Although she has accepted it, Gu Nianjia is still reluctant to give up. As Lu Chen and Lin Yiqian said to her, what she can't accept is not only Chen Luli, who song Changlin is looking for, but also her dependence and possessiveness on Song Changlin.

Song Changlin, for her, is the spiritual pillar from small to large. It can't be said that she is the only and the biggest one.

She sipped the corner of her mouth, reached out and put it on the head of the little fish and gently rubbed it.

After a while, he nodded, "well."

What kind of person is the little uncle? She knows very well. It's not because of the pressure from grandma and mother that she is with Chen Luli.

He must have made a thoughtful decision himself.

Because a move can affect the friendship between the song and Chen families for so many years, so he stepped out this step, and he must be running to get married.

Thinking of this, her voice will still be a little choked.

Lin Xiaoyu frowned doubtfully again. "Don't you agree?"

Gu Nianjia squats down and explains with a smile, "if my uncle really likes that aunt, we can only accept it. Everyone has the right to like it. If we love my uncle, we should support him."

Well, what she said was a little against her will.

The little fish crooked his neck and pondered over the words of Gu Nianjia.

Then he asked, "don't you like aunts?"

Gu Nianjia knows that the world of children is very simple, especially Lin Xiaoyu. He may not have the concept that men and women like it and their relatives like it.

He may think that a man and a woman can get married as long as they like each other.

I can't explain what kind of liking I like to him clearly. It's better to deny it simply, "silly child, how can my uncle like me?"

The little fish nodded 'Oh'.

Then lower your head.

Gu Nianjia thought that he was sorry for her, but in a moment, he raised his head and said, "he must like me."

The little guy said, raising his chin, proud and proud, "he hugged me and bought me a lot of food."

Gu Nianjia: "..."

Three sentences can't do without snacks.

Show off in front of her!!!

Other people's she dare not say, want to say small uncle, at present besides Lin Yi shallow, who can show her?

Gu Nianjia wanted to amuse the little guy and said with a smile, "when I was a child, he bought me many picture books. Every birthday, he would give me a beautiful birthday present. She would buy me what I want to eat, many, many, and even gave me a chocolate house."

Smell words, the little guy stared, envied.

Gu Nianjia pauses and thinks of something else. "And Gu Xiaoxiao is also what he gave me."

Then, like Lin Xiaoyu, she raised her chin high.

She looked at the little guy's envious expression and had a sense of achievement.

Lin Xiaoyu's eyes widened and his mouth opened. He asked incredulously, "is it from my uncle, too?"

He wants a chocolate house and a small one.

"Well," she nodded proudly

At this time, a familiar voice came from behind, "your little uncle is so kind to you. I have children with your little uncle. You should be kind to your little cousin or cousin."


What a coincidence she heard.

Gu Nianjia shrinks her neck and turns back with a smile. Chen Luli stands less than a meter behind her, holding a small golden handbag in her hands, and looks at her with a smile.