Chapter 34

Name:Gourmet Live Room Author:书一
The live broadcast came to an end in amazement. Su Yemu came home and kneaded the beans. The skin had been softened, and it would be about ten hours.

Su Yemu made spicy chicken and shredded potatoes for dinner.

Spicy chicken is brown and bright in color, and the smell of hot and spicy runs into the nasal cavity and leads to saliva. When it bites into the mouth, it is burnt outside and tender inside, salty, fresh and mellow.

Hot and sour shredded potatoes, green and red pepper cut with milk yellow shredded potatoes into a plate, beautiful color, fresh, sour and spicy taste, delicious, is also the next meal.

There must be indispensable soup, bitter gourd ribs soup, cool under the fire, taste sweet with a light bitter, Su Ye Mu very like to drink.

Xiao Nan likes the first two things. He doesn't like the bitterness of the soup, but he is watched by Su Yemu to drink two bowls. Except erha, the three disciples are drinking bitterly, the other two can't see whether they like it or not. The remaining Professor Li and No. 2, one likes to eat bitter gourd and the other likes to eat spareribs.

A group of people managed to finish the soup.

In the evening, the three apprentices practiced in the kitchen.

This night, Su Yemu did not dream again. He was relieved that the man would not come to him.

At six o'clock in the morning, Su Ye Mu wakes up and kneads the beans. After breakfast, the star delivers the stone mill made by Su Ye Mu Ding yesterday. The most primitive taste of course needs the most primitive tools.

Get the stuff ready, and Su Yemu starts the live broadcast.

/Broadcast early. Ah, I'm so sleepy. I've been waiting since five o'clock. /

/ sleepy, I was full of farm last night. I couldn't sleep and wanted to stay for a long time. /

/ it's a new day again. The broadcast just got up is super cute, and it's hard to find out. /

when Su Yemu took a photo in the water, there was a bunch of hair curling up in the middle of his head. He had washed his hands and wanted to start grinding beans, so he had to leave it alone.

/Broadcast, what is this? Stone? Two stacked stones? Not seen. /

"this is called a stone mill, which is used to grind beans." The stone mill has been cleaned, put the soaked beans on the side of the hole on the top of the stone mill and add water while grinding; the beans fall into the hole with the water, and the white latex like slurry overflows from the cracks of the stone after passing through the grinding plate.

/I smell the fragrance so quickly. The smell of grass is sticky and hot. It's very special. /

/ seeding, is this ready to make pulp for us to drink? /

/ I always feel wrong, wrong, wrong. /

/ I don't think it's right. Oh, yes, I see people. Come and pull the mill. /

erha, who just got up, still had a red mark on his face. When he heard the voice from the terminal, he looked up and saw his master was grinding a mill and ran to him: "master, I'll come!"

After taking over Su Yemu's work, erha found that it was a little heavy. His face was a little red, and he pushed around with his mouth full. At this time, the studio became lively.

/Ha ha, by the way, this is the flavor. Er ha, come on! It's up to you to push the mill. /

/ erha push mill, ha ha, inexplicable joy. /

the audience in the live room was very happy. It took 15 minutes to grind the beans. Then he poured them into a large pot and boiled them. Su Yemu set up a gauze. The square gauze was hung on the horizontal cross. The soymilk was boiled and opened into the Bean Cotyledons to remove foam. The boiled soybean milk was poured in and the bean dregs were filtered three times.

Then put it into the pot again and bring it to a boil. Leave some of it aside. Pour the rest into a proper amount of edible gypsum water and let it set for an hour. Add some sugar to the remaining part and boil it again.

/It's delicious. It has a strong bean flavor. I want to drink it. /

"try it, but it's too hot. Drink it carefully." Su Ye Mu poured a few cups aside and began to process the bean dregs. Su Yemu prepared to make bean dregs cake.

/It's delicious. It's full of bean flavor. It's totally different from milk. I'm going to buy a stone mill and ask for the address. /

"it's too complicated to buy a stone mill. If you want to eat it yourself, you can use a frying machine. The specific production method and the proportion of ingredients are then put in the bulletin board."

