Chapter 111

"That's not the same. The meat I choose is lean meat without fat. I threw the preserved meat in the store. In short, it's unusual." She was reluctant.

"Well, are you sure it can eat?"

"When, of course Maybe you can eat it, "Lin Xiaoqing took up the trademark of Holmes again." anyway, it's the same principle as stinky tofu. You don't see that it smells stinky, but it tastes spicy. It's great

As she spoke, she took a few steps inside, then reached out and remembered to lift the lid of the VAT. Soon after that, song Beichuan stopped her with lightning.

"Wife, don't be impulsive," he said in a low voice, looking at the crowd around him in a panic. "You're stupid. As soon as the lid is opened here, the business of the peace hotel can't be done today!"

"Why?" "Stinky tofu is delicious," she said innocently I remember in the winter of University, she loved to eat the very unorthodox stinky tofu on the Xiadu Road next to the school. It would make people feel warm in the cold winter!

"Anyway, shall we move it home and try again?" He covered her mouth and asked the shop assistant to call a minivan. He took the VAT up and carried it back home to put it first. Yes, in today's society, if you are a restaurant maker, you can do terrible things, but you must not turn over the guests with the things you make, or you will get a small refund and a big squat!

When she got home, Lin Xiaoqing angrily opened the lid of the VAT, and sure enough, a smell from her face almost made her faint, while song Beichuan had already knelt down and vomited.

"Ha ha," she said with a dry smile, "the taste is strong, but it's delicious. Ha ha..."

Then she took a spoon into the VAT and fished out a few pieces casually. Holding her nose, she poked a piece with her right hand, felt the temperature and fed it to song Beichuan's mouth: "ouch How's it going? Is it good? " She asked with expectant eyes.

Song Beichuan's face turned green. He couldn't stand the smell of it. When she handed it to him, he felt retched again and burst into tears

"I, I, the taste Please don't kill

"What? One piece of meat is not enough Hey, hey She put the stinky tofu into his mouth with a smile.

Song Beichuan's face was as ugly as it was ugly. His cold sweat flowed down from his head and fell on the floor without any barrier As soon as he chewed, he suddenly felt a strange smell in his mouth!

The skin of tofu outside is a little crispy, but inside it is very Bean curd, and then, with that chili sauce, that taste is really good!

"Well Sure enough, it smells smelly and tastes delicious, "Song Beichuan said. His eyes fixed on the other things she fished up and said," that's not the point. After all, I've never heard of stinky tofu, but stinky meat and stinky vegetables I'm so ignorant that I can't think of it and I've never heard of it. "

But after all, the stinky tofu made by Lin Xiaoqing can be eaten and tastes good, so other strange things like stinky meat should taste almost the same?

Because he had already prepared in his heart, when he put the stinky meat into his mouth, he didn't resist so much.

"How does it taste?" She looked at him nervously.

"Well..." He covered his nose and carefully felt the smell of the stinky meat. "It's quite strange. How can I say it?" Song Beichuan is not a food critic. He has nothing to do with cooking before. It's hard for him to explain how it tastes, but he still tries his best to comment on it to his wife: "I don't know how to describe the fragrance. It feels like preserved eggs."

He picked up a piece and handed it to her. "You try it, too. I don't know."

Lin Xiaoqing ate the stinky meat, only felt a whirl, the taste It's delicious! It's a bit like the unique taste of preserved eggs. She can't tell the rest. In a word, the more you eat, the more fragrant you feel.

But no matter how fragrant it is, the taste is too heavy. It seems that the whole VAT is sealed and then transported back to the store. As for what materials should be used for preservation, song Beichuan had no idea.

"Wife, I think it's good to drink with it..." With that, he reached out and tried to reach into the dish again. As a result, she patted the paw with her little hand and it was accurate.

"Don't eat it. It's all for the opening of the shop today. You can't help but eat the second one. You can't help but eat a dish when you eat the second one. In the end, the whole VAT is finished. So, what else can I sell?"

"Just one piece..." The corner of his mouth smoked. How could her brain tonic ability be so strong? It's a good thing to eat up a dish. How can it be possible to eat up a jar? He's not a monster!

Since Lin Xiaoqing was willing to cook, her tongue and stomach have become more and more picky. It's not what she does, but what she does. It's what she does. It's all kinds of appetizing things. It's not that she can accept the smelly and fragrant things.

