Chapter 32

Name:Gourmet Live Room Author:书一
Huge starships appear in the blue sky, with shadows over the earth, and the Legion insignia depicted on the starships glows in the sunlight. In the eyes of all, the star ship slowly landed on the platform of CAOS outside the imperial capital.

At the moment when the star ship contacted with the platform of CAOS, the ground shook faintly. Zoron and other generals who led the Royal escort team were waiting for Marshal he. The bottom of their hearts was awe inspiring. Even if it was a star ship, the star ship of the wolf army would not be an ordinary star ship.

When the star ship opened, marshal he, dressed in black military uniform and carrying four golden stars on his shoulder, came out. When he saw the people standing under the platform of CAOS to meet him, he raised his hand and pressed his military cap to cover the flash of light in his eyes.

At this time, selstar

Su Yemu got up and was in a good mood and did not dream.

After su Yemu got up, the house was quiet and went into the kitchen. He had already made breakfast. What he made was steamed stuffed bun, which was not bad.

After breakfast, Su Yemu went to the farm. As soon as he arrived, there was a commotion, followed by cheers.

Two ha rushed out from the inside and saw Su Yemu yelling: "master, master, someone has awakened again. It is S-level."

Su Yemu was surprised that the farm was still a treasure land of geomancy.

The awakened one is a young man who often follows Dazhuang and calls him Dayu. Seeing Su Yemu arrive, he does the same thing as Dazhuang. He kneels down on one knee and hits his chest with his right hand clenching his fist. Then he gets up and continues to move fruit trees. He carries a big tree with one hand. When he passes by Su Yemu, he grins.

Two ha exclaimed: "master, you are so good."

Su Yemu: shouldn't you be in the kitchen

Erha hanmao stood up and ran away in an instant.

Su Yemu:!

It's a good thing that someone on the farm is awakened to mental strength, which means that one's physical function will change immediately. Not only will he live a long life, but also he will be able to drive a mecha. Su Yemu envied him, but it was strange that the farm belonged to his family. How could he not wake up?

"Su family boy, are you interested in checking with me? Maybe, you also have the possibility of awakening spiritual power."

Dr. Ali, dressed in a white robe, pushed his glasses with a kind smile.

"Doctor, my brother doesn't need to. My father said that there is no possibility for my brother to wake up." Su Xiaonan grabs Su Ye Mu's arm: "doctor, I'll go back with my brother first."

Su Xiaonan bowed to Dr. Ali and took Su Yemu away.

"Brother, can't let Dr. Ali do physical examination, especially mental strength, you know?"


Su Xiaonan looked around, approached Su Ye Mu's ear, and said in a low voice: "Xiaonan shakes his head, father said."

Su Yemu put his memory in his mind. In his memory, Su's father was quite mysterious. He liked to touch the head of the original owner and sigh when he was young, and then said, "it will be OK. Dad's Ye Mu will be OK, but Dad can't see it.".

"What do you think, brother?"

"It's OK."

Su Yemu pressed down the doubts that welled up in his head. He took Xiaonan around the farm, and then contacted Mr. Chen. He wanted to take a cook's certificate in advance.

As soon as Mr. Chen heard it, he should be good. After the call was cut off, people from the Chef Association gathered around.

"Mr. Chen, is Su Yemu coming?" The young man's eyes glowed and his face was filled with excitement.

Mr. Chen nodded and said, "well.".

"Well, it's just a young man. Mr. Chen thinks much of him." An old man of the same age as Mr. Chen spoke.

"Vice President saluman, Su Yemu is not an ordinary cook. He..."

"Do you want to interrupt me when I speak?"

Saluman's face was cold, and the young man shut up and did not dare to speak again.

Chen Laohe a smile: "saluman, why so strict with young people, amity makes wealth, amity makes wealth."

"Saluman is right. The fairness and justice of the chefs' Association will not be relaxed because of some privileges." Caper, one of the vice presidents.

There are five vice presidents in the association of chefs. Why are there so many? Isn't it enough for one faction to block one?

There are tens of billions of people in the Empire, but there are only a few thousand cooks. The small number of cooks has nothing to do with these people. But this time, Mr. Chen will not give in. It's time to clear some moths, otherwise imperial cooking will always be in the hands of those selfish families.

Far away from Neptune's turbulent waters, suemo is not sure, and he is surprised by his discovery.

"Are you all carved with wood?"

"Yes, yes, but I'm not lazy. It's lunch break, I'm..."

"I know, I mean..."

"I, I didn't cut down trees. I came back to carve the withered wood."

The honest and honest old man in his fifties was dark, and panicked because Su Yemu found out what he was doing.

"Don't worry, I don't mean anything else." the interstellar attaches great importance to the protection of trees, but as long as there is no large-scale cutting down, no one will take care of you: "the farm still owes a food sculptor. Would you like to comeIn Su Yemu's opinion, wood carving is a very high art. I don't know if he would like to.

"Really, I, I..." The old man rubbed his hands: "my son can carve, can you let him come"

"Sir, I don't want to come, or my son. He has been in a wheelchair since childhood, and has never been outside. I think if you can offer him this job, I can find a reason to let him come outside. I I... "

"Of course."

"Thank you, thank you, I..." he said

In fact, he had a little concealment. The farm two people awakened their spiritual power. In private, everyone was rumored that you were a lucky person. If you were close to him, you would have good luck. He thought that if his son could awaken his spiritual power, he would be able to stand up.

"Thank you, sir."

The old man bowed to Su Yemu and was scared to lift him up: "I think you are good at carving wood. If I draw a pattern, can you carve it?"

