Chapter 320

At this time, Jue Chi was dizzy with pain. He couldn't stand up at all, but he still managed to squeeze out a smile towards her, "don't worry, I'm ok..." Then he fainted.

Looking at Chueh Chi, who couldn't walk, she bit her teeth and carried him up. Every step she took, she felt that her legs were filled with lead, and her waist seemed to be broken, but she still insisted on walking step by step towards the wing room where she lived

"Ouch My God, I didn't expect you to look very thin. I didn't expect you to be so heavy My waist is about to break. "It's so easy to insist on taking Jue chi to his room. I put him on the bed with all my strength. I still want to make fun of Jue chi to make him sober.

But when she turned to see juezhi, she found that he was still in a semi coma state, and frowned, very painful, "what's the matter with you, don't scare me."

"Pain..." Jue Chi's forehead exuded big beads of sweat because of pain, which made her heart burn.

Hearing his babbling, I found that I didn't put him in a good position. Chueh Chi injured his elbow, but she just let him lie flat on the bed because she was really weak, and the wound was crushed. Isn't that adding fuel to the fire!

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'll change it for you."

Then she clumsily went to help Jue Chi turn over, but the injured Jue Chi was half comatose and couldn't make any effort on her body. She tried her best to turn over his body, but she didn't want to. This time, she used too much force to turn Jue Chi down from the bed. With a dull sound, Jue Chi fell straight to the ground, and the bright red blood soaked out of her trousers and flowed on the ground It's particularly frightening.

Scared, he began to cry again. Seeing Jue Chi, he didn't speak. He was afraid that he would be killed by himself. He shook Jue Chi, "don't die. I didn't mean to. I'll be careful next time." he mixed his nose and tears and got them on Jue Chi's robe.

I only heard Chueh Chi say in her ear: "I It's OK. Don't cry. Don't get your snot on my clothes. "

Tears and smile, wipe tears and smile, said: "good you, I hard back you back, you even despise me dirty your clothes..."

Chueh Chi's mouth pulled out a smile, "well, it's really hard for you." then he fainted again.

This time, she didn't panic any more. She made him get into bed again, and let juezhi lie down. She wanted to check his injury, but hesitated when she wanted to tear his pants

"Well I seem to be a woman, so I tear open his pants, then I can see his elbow? "

Then she thought, "whatever it is, it's important to save people. I can't see all the elbows of the fat man." then she tore open his pants without hesitation. What she saw made her take a breath.

There is no intact skin on the whole body. This time, I know what it means. Those commandment monks are really merciless. Every stick can make the skin open. In some places, the wounds are very deep, and even the red and black meridians can be seen. They have never seen this kind of power before. They just feel that they are all weak, their feet are a little unsteady, their eyes are red, and tears are dripping "It's all my fault," he said, "as soon as I came here, I implicated you. I knew you shouldn't have rescued me from the water and let me drown."

at this time, Jue Chi eased up again. Her eyes were still closed, but her mouth was weak and she said, "don't cry It's ok It will be ready in a few days... "

"In a few days, if you don't get hurt for ten days and a half months, I'm afraid it won't be better." she wiped her tears, and then said, "none of your martial brothers is in charge of you. When you get hurt like this, they won't even send you medicine."

"I don't need their "Chueh Chi squeezed this word out of his teeth.

"But what about your master? Why doesn't he just leave you alone? "

Chueh Chi didn't speak any more this time, but his heart was full of different tastes. Recalling that Shifu was the only one who was good to himself in the temple, he was afraid that his eating Jiang Zho made Shifu feel cold last night, and his heart was full of guilt. However, when he thought that he was also risking being punished to steal the porridge for him, his heart was warm. Since he was sensible, no one was like him He hesitated at that time, but he couldn't bear to brush his heart. So he still knew that he had broken the precepts, but he still ate

Seeing that he didn't speak, he thought he fainted in pain again. No matter whether he could hear what he said, he said to him, "you wait, I'll take medicine for you..."

Dabei temple is originally located in the mountains, surrounded by green mountains. As soon as you get out of the temple, you can observe the terrain. Judging from the temperature and terrain of the mountain, the herbs suitable for hemostasis and treatment here are Panax notoginseng, broadsword and Agrimonia. But when you first come here, you are not familiar with the terrain of the mountain, so it's hard to find these herbs My husband.

