Chapter 2241

Name:Golden Greenery Author:Zhuo Setong
January 2, 2013 is the gathering date of Real Madrid after the short Christmas New Year holiday. When he came to baldbebas Sports City, Zhuoyang was embarrassed to see Ramos and Casillas.

And that's one of the reasons he's mad at Mourinho.

Real Madrid is not a fool, Mourinho said, a little speculation on the heart to know what is going on. Mourinho said that Zhuoyang would blackmail him to give Kaka the main position, and what is the condition? It's natural to choose to support Mourinho in the locker room conflict. With whom? The Spanish Gang, of course.

Although Zhuoyang didn't want to fight against the Spanish team at that time, he intended to be a peacemaker in the dressing room as long as Mourinho could let kakado play and start more, and try to resolve the conflict between Mourinho and the Spanish team.

But the Spanish don't think so.

Zhuoyang transfer came to Real Madrid, Cassie water and others are very close to him, the meaning of drawing is very strong. Although the purpose behind the draw is a little perfunctory, from the perspective of Zhuoyang, the Spanish Gang is quite interesting.

However, Zhuoyang almost betrayed the Spanish Gang behind his back.

There's no way to explain it. You say he's not embarrassed. How can he not hate Mourinho. The two men discussed in private, but they couldn't make it clear. Now Mourinho has made it clear that Zhuoyang has become a villain.

It may be one of Mourinho's aims to plant grass between Zhuoyang and the Spanish team.

In a word, the only innocent person in this matter is Kaka. A clear jade man has become a bargaining chip for all parties.

Zhuoyang hasn't figured out how to explain it to Shuiye and Cassie, or how he likes it after he doesn't explain it, a staff member will inform Zhuoyang: please come to the old Buddha.

Zhuoyang shrugged and looked back at Ramos: "Hey, Mr. water, you The situation in front of the crotch is not good. "


Zhuo Yang pointed to the indescribable part of his jeans without expression and then left. In the laughter, Shuiye hurriedly zipped up the forgotten part.

When he came to the old Foye's office in the sports city, Mourinho arrived first. He sat in Changsha with a calm expression and didn't look up at Zhuoyang.

The old Foye's office is not as big as Mourinho's, it is compact and simple. There is only a picture on the wall after Real Madrid won the ninth Champions League in Hampton Park in 2002.

In the photo, the old man in suit is surrounded by the players, next to Zidane.

"Mr. chairman, would you like to see me?" Zhuoyang simply said hello and sat on the short sofa opposite to the old Buddha, without looking at Mourinho more.

"There are nine Champions League titles in Real Madrid, the most in football," he said, pointing to the photo on the wall. It's been ten years since the ninth one No, eleven years. "

"Jose, Zhuoyang. Who of you can bring me back seat 10? "

Mourinho spread out his hand and shrugged. Zhuoyang carefully looked at the photos with his head on his side. He wandered in the football world for many years. Most of the players in the photos had never seen them before, but Zhuoyang basically knew them.

The players in the photo, still in the team, are only the substitute goalkeeper Casillas at that time. In the famous final in 2002, Casillas replaced the injured goalkeeper Cesar Sanchez in the 67th minute. Once up, Cassie never came down.

After calculating the time, when taking this picture, Zhuoyang was still preparing for the college entrance examination in Xi'an high school, and Mourinho was just beginning to become the head coach.

"Ten years, too long. I've been waiting too long for the tenth trophy The old Buddha sighed.

"Perez, I've robbed two of them in the last ten years." Mourinho said: "for Real Madrid, I......"

"I can!" Zhuoyang interrupted Mourinho's words, took back his eyes from the picture and looked at the old Buddha.


"I can win the 10th Champions League for Real Madrid."

"Oh, is it?" The old Buddha smiled and asked, "when is it?"

"Very soon. Maybe this year, maybe next year, who knows, but it will be soon. " Zhuoyang said. "There are nine Real Madrid, eight AC Milan and two I won for them Well, Kaka and I. "

"Now Kaka and I are here, so Real Madrid will finish the 10th before Milan finish the ninth, no problem."

In 2009, AC Milan lost Zhuoyang and Kaka's peerless double pride. Now it seems to be a major strategic mistake. If we can take advantage of the red Milan empire's heyday and rush down the ninth or more Champions League trophies, the throne of the football world's top gate may be about to change.

Since 2007, Buddha has been trying to hook up Zhuoyang and Kaka, not to break up the peerless double pride, but to prevent AC Milan from usurping the power.

"Uncle Fu, Seedorf the Dutchman, do you have an impression?" Asked Zhuo Yang.

The old Buddha nodded. Seedorf has been with Real Madrid for four years, but it was after Seedorf left that old Foye Perez Florentino took over as president of Real Madrid."Seedorf is the only player in active football who has five Champions League titles, one in Real Madrid (1998), three in AC Milan (03, 07, 09), and he is also the most

"After Seedorf, it's me. Uncle Fu, I have four. And I don't want to show off that my four are actually worth more than Seedorf's five, because I have three treble titles in these four, and because I am the core player of the team because of four Champions League titles

"It's clear that wherever I go I'll take the Champions League, Real Madrid will be no exception."

The old Buddha looks happy when he hears the words and raises his head and laughs, but he naturally hears a lot of taste from Zhuo Yang's seemingly ostentatious words when he has been immersed in the Jianghu all his life.

From the very impolite interruption of Mourinho's speech, to the change of the name of the old Buddha, and deliberately mentioning Kaka, and finally showing off his achievements, Zhuoyang, who is modest and gentle when communicating with the old Buddha, is deliberately showing his strength at this time.

Zhuoyang used his aggressiveness to tell the old Buddha that he would never be soft or give up at all.

Young people, they don't know anything about mellowness. The old Buddha sighed in laughter.

Mourinho, of course, also felt Zhuoyang's indolence in pouring out. He was so blocked that his heart ached.

Just now, Mourinho wanted to clap his chest and say "I can" to the old Buddha, but Zhuoyang forced him to take the lead. If he said it again, he would parrot. And his two Champions League is obviously more suitable to show off than the four no Zhuoyang. He can't find the direction for a while if he wants to change the angle.

Mourinho is also an angry man, he almost blurted out: I am the champion coach, without me real Madrid can not get the 10th.

But it's hard to hold back, because before Mourinho, Real Madrid had already won nine seats.

The madman Mourinho held back his rave, but some people are more mad than him.

"Uncle Fu, Real Madrid can't get the 10th seat without me."