"Yes, certainly."

If he can't, let his son carve it. His son's craftsmanship will certainly do.

Su Yemu has another income, apprentice?

Whatever it is, Su Yemu is in a good mood. Look at the time. Su Yemu is home to make lunch.

When he came out with lunch, Professor Li yawned and saw that Su Yemu's eyes were bright and Su Yemu's back was cold.

Last night, being pulled by Professor Li and unable to go to bed could be a shadow to him.

However, to Su Yemu's surprise, Professor Li did not ask him about history any more. After lunch, Su Yemu began to draw wood carvings. Su Yemu painted five pictures, all of which were screens, four gentlemen and a picture of spring.

Professor Li didn't disturb him, so he sat by and watched his paintings. After he finished, he asked what the four gentlemen's picture was and what pen he was holding.

When he knew that the brush was bought in the trading market, Professor Li realized that there was still such an ancient thing in selstar. Professor Li pondered for a moment and went outside.

After su Ye Mu draws a picture, board star net, a message jumps in.

It was the shop owner who picked up his apron drawings. The little girl cried and said that her grandfather had gone to Su Yemu.

For the first time, Su Yemu reflected on whether he was too high-profile?

However, it is really just a picture!

After placing an order in the star net, Su Yemu got up and felt a pain in his shoulder, which almost made him fall back to his chair.

Su Yemu opened his clothes and took a photo in the mirror. The scar that had been bitten by a silly before was still as if he had just bitten. He felt and felt a faint pain, but it was not as severe as before.

Su Yemu takes out the therapeutic apparatus and wants to see if he can get rid of the scar, but he fiddles with it for more than ten minutes, but it still doesn't work. He throws the therapeutic apparatus on the bed and Su Yemu goes to live.

Put on the apron, Su Yemu orders the terminal to open, and many people rush into the live room.

/See broadcast again, happy day. /

/ it's a pity that I didn't see the marshal today. Fortunately, I can watch the broadcast. /

/ why is the broadcasting face so bad? Is it uncomfortable? /

/ ah, broadcast, what's wrong with broadcasting? Who is there /

there was a riot in the live room, and more than one million people watched him for a second, smiling and ready to say hello to them, so Su Yemu fell down, suddenly unconscious.

Su Yemu was dreaming. He knew he was dreaming. It was dark around him. There was echo when he stepped on the ground. He seemed to be in a dark room.

It seems that he is really entangled with things, and I don't know if he really has gone with the wind after thousands of years.

"I want to wake up."

Su Yemu often fell into nightmares when he was a child. His grandmother told him that as long as he told the dream, he would wake up and wake up.

In fact, it's also useful. When Su Yemu finishes this sentence, a light appears in front of him. Su Yemu goes to the light and slowly disappears.

"Ha ha! It's gone again. "

"Do I look terrible, so afraid of me?"

In the dark, there was a deep laugh.

At this time, the Marshal's house was on high alert. Ordinary people had been evacuated and the surrounding area of the mansion was heavily guarded by expeditionary troops.

"What's the matter? Why did you come back from the Imperial Palace and the spirit power revolted again? " Huka was in a state of anxiety and walked up and down in a hurry: "it's no good to go on like this. Let the therapist in immediately."

Allen disagreed: "let them in, it's just death."

The mental storm of a high mental strength person is not a joke. Soldiers or therapists with lower mental strength value are rashly approached by the soldiers or therapists at any time.

"General Allen, general Huck, how is the situation?"

Ellen turns around and salutes Ryan, but hucka doesn't act. He never likes the royal family.

"Why is your highness here?"

"It's not convenient for your majesty to come here. Let me have a look." even standing outside, you can still feel the pressure of high spirit soldiers. It's really enviable.

"I asked your majesty to bring the therapist," said RyanAlan and hucka looked at each other, and Alan said, "you can't get in at this time."

"How do you know if you don't try, or..."

"Your Highness, you really can't get in."

The following therapists were offended and interrupted. When Ryan turned around, he found that all the therapists he had brought were pale, sweating on their forehead and fainting at any time.


"Marshal he, is the mental power riot near collapse? Is your highness Ryan bringing the therapists here to force them in? "

"Marshal he's mental value is 3S, and the imperial therapist's highest mental value is double S. he can't treat Marshal he at all. This is a simple matter of human life. Is Marshal he protecting the people of the Empire in this way?"

"Marshal he has been unable to control high mental strength. Is he qualified to lead the three armies?"

"Can you let us in? I'm the star first times. The press is free. You have no right to stop us, let alone cover up the truth."

There was a sudden noise outside the Marshal's house, and Huck's face turned green: "how did they come from? Get rid of them all. "

"We are here with his highness Ryan, and we are journalists, and we have the right to disclose the truth to the people. You have no right to expel us."

Hucka's cannibal eyes instantly stare at lane.

"I, no, I can..."

"The media have the freedom to disclose the truth, but the spies don't. arrest them."

With Allen's command, soldiers who had already tolerated the critical point acted instantaneously.

"It's really lively outside, ha ha!"

He Yunting sits on the ground, and the objects around him seem to have turned into flowing liquid, forming a big whirlpool. He was in the center of the whirlpool, his face was slightly twisted, his forehead was blue, and he was sweating and panting.

"Since the dream disappears again and again, don't blame me for looking for you."

"Who calls you, treat me as the God of pestilence."

The author has something to say: when he saw some comments, he asked what the God of pestilence meant: the evil god who can spread the plague in the legend is a metaphor for people and things that bring disaster to people.

Attack in self mockery! He was ignored.