"I want to prove to you that I have the ability to manage the company well and deal with problems," Lin thought

Only in the morning did he look down on her, saying she was incapable.

It's just a question to play.

But I was very excited when I heard it deeply. "Can you prove it to me?"

Is he so important in her mind?

Lin Yi nodded, "yes, I want you to know that I am not only good-looking, but also capable of managing the company."

There is more than one girl in the world.

He thought deeply that he said in the morning that she had nothing.

It turned out that she cared so much about what he said

He reached for Lin yishallow's waist excitedly, hugged her, and patted her gently on her back with his big hand. "Well, I know that you are capable. You are very capable from 40 to 100 in the English test, from the bottom ten in the class to the top five in the grade. You are powerful."

In fact, she has always been excellent.

Only, he didn't want to admit that he didn't want to admit it, because he couldn't accept it. The excellent Lin yishallow would choose song Changlin.

Instead of thinking deeply.

After listening to the thoughtful words, Lin yishallow was surprised, "how do you know so detailed?"

He frowned to cover up his nervousness with disgust. "Didn't you often run to my grandmother's house at that time, stupid like a pig?"

Lin Yi shallow discontented to scold her, "you are the pig."

Qi Shaodong: "..."

At this time, there is also idle love.

They are really eunuchs who are not in a hurry.


The door of the office was open, and a group of uniformed law enforcement officers came in from outside.

The head of the middle-aged women in business uniforms saw the deep concern, a little more busy and kind face, smiled and said hello to the deep concern, "President Gu is here."

This woman is the director of Haishi Administration for Industry and commerce.

I think I have dealt with her.

He let go of Lin yishallow, glanced at the group of people, and then his eyes fell on the director general of industry and commerce. "When will your bureau of industry and commerce be so efficient and fast?"

Sarcastic tone.

The director is still smiling, "no, we are also informed, there is no way."

"As if I won't let you check."

With a deep cold snort, I walked to the door.

He went to the group of law enforcement officers, and then he looked at several people wearing police uniforms behind him, sneering, "it seems that the two directors Wang have made an appointment together, not least one."

The police are also from the Municipal Public Security Bureau.

The director general of industry and Commerce in front of him smiled and didn't take care of his words.

Turning the topic to work, "we still need Mrs. Gu to cooperate with us in our investigation."

She looked at Lin yishallow, very friendly.

"We have stopped selling the goods produced on that date and have made a recycling notice," Lin said

When director Wang heard the words, he was embarrassed.

She said, "now Consumers make trouble at the gate of Haishi administration of industry and commerce, and ask Lin to recycle all the goods sold within the shelf life. "

Lin yishallow smell speech, face a change, frown.

All of them are sold, that is to say, more than 100 million goods sold after she took over.

Before that, last year and the year before last, even if the performance has declined in recent years, there are still hundreds of millions of sales per year.