/Happy, happy, thank you for broadcasting, love broadcasting. /

/ I didn't expect that the beans could still be made like this, and the seeds were very powerful. /

/ what does the sower do with the dregs? Is this still edible? /

"bean dregs were eaten by poor people for a long time. They tasted rough, and rich people didn't like it very much. However, with the economy getting better, people who used to fine rice dishes turned back to eat bean dregs. In addition to high nutritional value, it was also a change of taste. But the later bean dregs are all improved. "

/Poor people! Broadcasting is very poor there! /

/ it's said that the resources are poor, and people there eat the most inferior nutrition hydraulic pressure, and they can't even read books. /

/ broadcast /

in the live broadcasting room, everyone brushed up their gifts in silence, and then they talked loudly. The words were strange. What kind of bean dregs cake is made of bean dregs! The beans are yellow. Is the bean curd made yellow or white

The sound of the system's gift report and the conversation of the terminal audience are all mixed together. It's a headache, but it's very warm."Don't brush the presents, I hear that," Su Yemu chuckled. "Let's make bean dregs."

/Oh, the sound was too low just now. It should be louder. /

/ no, it's the terminal, it's too loud. /

"after the farm is opened, the audience registered in the live room can get a 15% discount." Add the right amount of flour, salt and green onion, shredded carrot, and water, and stir.

/Hurry to see, I am not registered account, yes, rest assured. /

/ I'll go. I'm still a savage. Register now. /

when the studio was busy, so did Su Yemu, spreading the bean dregs into a round shape and frying them in hot oil. Two ha also came to help, but before helping, he patted Su Ye Mu's head with his hand.

/Poof, hahaha, I'm so happy. I noticed that erha always looked at the top of the broadcast head when grinding beans just now. I can't help it! /

/ I'll tell you secretly that I've done it many times, and my hair is so soft. /

/ the front is too much, and I haven't been able to move. How can you do this? I also want to find out. /Br ﹣ he turned his hand at the kitchen mirror and threw it away


Erha blushed and washed his hands, then came to help spread the pancakes to Su Yemu.

The bean dregs cake is fried until golden on both sides. The milk flavor overflows along with the bean flavor belonging to the beans. When the cake is cooked, it looks oily and shiny, especially good-looking and delicious.

/Eat well with soy milk. /

/ it will sound, creak, crispy outside, soft inside, perfect fusion of carrot juice and bean flavor, fresh and delicious. /

/ what is more touching than eating hot food in your mouth? Yes, this is the food. It's super delicious and chewy. /

/ broadcasting technology has never let me down, supporting broadcasting for 10000 years. /

/ is there any group broadcasting secretly? Raise your hand, please. /

this comment was followed by a bunch of supportive comments, and even some people even came up with ideas, even the escape route.

Su Ye Mu listens to funny, wake up small South but angry stare terminal, wish to stare out a hole.

Jiang Xiaoyu and ACE also wake up. Su Yemu asks Jiang Xiaoyu to come over and give it to him to fry. By the way, "this is my third apprentice, ace."

"Hello, everyone. My name is ace."

Ace said hello to his back, picked up the carrot and began to cut, yesterday he read the recipe, bean dregs cake to add carrots.

/Welcome, welcome to the third junior brother. /

/ what a cold child, this is the third younger martial brother. /

/ broadcast, do you think there are any shortcomings in the kitchen, such as beauty? /

/ wow, I cried, broadcast, how could you, a sinful man, take the harem again. /

"we should get along well." Su Yemu had no choice but to smile and began to deal with the ingredients of bean curd.

Slice the mutton and cook it in the brine. Take out the shredded mutton. Stir the starch with water and put it aside. Chop the mushrooms. Crush the fried peanuts. In a hot pot, add garlic, Chinese prickly ash, dried pepper, soy sauce and other seasonings to stir fry, then add shredded meat, add appropriate amount of starch water, boil, collect juice, then start the pot and put it in a basin.

Then simmer the syrup with sugar to water ratio of 3:1, boil it over a low heat, add a proper amount of lemon juice, bring to a boil, and then can be canned.

/It's sweet and salty. What should I do with it? Looking forward to it. /

/ are you going to make noodles? I didn't take a few mouthfuls of marinated pork and sliced noodles last time, because the bowl of sliced noodles is now sown in our family. /

/ who doesn't like broadcasting? No, it's a sinful man. /

"no, you'll see later." Su Ye Mu first sold a pass, see the time is almost, open the lid of the pot, with a spoon piece of tofu brain, formed.

