"Fellow townsman, I still don't quite understand why these grasses can grow, which means there are sea snakes here?"

Officer Fang didn't speak all the time, listening to the conversation.

"After the grass is eaten by sea snakes, a special kind of feces comes out. These feces are the seeds of snake grass, which will grow back after they fall to the ground."

The guide grabbed a handful of grass from the ground and then pulled it up. He carefully looked at the roots and appearance of the plant. Yes, it was seaweed. The guide really hoped that his judgment was wrong, but it turned out that his judgment was not wrong.

"Isn't it poisonous?"

Mu Sheng looked at the guide holding the grass in his hand and smelled it under his nose from time to time.

"Ha ha, it doesn't matter. It's poisonous only when you eat it. The sea snake itself is not toxic, but it can survive in the middle environment. If you don't eat this kind of grass, you will starve to death. If you eat it, you will become toxic. You must be careful when you see it. And if you look at the scale of plants here, there should be a large number of plants left on this island. "

Mu Shengzhi felt that his younger generation was a little bit chilly. Did he and Xiang Xining interact with each other? Why did it seem that every time he went out with Xiang Xining, he would encounter such a disaster?

The last time I took a plane, it was the same. If I didn't have a big life, I'm afraid I would have died a long time ago.

"So these sea snakes are very dangerous? So let's find a way to leave. I don't want to be eaten by my snake

Xiang Xining was a little flustered, thinking that this man was not afraid of anything but snakes.

"Mr. Xiang, don't joke. Now if we leave, there is only one possibility, that is, we will die in the sea."

At this time, the sky began to be covered with dark clouds. It seems that heavy rain will soon come.

"When will the storm end?"

Xiang Xining just wants to know when he can leave the island.

Because as long as you think of snakes here, Xiang Xining will feel numb all over.

"The wind and cloud rise, the day and the night rest. I'm afraid it won't be over tonight. It's going to rain tomorrow morning. We must find a place to hide as soon as possible. You're following me. You have to pay attention to what's under your feet. "

After the guide finished speaking, he got up and went to the front.

Dark clouds, lightning and thunder, and at this time the sky suddenly darkened, we have no better choice but to go ahead with the guide, and on this island, the most familiar environment is the guide alone.

However, everything went smoothly. We felt that we had walked a long distance, but we didn't meet another sea snake.

"Fellow townsman, is there a mistake. There are no sea snakes here at all? "

Police officer Fang thought that there would be traces of sea snakes in such a long distance, but they didn't find them all the way.

"It can't be wrong, but now the weather is so bad and humid that all these sea snakes must have hidden in the cave. Look, there's a cave there. We'll go there in a hurry."

When I thought of saying this, I saw a big cave in front of me. I don't know whether it was man-made or self-made. Anyway, this cave is enough for people to take shelter from the rain.

Unexpectedly, just as the guide's voice fell, the heavy rain came down from the sky.

"Oh, no sign at all."

Musheng quickly covered his forehead with his hand, but it didn't help at all. Because the rain is too heavy.

"Drive into the cave."

After the guide finished, he ran to the front in a hurry.

Xiang Xining just wanted to run past, suddenly thought of the side of Musheng, so he stopped, saw that Musheng's body was about to get wet, so he did not hesitate to take off his coat, and then covered his head.

Mu Sheng suddenly felt that the rain seemed to be getting smaller, so he looked up and found that Xiang Xining was standing behind him.

"Don't look, just go."

Xiang Xining said hastily.

At this time, Xiang Xining had only one shirt, which was completely wet by the rain.

Musheng followed Xiang Xining to the front. Fortunately, the people in the cave were not far away, so after a few steps, they went into the cave.

This is a big cave. You can see the scene inside the cave through the light outside. There are bare stones all around, but the smell inside is really bad. A kind of fishy smell comes to your face.

Obviously, this bad smell attracted everyone's attention, and everyone covered their nose with their hands.

"No, this should be the nest of sea snakes."

The guide suddenly cried out.

After hearing these words, these people gathered together unnaturally. Xiang Xining wanted to take out his mobile phone and shine it into the cave. He could see a lot of green light.Every green light is very small, just like the size of a soybean.

After seeing someone take out the flashlight, the rest of the people will quickly take out the mobile phone, and then shine to the cave.

Sure enough. There are really snakes in it, but it's not clear how many there are.

When these people burst in, they must have disturbed the sea snakes resting inside, so these sea snakes meant to attack.

Slowly, these sea snakes are swimming forward slowly.

"You hide behind me, this beast is afraid of one thing."

Think of saying this, he quickly from his pocket, set out a similar moxa stick things, and then use a lighter lit this thing, a strange smell came out.

With the wind, the smell floated past. It was obvious that these sea snakes suddenly stopped swimming, and all the green light stopped there.

"Well, it worked. But it's temporary. I only have one. I can't hold on for a long time. "

The guide looked at his hand with a small moxa stick like things, said regretfully.

"We'd better go somewhere else. It's too dangerous here"

Xiang Xining said uneasily.

"It's raining so hard outside, and you can't go out to hide. And you don't know, the weather here is very strange, and it's easy to cause sea mines. Moreover, these sea mines can easily hit people's bodies, and they will also kill people. It's safer here now."

The guide told everyone the grim situation they were facing.