Chapter 22

Name:Gourmet Live Room Author:书一
It took Su Yemu three days to complete the design of the farm. As soon as it was finished, Xiaonan grabbed the architectural draft and said that he asked Jiang Yu's father to help build it. At this time, Su Ye Mu knew that one of Jiang's father's jobs was to be a foreman.

However, his contractor is different from today's contractor in the interstellar age. Others use robots and synthetic materials to build directly, and most of them are artificial.

As for the reason why it is one of the jobs, it is because it takes only one day for others to find a formal construction company to build a house, and it takes five days to find them. In this way, Jiang's contractor team can only stay idle for a long time.

In order to support his family, when his contract workers were not working, they had to do casual work everywhere, or pick up mechanical parts in the garbage dump in exchange for money. The technology in the interstellar age was too developed, and the existence of human beings sometimes seemed superfluous. This is the reason why Cyrus is so poor.

When they come to Jiang's house, Jiang Xiaoyu is sitting at the door with a piece of wood engraved on it. Seeing Xiaonan and Su Yemu coming, he quickly hides behind him.

"What are you hiding?"

Xiaonan stretched out his head and wanted to see clearly. Jiang Xiaoyu got up quickly: "no, nothing. How did you come?"

Xiao Nan sweeps the river and Xiao Yu takes a look: "can't I come?"

"No, it's not," Jiang Xiaoyu was a little confused. Seeing Xiaonan staring at him, his cheek flushed: "come in and sit down!"

Say, pull small South to go inside, that manner action lets Su Ye Mu doubt, the situation is not right!

When they arrived at Jiang's house, Jiang's father and Jiang's mother welcomed them out. After hearing their wishes, they couldn't stop being happy. After reading Su Yemu's drawings, Jiang's father said that the time would be at least 10 days. He was afraid that Su Yemu would hesitate. Then he said, "Ye mu, if you are not in a hurry, can you accept this time?"

Before he came, Xiaonan had already told Su Yemu that Jiang's father adopted semi-artificial method because he wanted his people to have a bite to eat. Su Yemu admired this point.

"No problem. In addition, I need to use fruit trees and flowers. Can you help me get them?" Su Yemu has to make a menu every day, do live broadcasting and find seeds. He is a little busy. He hopes to give all the dishes to Jiang's father, so that he can relax and Jiang's father can make more money.

Since the live broadcast, his daily income has exceeded five digit star coins. For more than ten days, the small Treasury is quite full. Su Yemu has checked that it can not cost much to build a house. The big head is in fruit trees, flowers, digging ponds and water diversion.

"Yes, you can rest assured. I know a lot of people who grow flowers and fruit trees. They can provide them." Jiang's father stood up and held Su Yemu's hand tightly, with gratitude in his eyes.

Su Yemu was a little confused. He just asked Jiang's father to help build the house. He felt guilty. However, there might be other ways: "the fruit trees and flowers I planted need to be looked after. If it's convenient, can you ask who is willing to help me?"


"Is there anyone who can grow vegetables? I can't afford to buy a robot at present. I can't do it alone. If someone wants to, I won't be afraid to work hard... "


"Can anyone keep poultry? I... "


"By the way, can anyone make furniture? I want to... "


After su Yemu came out from the Jiang family, he was still a little dizzy. He thought it would be very troublesome to build a farm, and it would take a long time to perfect it. Unexpectedly, Jiang's father took care of everything, such as digging ponds, water, planting fruit trees, transplanting flowers, etc., and the price he offered just emptied his small coffer.

"What are you doing? How can you cheat Ye mu? You know people who can grow flowers and fruit trees. I believe when did you know people who grow vegetables and poultry? Why don't I know? " Jiang's mother grabs Jiang's father's ear and bites her teeth in anger. They didn't help much when ye was a fool. Now that she's a better person, she's promising and knows how to help. How dare this man cheat Ye mu?

"No, no, I really know these people, but they are old people."

Those people live in poverty and can't afford expensive nutrient solution. Poor quality nutrient solution can't eat well. They can only rely on Neptune's annual subsidy to buy some seeds from and grow their own vegetables. After pondering for a long time, of course they will.

Hearing Jiang's father's words, Jiang Ma finally put her heart down. In the interstellar age, all of them ate nutrient solution, and few of them could grow vegetables and raise poultry.