Su Yemu took two bowls, put the slices of tofu into it, and poured the marinade and peanuts into one bowl, and poured syrup on the other.

"Try it and see what you like." The white and tender bean curd looks delicious.

In the 21st century, the dispute over the saltiness and sweetness of tofu bean curd has been debated for a long time, and no one can convince anyone. In Su Yemu's opinion, it is just a competition for fun, and by the way, to maintain the feelings between the north and the south.

North and south, there must be a topic to talk about, right? Just as northerners buy a dozen eggs, southerners buy one.

/Tofu male god, bean curd sowing, sowing and eating tofu, eating bean curd, eat well, sweet, salty all like. /

/ I prefer sweet, sweet, smooth and tender. I don't need to chew, and it will melt in the mouth. /

/ I prefer salty food with rich meat foam flavor and crisp peanut flavor. It's delicious and delicious with bean curd. Syrup ranks second. /

/ who said that? It's sweet and delicious, salty is the second. /

/ cult! /

Su Yemu:????The live broadcasting room suddenly quarreled and divided into two groups: Xiantian and Tianjiao. They both beat each other into heresies. Su Yemu said, "I'll make a bitter one later. How about it? Or sour? "

Everyone in the studio:!

/Puff, ha ha, sow the belly black. /

/ it's worthy of broadcasting. If you don't do it, you'll have to. /

/ ah ah, I love this kind of broadcasting, sinful man, you take me! /

/ may I ask you if you have a marriage. PS: I'm a new student. I've been gnawing at history and Chinese recently. Haha, I finally found the sentence that was broadcast. /

/ young girl 18, is it the right time to broadcast marriage? PS: determined to play with each other for 800 years. /

the battle between salty and sweet was suppressed, but the live room became a tease for Su Yemu, which was a lot of fun.

Su Yemu can only use the lottery to suppress this "bad atmosphere". Except for the food that they eat with the farm and keep as gifts, Su Yemu draws all the lottery tickets and draws more than 90 pieces of bean curd randomly, regardless of the salty and sweet.

"I'll go to Neptune to test the chef's certificate this afternoon. If it's OK, I'll be back tomorrow afternoon. I'll see you tomorrow." There is a fixed time for the cook's certificate examination. If you don't take the exam, you will have to wait for half a month.

/I don't want to broadcast everyday. /

/ broadcast to Neptune, if you have any problems, please contact me. The terminal number has been privately broadcast. I wish you a good cook certificate. /

/ I'm in Neptune, too, and I want to be on the air. /

"we will meet soon. What day is today?"

[crowd: the eighth day. ]

Su Yemu smiles at the terminal: "that's all for today's live broadcast, see you tomorrow."

[crowd: it's a sinful man. ]

Su Yemu: changed lines?

After su Yemu's live broadcast, he is ready to go to Neptune. Xiaonan wants to follow him, erha wants to follow him, and even 033-2 jumps around.

Su Yemu had no choice but to go out as an adult. What should he be afraid of: "I'll go alone. Xiaonan is about to start school. I want to review my lessons. The three of you will start business in a few days. Take time to practice."

So everyone was crushed.

Small South pulls Su Ye Mu's arm: "brother, you should be careful, if there is anything wrong, run immediately."

Erha nodded: "yes, if there is anything wrong, the master will go to the Royal College, where is my territory. As long as I name my universe kitchen king, no one knows."

"Then Mr. Chen will come to pick me up. What can I do? Don't worry. I'm leaving."

Suyemu drove them back to take the last spaceship for the first time. A little curious, according to the information he found, the speed of the spaceship is now calculated in seconds, and I don't know how it will be.

Su Yemu found his position and put on his seat belt. However, after a while, his voice started to remind him that Su Yemu had not responded. When he looked out, he could only see a vast expanse of white. Then, he entered a new world.

The boundless place of light brown is dark, and where it is accessible, there are silver twinkles. The stars in the sky seem to cover people. The deep and vast universe has large and small planets, forming a unique track, which is very beautiful. When the spaceship passes by, it seems that you can touch it.

This is a mysterious world, a place that humans can't reach in the 21st century, and in this interstellar age, humans can shuttle through the universe.