Lin Xiaoqing looked at Song Beichuan like this. There was a black line on his head. Did he cultivate a foodie again? But since my husband likes his own cooking, it's also a kind of happiness, isn't it? This is unimaginable in the last life.So, he gave another piece to Beichuan. Lin Xiaoqing took the fresh fried tofu, meat and vegetables to the kitchen, packed them in a big box, and planned to take them back to the store.

"Wife and so on," Song Beichuan broke her shoulder and frowned, "it's OK to say this stinky tofu, but what about those stinky meat? Can't you just say it's rotten meat and rotten vegetables when you introduce it to the guests? "

"I'll do it!" When Lin Xiaoqing patted the forehead, how could this detail be ignored? If it wasn't for Beichuan, she would have blurted out that it was stinky meat when the guests asked what it was

"Or give it a name..." Lin Xiaoqing took Holmes's standard attitude of thinking, "how about Godzilla meat?"

Poof Song Beichuan was choked for no reason. He almost didn't breathe. They all said she had a big brain hole. Do you have to believe that? How can ordinary normal people associate that super invincible dinosaur with this stinky meat? If you really call this strange name, it will probably scare away the guests, right? So he coughed for a while and suggested in a low voice: "wife, your name is too thunderbolt. I'm afraid those scum who work in the business district haven't seen Godzilla, or let's call it Tangseng meat..."

This time it's Lin Xiaoqing's turn to twitch. Tang what? Tang Seng meat? Is this stinky meat Tang Monk's meat? She couldn't laugh or cry for a moment, rolling around on the ground laughing, "husband, you follow me more and become old and humorous, wow ha ha!"

"Gimmicks," Song Beichuan sat down beside her and said complacently, "I don't think about your husband. What do I do? The boss of the former advertising company, how much creativity you want. "

"The former president, what do you do with your hand in my heart?" She pursed her lips and gave him a look.

"It's nothing. The Tang Monk's meat just now is so delicious. Let's see if you have it hidden..."

"No shame, how can you hide in that place?" she cried, but she didn't mean to push him away.

So he took advantage of the situation. Anyway, now Xixi is on her mother's side, and no one is bothering her, so Kaisen An earth shaking sports activity, which was almost as dynamic as the demolition of a building, was launched, and it was more than an hour later by the end.

When they returned to the peace hotel, they found that there were more wreaths outside. Lin Xiaoqing said with a smile, "Emma, is it your friend who sent us congratulations on the opening of our hotel? And the heart

"I didn't inform any friends," Song Beichuan's brow rose and asked if it was inappropriate to open a shop to send wreaths to congratulate him. For the moment, if you look closely at the wreaths, there is a word "Dien" in the middle of the wreaths. His heart sank. "I'm afraid the people who send wreaths are not good..."

She also saw the big word "Dien". Even if she could remember the TV series, it was for the funeral people. The big guys in the movies often used it to irritate their opponents.

The problem is that she and her husband are not from the Jianghu, and they don't seem to have offended any big men recently. Who, why do you want to make such a big dragon and Phoenix to them?

Walking into the hotel, she was stunned. She saw the staff standing dumb and dumb. They were all shaking. The store was even empty, and there was no guest.

What's going on here? When I went home just now, there were a circle of guests in front of the store. For an hour or two, no one came to dinner? This is not scientific!

"Xiao Ming, what happened?" Lin Xiaoqing pointed to the wreath outside the door and asked, "who sent it?"

Xiao Ming is a junior in a nearby university. He came to work and study, a gentle boy. At this time, Lin Xiaoqing's face trembled outside his dormitory.

"Boss, Madame, you've finally come back," said Xiao Ming with a sob. "Just now, a group of fierce people came to the store. They drove away all the guests who wanted to come for dinner. They brought the wreaths outside. They said that the new store opened. Come to congratulate..."

"And then? How did you get beaten? " Song Beichuan asked.

"They said they wanted protection money, and they had to buy the wreath. I said they called the boss when he was away." Xiao Ming sobbed for a while and then said, "let's call the boss's wife, but no one answered."

Song Beichuan and Lin Xiaoqing felt a thump in their hearts. Her face turned red. At that time At that time, she and her husband were studying 100 ways to make human beings. It seemed that they had heard the phone ring vaguely, but I'm afraid no normal person would be distracted at that time, right? , the fastest update of the webnovel!