When Su Yemu returned home, he ordered the ingredients for the afternoon. He got up and stretched out. With a slight pain in his shoulder, Su Yemu opened his clothes and looked in the mirror. The tooth mark was still there. Strange, did he wipe the medicine less?

Put on more.

After wiping the lotion, Su Yemu yawned and decided to go back to his room to have a sleep and get up at 4 p.m.

The sun was shining and the cool wind was just right. Su Yemu quickly went to sleep.

In the dream, the farm was built, and one after another of the spaceships landed at the gate of the farm. Waves of dim faced guests came and went. Xiaonan ran around holding the terminal and saying, "yes, I've made it

Suddenly, a heavy mecha fell from the sky, and a huge dog leaped out of the mecha and jumped directly at Su Yemu, crushing people to the ground. Its forelegs slightly raised and pressed on Su Yemu's shoulder. Its sharp claws pierced out of its toes, and its sharp teeth were slightly exposed. Su Yemu seemed to be studying where to goSu Ye Mu was so scared that he couldn't make a sound in his mouth. At last, this magnificent and huge dog finished his research. He opened his mouth and bit him off on Su Yemu's shoulder.


The scream broke through the room. Su Yemu woke up from his dream with pain. When he opened his eyes, he saw that a fool was pressing on his body. His teeth were biting on his shoulder. Su Yemu reached out and tried to push him away. A mental force pierced into his consciousness. His manic spiritual tentacles were scurrying in Su Yemu's brain, entangled with Su Yemu's white light, and the teeth biting on his shoulder were finally slow Slow down

Su Ye Mu feels a little tired, squints and thinks vaguely. Is this a fool who treats him as a molar stick? Come here and have a few bites and grind your teeth?

Su Yemu wakes up again because he is awakened by the doorbell. When he gets up, his shoulder is in pain again. Su Yemu suddenly has black lines and blue veins. A silly, if you don't beat him, you really treat him as a sick cat.

He rushed out of bed and went out to see that 033 had collected the food delivered by the star. He patted his forehead and praised him. Su Yemu opened the door and went to the spaceship. Far away, Su Yemu saw that the small mound nearby was smoother, and the spaceship was more concave. He felt his nose. Su Yemu took a 180 degree turn and said, "time is coming, or we should live it first! I'll settle with him next time. "

The rest of his eyes looked around and sighed with relief. It was really wasteland and no one was there.

Su Yemu did not return home in slippers when a young man with golden hair and beautiful appearance suddenly came out, his clothes were shabby, and his eyebrows were tight. He looked at Su Yemu with a big bag on his back. His eyes widened greatly, his chest heaved violently, and his face was full of excitement.

Su Yemu: are you going to get sick?

Quickly back two steps, Su Yemu's feet again turn a corner, across the juvenile left.

"Master, I am erha! Master... "

The cry is long and affectionate, and the voice is like a lover who has not been seen for many years

Memory rushed into his mind, Su Ye Mu thought of the barrage that often appeared in the live room called Shifu. He turned around and asked, "Er ha?"

Erha ran to Su Yemu and grinned: "master, it's me! I've come to learn from you. "

"How old are you?"

"Twenty two years old," erha said, "master, don't worry. My family knows I'm here to learn from you, and I'm very supportive."

"You are not an adult yet! Is your family willing to let you give up your studies? "

"Yes, the master is too good! My family all like Shifu very much, and when they knew I was coming, they asked me to bring gifts

Erha took out a hole from the bag and handed it to Su Yemu: "master, look, this is my gift for you. It's very beautiful."

What erha handed over was a ring. The concave part in the middle showed that it should have been inlaid before, but it was dug out, so it looked a little ugly, and was given the ring

In the face of erha's expectant eyes, Su Yemu didn't know whether to tell the truth for a while.

Two ha see Su Ye Mu did not reply, carefully way: "I personally use cold iron grinding."

"It's nice."

Su Ye mu, who has always been honest, seldom feels a pain in his conscience.

"I knew the master liked it! Then go home! Master's house is the one in front! It's so beautiful. I can tell it's from the master's house... "

Two ha chattered and went to Su Ye Mu's home happily. Those who didn't know thought it was his home!

At this time, Neptune

roared into the sky.

"Where's my space button? Where's my little s? Why is there only one stone left? "

Passers-by in a hurry, secretly thought: absolutely can't say is Kevin picked away, will be retaliated.

The author has something to say: the plan arrived at 5:00 p.m., but I didn't expect to be late. I didn't come back until 8:00. Today, it's a little late!