For the first time, suyemu was so conscious that he had left Earth for this strange interstellar age.

And all this made him more determined to send Xiaonan to Neptune to study.

Fifteen minutes later, Su Yemu stepped out of the spaceship. Old Chen and two people were waiting for him. After introducing each other, Su Yemu got on the floating car and entered the imperial capital. The world in front of him opened his eyes again. The flying aircraft in the sky, the flying armor and the floating City in the sky were very modern and technological.

"Xiaoye, let's have a rest and play for two days after you finish the exam." Chen plans to take Su Yemu to his home, and then, hee hee!

"No, everyone is waiting for me to go back." Thinking of Xiao Nan Qian's advice and advice, if she can't come back tomorrow, she will go to Neptune to find him.

Su Yemu does not agree. This is not going out for a circle, but going to another planet, just like letting a 12-year-old girl go abroad alone in the 21st century.

"I'll be back after the exam tomorrow?" Old Chen is heartbroken. He still wants to eat Su Ye mu for two days!

"Yes, please Chen Lao," Su Yemu handed the food box in his hand to Mr. Chen. "This is the bean dregs cake, soybean milk, bean curd brain, which I just made today

"Well, that's a good idea." Chen's mouth should, but the hand quickly took over, embrace.

The other two looked at each other, bowed their heads, and despised them in silence.

However, a few minutes later, when he arrived at the chef's Association, Mr. Chen took Su Yemu to the hovering car. Several people were waiting at the door. Standing in the middle was an old man, older than Chen.

"President, why are you here?" Mr. Chen exclaimed in surprise.

"Can't I come?" The president glared at old Chen: "Su Ye mu, right! Come on, good. ""Hello." Su Yemu smiles, trying to figure out how this situation is going on, but still did not want to understand, he is just a cook certificate.

"Textual research, right?" The president waved to Su Ye Mu Zhao and turned to the person next to him and said, "take the information to fill in Ye mu."

Su Ye Mu quickly refused: "you are too polite, I will fill in by myself."

The president saw Su Ye Mu a little embarrassed and touched his nose: "this, too."

Several Vice Presidents were standing behind the president. Kapei was younger and his face was not very hidden. When he heard Su Yemu's name, his face became cold. The president came to the association by accident today, and went outside to wait for someone. He thought he was waiting for something big. Unexpectedly, it was this man named Su Yemu.

The situation here is too big, has attracted the attention of other candidates who have come to sign up. Everyone's private words are guessing Su Ye Mu's identity.

"Is it the prince? It is said that his highness likes cooking very much. "

"No way! Her royal highness is of European origin. How can she have a pure Oriental lineage

"Stupid? What pure Oriental lineage, now where there are pure Oriental lineage, those who beat the pure Oriental lineage are cheaters, plastic surgery

"What kind of person shocked the president and several vice presidents?"

"Is it a noble young master?"

It's just a few vice presidents. The president is not an ordinary person. He is one of the members of the Imperial Cabinet. The president of the association is only his part-time job.


"Sir, he appears."

A respectful mechanical sound suddenly appears from the air; he Yunting raises a smile and gets up.

"Who appeared?" Hucka, who was giving a report to marshal, looked at Allen and asked, "marshal, who's here?"

"Little temper." He Yunting put on his white gloves, a military cap and a short gun pinned on his waist: "this is the end of today's meeting, and it will continue tomorrow."

"No, marshal. Who's the little temper?" Hucka scratched his heart and scratched his lungs. Marshal was so abnormal. He had never seen him smile like this.

"If you don't remember, you'll be staring at starthieves. Recently, the Ares starthieves group has signs of moving to the celestial system. Pay attention to the situation." Jump over the tiannv system, into the starfish system, threatening.

He Yunting's words fall and step out.

"Marshal, do you have to tell me where you are going


Leave two words, he Yunting left.

Hucka could not help saying, "why aren't you in a hurry? Marshal is so abnormal. Besides, is the temper human? "

"What did Marshal say before?" Ellen follows, leaving hucka gaping.

"Yes, a little temper is not a small one."

No, it's a person who can cross the seven dimensional space!

The author has something to say: I saw some comments that southerners would not buy an egg. In fact, I often buy one egg, one onion and one tomato. Is single dog sad?