No matter how much, she chose to walk towards Nanshan, where she went out, based on her previous experience of picking herbs. Along the way, she just looked for the herbs she wanted, so that she walked into the deep mountain. When she saw a small tree about one meter high, she jumped up happily, "ha ha, I found it."The twig is nearly square, and then gradually becomes cylindrical, opposite, paper, elliptic, rectangular, with the size of willow. The tip is long and sharp, and the base is gradually narrowed into a handle. There are tufts of hair in the back vein armpit. This is the big knife she is looking for. She quickly picked some and put them into the bamboo basket on her back.

Looking around for the next four walks, he suddenly fell off a cliff, "isn't it? I'm still lost now?" All around are the same green hills and trees. Even if she has a strong sense of direction, it's very difficult for her to go out in this strange place. If it's normal, it's nothing, but now she's in a hurry to save Jue Chi's life. At the moment, she's like an ant on a hot pot, sweating.

Suddenly, from the woods, there was a small, wordy sound. In the silent mountains, there was no sound other than the cuckoo that I heard from time to time when I went out. The sudden sound made my heart hang to my throat, and my cold hair stood up. I felt at ease, "no, there are tigers and wild boars in the mountains..."

Looking at the trees shaking violently in the dense forest in front of her, she could only hear her heart beating at the moment. It seemed that her face was suddenly ringing, and she didn't dare to make a sound. She squatted in the grass beside her, praying secretly, "don't be what I thought. I don't want to die. Chueh Chi is waiting for my herbal medicine..."

The sound is getting closer and closer. This thing is very smart. She knows to pull away the branches and weeds. But every time she gets closer, her heart will pull. She dimly looks at the things with round light shaking among the trees. Her heart is even more tight. She grabs a thumb sized twig around her. Although it's useless to deal with the beasts in the mountain forest, it's always difficult to hold it in her hand I feel better.

If she felt that she had to overcome the fear, she could only find the light in her heart.

A few steps away from her, the jungle was even more shaking. A brown figure flashed out, nervously covered her mouth, and flashed in her head: "do wild animals wear clothes? Or bald? "

The next moment, the hanging heart immediately fell down. The brown figure was abbot ruoku. She wiped the sweat from her forehead and laughed with self mockery. "Ha ha, it's master you. I'm scared to death by you. How can you be here?"

It's not a beast that scares the whole body with sweat. It's abbot ruoku. He laughs to himself. It turns out that ruoku's head is the round one.

Ruoku was startled by the sudden rush out, calmed down and quickly put his hands together, "Amitabha, who scared who?"

Just from the false alarm, with the withered branch in his hand, he had already jumped in front of ruoku, scratched his head and said in embarrassment: "ha ha, should have all of them? I was just scared by you, master

Ruoku looked at the withered branch in her hand and jokingly said, "are you going to take this withered branch and fight with me?"

She quickly fell the dead branch in her hand and said with a smile, "no, I just thought I met a beast in the mountain, so..."

If Ku took her words, "so you're going to fight the beast with the dead branch in your hand?"

"Ha ha Abbot, you are laughing at me. "

"Ha ha, I'm just laughing at you. I just want to remind you that the withered branches can only tickle the beast. I'm afraid it's difficult to irritate it." Ruoxu said as he put down the bamboo basket on his back.

Looking at the things in the bamboo basket, it turned out to be a basket full of wild black and white Auricularia auricula. I can't help but wonder. You know that the wild black and white Auricularia auricula grow in a dark corner, and they are very small. If you want to collect a basket, it's quite difficult. You look at ruoku in surprise and say, "where do you pick so many Auricularia auricula? How can you pick them It's not easy! "

If there is a little joy on the bitter face, "do you know how to pick wild vegetables?"

"Well, yes, when I was very young, my master told me that a good cook should not only know how to transform food materials into magic, but also learn to distinguish them, especially wild things. It is particularly important to pick them personally and know where they grow, so that he can use the seasoning suitable for food materials and induce the original taste of food." she recited after that The bamboo basket plans to follow ruoku out of here first, but ruoku on one side is interested in the things in her bamboo basket, "what are you in this bamboo basket?"

When it comes to this, I don't feel angry at all. , the fastest update of the webnovel!