He doesn't move without pressure.

Zhang Jingyu frowned and asked, "aren't you going to divorce him?"

"Are you a bastard of your own?"

Mr. Sun's blood gushed into his throat and almost came out.

Zhang Jingyu picks his eyebrows again. "Are women so fickle?"

"Fuck you." Sun lost his white face and took a look at Zhang Jingyu. Then he couldn't help saying, "that kid doesn't care about you at all. I heard that you were injured last night, so I'm going to send you some medicine."

Zhang Jingyu hears the words, smiles and doesn't answer.

Because he knew that the starting point of Gu Nianjia's sending medicine to her was that he was hurt because he helped her beat Jiang mo.

Because she cherishes and cares about the people who pay for her.

He smiled but didn't speak. In Miss Sun's heart, he was calm, confident and confident.

She wanted to shoot him to death, but who let him be her son? She couldn't help but wanted to give her some ideas. "Stop being dull. You need to learn from the boy named Jiang mo. although his behavior is very bad, the girls now are very fond of that set of domineering set."

Zhang Jingyu nodded, "I see, love expert, it's time for you to go home."

He asked Mr. Sun to go home again.

Miss sun grasped the key point, frowned and asked him doubtfully, "what are you so anxious to rush me back to do?"

"Because I am going to move here today," said Zhang

Said his eyes around the huge living room around a circle, the corner of the mouth raised a sly smile.

"Do you think so?" Mr. Sun stared in surprise, thinking that he had heard it wrong.

Zhang Jingyu looks down at Miss Sun, "no more repetition."

As he said that, he stepped forward to the dining table.

Mr. Sun followed behind him excitedly, "son, are you serious?"

Move in, is that afraid of no chance?

Every day is an opportunity.

"Am I so bored to lie?" Zhang Jingyu gives Miss Sun a white eye.

That's for sure.

Sun happily clapped his hands, wondering how Zhang Jingyu made Gu Nianjia agree to move in. "Jia Jia said you moved in?"

Her son is her own. She knows that he didn't offer to live here.

He must have used some method to get Jiajia to talk.

Zhang Jingyu nodded, "yes."

Mr. Sun smiled and clapped Zhang Jingyu on the shoulder. "Son, you can. This fight is worth fighting."

She went on, "when you move in, mom will go back right away and won't disturb you two."

He smiled very vaguely.

Zhang Jingyu gave her a speechless expression. She didn't speak any more. She went to the dining table and sat down. She had a good breakfast.


When the class is over, everyone is gone. Gu Nianjia is still sitting in the classroom and doesn't want to go out.

It's very difficult for Zhang Jingyu to move to her house. Last night, I didn't know how to be blinded by lard. I felt that the animal was handsome. I felt sorry for seeing her hurt.

For a while the virgin opened her mouth.

But the more she thought about it, the more she felt that it was inconvenient for Zhang Jingyu to move to her house. The biggest thing was that he was so awesome that he was known by his classmates and didn't know how to pass it on.

I can't think of any good excuse for him not to move to her house.

Or Ask your sister-in-law?

Keep your sister-in-law secret. She should help keep it secret.