn't do this; no matter how genius an individual was, there was a limit to what they could achieve alone, still relying on the collective effort of countless people climbing the tech tree together.

But if the tech level is high enough and sufficiently widespread, even a child could wield high-tech weapons to kill top fighters.

Even if the child didn't understand the principles and operation of the weapon, as long as they could give commands and press buttons, various intelligent programs would help them accomplish the rest.

"Well, before launching a full-scale attack on the Otsutsuki homeplanet, I should also prepare that thing in advance... the Eye of the Universe."