Chapter 4

Name:Gourmet Live Room Author:书一
Su Xiaonan, who had not eaten real food for a long time, almost burst into tears when she drank her first porridge. The warmth in her stomach after eating hot food was not comparable to that of nutrient solution.

"Brother, it's delicious." Su Xiaonan almost believed what her brother said was true.

"Believe me!" Su Yemu hopes Su Xiaonan believes him, so that he will not make her suspicious or worried if he has any strange behavior.

Su Xiaonan shakes her head. Su Xiaonan, who lives in the interstellar age, has another view. Now that human beings have spiritual power, it is better to say that she believes her brother has a very high spiritual power than to believe her brother's so-called soul theory. However, this spiritual power has been restricted in the sea of knowledge all the time, and her brother's spiritual power is connected with a certain space, which makes her brother See the other side of the black hole.

Su Xiaonan put down the bowl and took his brother's hand. He said seriously and seriously, "brother, listen to me. No one can say about this. If someone asks about it, they will say that we have a recipe handed down in our family. Do you know?"

"And then?" Su Ye Mu Leng Leng asked, he always felt that he still had words to finish.

"And then, from now on, write a recipe, and I'll find paper and pen." Since human beings have entered the interstellar age, they attach great importance to environmental protection. In addition, records are all made of electronic products. It is difficult to find paper and pen. Even if they can be found, the price is very expensive. However, in order to prevent her brother from being caught and sliced, refuel.

After su Xiaonan made a decision, she ate breakfast in twos and took the robot out. She wanted to go to the black market to inquire about the situation. By the way, she repaired the robot. She always listened to its call of 3333 and had a headache.

Su Ye Mu was surprised by his clean and neat, which is OK?

Su Yemu finished the rest of the food and was about to wash the dishes. He found that there was no apron at home, which made it easy to get his clothes dirty. Thinking that he would have to cook at noon, Su Yemu boarded the star website and wanted to buy an apron, but he found that there was no such thing. However, we also know that most of human food is cooked, and most of the processes are completed by robots. How can we use this thing 。

However, Su Ye mu can use it. His master once said that a real chef, from the selection of ingredients to the final completion, has to handle himself to make the most perfect food. He also thinks that the master is right.

If you don't have an apron, you can draw it yourself. Su Yemu finds an online shop that can make clothes. He draws an apron by hand and sends it to the store owner, and asks him to make it according to the apron.

[customer service: Hello, can you tell me what you painted on this cloth? [Su Yemu: This is panda rolling. [customer service: the name of panda rolling is really nice and cute. Is it your own design? Can I buy this pattern? Su Yemu: it's not designed by me. It's a national treasure of ancient China. You can use it, you don't need to buy it. [customer service: Huaxia? Is it the Chinese civilization in history? You are so good. Are you studying history or archaeology? I've never heard of it or seen it. But I still have to pay you star coins, because there is no such design on the market at present. Su Yemu: No, if you really want to give money, you can see what public welfare organizations have donated! ]

[customer service: Well, I'll buy it with ten thousand star coins. After donating, I'll send you the receipt. By the way, your cloth will be ready soon. You will receive it in an hour. ]

[suyemu: [sweat], it's not cloth, it's an apron. ]

[customer service: sorry, apron. ]

[Su Yemu: please, goodbye! ]

[customer service: goodbye! ]

after su Yemu went offline, the customer service was so grinning that she didn't receive a single after opening the store for more than a month. She didn't expect to receive not only the list, but also the design. As a girl, she has amazing intuition about lovely things. She believes that as long as this pattern is printed on clothes, is there still no business? By the way, you can make dolls and make a lot of money.

Now my grandfather won't let her follow his path any more and become a biologist!

Su Yemu ordered the apron, and then went to the supermarket to order the ingredients to be used at noon, and then bought some kitchen tools and ingredients? To Su Yemu's surprise, many ingredients are marked as edible varieties, but there is no way to eat them on the Internet. Su Yemu guesses that this has a lot to do with the loss of human cooking. Spices like Zanthoxylum bungeanum and star anise are not used properly, so it's really hard to eat them.

After dealing with these matters, Su Yemu boarded the live broadcast platform. After filling in the information, there was a test that asked the food anchor to provide three copies of food and Related videos to the head office of the live broadcast platform. After they tried and confirmed, they would select the stars according to their food taste.

At present, the highest star rating of the platform is four and a half stars. It is a live studio opened by a senior chef of the Chef Association. However, he seldom goes online and occasionally comes up to show off. Even so, his fans are as high as five billion. In fact, there are no pan federal fans. From this, we can see how highly the chefs are respected.

After submitting the materials, Su Yemu went to the supermarket to place an order for several ingredients. He was ready to send out the food reviewed today.About 15 minutes later, the ingredients were delivered. After the suyemu was unpacked, it began to make. After thinking about it, I still want to turn on the live broadcast. Anyway, we have to record videos.

/What do I see? I didn't see the anchor? /

/ I'm really happy to wait. /

/ diligent anchor, I hope it will be the same tomorrow. /

the atmosphere in the live room was warm. Su Yemu looked at the number of people online, and there were more than 300 people. They all stayed here. His passion for food made Su Yemu smile. As a chef, this is his highest praise.

/What do I see? The anchor laughed. /

/ so handsome, I want to give birth to monkey. /

/ no one should compete with me for the smile of the host. /

/ you all goblins go, I will sit down in the palace. /

/ Zhenggong? The one in front of you will know that you are born in history. /

seeing the word "history" on the bullet screen, Su Yemu also felt that he was a paleontologist. He cleared his throat and said, "the live broadcast is tentatively scheduled to be once a day, but today, due to the application for star rating, I have to hand in three copies of food for evaluation, so I also started the live broadcast by the way, because of the time, I will move a little faster. If you want to do it yourself and you don't understand something, you can ask me directly, and I'll answer for you. "

/Understand, understand, keep quiet. /

/ broadcast, can we try it? /

"I will leave some of them for you to try. If you have any suggestions, you can also put forward them." Thousands of years have passed, and suyemu doesn't know whether human tastes will change, but judging from the reaction this morning, it should be OK.

/The host is the most handsome /

/ the host universe is the most handsome /

"Ding Dong!"

Su Yemu was just about to start when the doorbell rang and said hello to everyone. Su Yemu went out to open the door and delivered an apron, which was really fast. In the living room, he opened the package directly. While walking to the kitchen, Su Yemu put on his apron. When he entered the kitchen, Su Yemu, wearing a panda drawing apron, appeared in front of everyone. Qingjun's face, set off by the pink apron of a round panda, looks cute and cute. The audience in the live room is stunned and the screen is accidentally cleared for at least three seconds.

/Hao, Hao Meng, nose bleeding /

/ report, anchor malicious selling Meng /

/ so cute, what animal is this? Why not? /

/ reconfirmed, the anchor is definitely under age /

then, another wave of people asked Su Yemu what kind of animal this was. Su Yemu repeated what he had said to the customer service, which attracted people's follow-up questions. They all asked where they wanted one, especially girls. The round black-and-white panda, with big innocent eyes, was cute.

Su Yemu recalled the name of the store, but could not remember it at all. He could only say, "the name of the store is too long. I forgot it. When the food is ready, I will put the name of the store in the live broadcasting room and announce it! By the way, put up the menu for tomorrow. "

/The anchor is serious. Why do I think the anchor is pretending to be calm? /

/ ha ha, don't expose it! The anchor blushed. /

the bullet screen is all about teasing, so Su Yemu can only treat it as invisible and start making dishes. He is going to fry a Yangzhou fried rice, then make a toothpick meat, and spare ribs soup.

First wash the rice and cook it in the pot, and then start to process the mutton.

"The meat with toothpick meat is the best choice of hind leg meat of sheep, which tastes very good. After washing the meat, remove the skin. "

Then cut into half finger long strips and set aside in a bowl. In addition to onion, ginger and coriander, the ingredients include salt, a small amount of sugar, chili powder, half a teaspoon of low alcohol liquor and starch. The most important things here are cumin and pepper. Neither of them is ground into powder. Su Yemu can only buy a machine to grind it. The audience asks what it is?

After su Yemu explained it again, everyone was stunned. Could this food be used for food? The smell is very choking and unpleasant.

/Poof, the anchor doesn't want to attract people's attention, so he puts everything down? /

/ maybe, I cooked porridge with my viscera yesterday? /

not only Su Yemu was surprised, but also the audience in the live room? Anchor, is that the beginning? How can there be black powder? As they have tasted the craft of suyemu, they can't bear it.

/If you haven't tasted the anchorperson's skill, please shut up. There's no time for you to make a noise here /

you're about to quarrel. Su Yemu, who is stirring the shredded mutton, is sweeping her eyes to the screen. The cold air rises from the soles of her feet, which makes her heart beat.

Su Ye Mu gently smile: "I like to speak with strength."

The appearance of sunspots really surprised him. It seems that no matter how advanced the technology is, this is an indispensable creature.

When he was on earth, he did not live broadcast, but he often went online. Every time he saw these sunspots, he thought it was an incredible existence./Good, easy to attack. /

/ that look is really good at attacking. I decided that from now on, I will jump out of the pit of DiMeng and stand in the main attack. /

/ in front of the platoon, they abandoned the team that had been waiting for him and ran to the arms of the general attack. /

as a young comrade of the 21st century, Su Yemu, a straight iron and steel man, has a fever in his face. What is the general attack? Really, it's so direct.