Chapter 36

Name:Gourmet Live Room Author:书一
Su Yemu and the place where they came with the sound of water is a hot spring. The decoration here is gorgeous. It can be seen that the identity of people living here is not low six hundred years ago. But there's only one hot spring. There's nothing left.

"Gaby, do you know who those people are?" With such a large-scale massacre, it seems that the main star is not at peace.

He Yunting said: "no matter who it is, you can't run away."

"Well!" Su Yemu answered in a low voice and sat down along the wall. He ran too much tonight and was a little tired.

Feet up, head down, staring at the ground.

He Yunting went to Su Ye Mu and squatted down to see that he had no spirit. He said, "you have a rest, wait for 01 to break the main brain, we can go out."

"I'm just here to get a cook's certificate."


Su Yemu yawned, closed his eyes and leaned against the wall, thinking: can we have a smooth exam tomorrow.

Suyemu fell asleep, and then he dreamt again.

The emperor, who was dressed in splendid clothes, sat cross legged by the hot spring, unconsciously pulling the water. He said, "old Qin Pavilion, I promised to marry, but told the first civilization that if they can't keep their promise, I will make the first civilization pay a heavy price for this one day."

Standing behind him, the old man nodded: "Your Majesty, I will bring you here."

"He will come back!"



"Beep, beep, beep!"

"Sir, the exit has been found."

The mechanical sound wakes Su Yemu up. When he sees the hot spring at first sight, Su Yemu almost doesn't respond, thinking that he is still in his dream.

"What's the matter?"

Su Yemu looked up and saw that he Gabe was looking down at himself. Su Yemu blinked and sighed, "day has thought, night has dream."

"Dreaming?" He Yunting frowned, but he didn't fall asleep.

"Well!" Su Ye Mu grabs his head and stands up: "so fast to break the main brain?"

"01, what's the situation?" He Yunting is also wondering.

"It is reported that the prohibition of the main brain is lifted by the ground, and the specific situation is unknown."

"It seems that the air wing informed them," he Yunting asked, "what did you dream of just now?"

"I dream of the emperor, but I can't see his face clearly." Su Yemu said that he was very sorry. He really wanted to see him.

"What's good about a middle-aged greasy uncle?"

He Yunting's words fall, take the lead to go out; Su Yemu is inexplicable, how can you feel that he is not on a channel?

"Ah Cho!"

Far away in the palace, his majesty sneezed and rubbed his nose: hum, it must be Kevin that bastard is scolding him.

"Ah Cho!"

Far away in selstar erha knead his nose: Miss master.

The exit was not far away from them, but only ten minutes away, and the rest was to take a ladder to the ground.

Su Yemu stepped out of the ladder and was stunned for a moment. In front of him was a group of tall and powerful soldiers. Seeing Su Yemu, he knocked his heels in order, stood still and saluted.


Su Yemu was startled. Instinctively, he looked back at hagabe and saw that he was staring at the leader with a gloomy face.

"Well, what's the matter? Kongyi sent us your missing information. After receiving it, I immediately contacted the royal family and applied for the lifting of the ban on the underground city master brain. "

Hucka is wronged!

"Are you Marshal? By the way, your surname is he, marshal he? " Su Yemu was shocked. What about the old man?

"Well!" He Yunting pressed the brim of his hat, went to Su Ye Mu and looked at him: "he Yunting."

"Isn't your name hogabe?"


"I'll tell you how someone can take the family name apart and use it as a name. It turns out to be a nickname."

A group of officers and men:?

If you see the boss lying, will you be killed?

Su Ye Mu stares at he Yunting's face and murmurs: "you are well maintained."


Heka couldn't help laughing. Seeing the Marshal's eyes sweeping over, he quickly closed his mouth, but his heart was filled with laughter: marshal, I'm too old!

Thank you He Yunting's face is expressionless, and the sharp and angular outline is more cold and hard.

"Marshal, your majesty, please enter the palace immediately," Heka glanced around and approached Marshal he in a low voice: "this incident is too serious. Several forces are pushing back and refusing to investigate. Kaman wants to check, but Mr. Qin pats the table against him. He is in a stalemate and thinks of you."

"Well!" He Yunting nodded and looked at Su Yemu: "where do you live?"

"I live with Mr. Chen, but his house has been bombed."

"Let's go." He Yunting took off his military cap and patted it clean. He took off his gray gloves and threw them to Heka. He took over the white gloves handed over by the deputy and put them on: "air wings."


The sound broke through the air, and the huge silver armor fell from the sky. Kneeling on one knee, the cold and hard lines and shiny metal texture looked particularly domineering.Su Ye Mu couldn't help but reach out and touch it. He thought he was in love with 033.

He Yunting's eyes sank, took Su Yemu's hand, pulled him over, clasped him in his waist, and then jumped into the upper wing's hand, then knees and shoulders, and entered the inner cabin.

Su Yemu: "lightness skill?"

He Yunting: "only the explosive force is strong."

"Where are we going?"

"Go home."

The air wing changed from a humanoid mecha into a mechanical bird and flew away with a long cry.

All the soldiers left were stunned: "yuan, marshal even carried people with empty wings?"

"What's so strange? Can't the Marshal's wife carry it Heka snorted and his round eyes glared: "what are you doing? Back to camp. "

Only a few minutes after arriving at the Marshal's house, he Yuanting takes Su Yemu into the mansion, calls the housekeeper robot, and leaves with a few words.

After going out, he Yunting stopped and pointed to the wall.

"Stand there."

The adjutant next to he Yunting pulled his face and began to cry. What did he do wrong? The marshal was going to punish him for thinking.

"It's not you, winglet, facing the wall."

The adjutant, who had already stepped forward, hastily took back his feet and straightened his chest. He said, how could the marshal punish him.

After the marshal left, the soldiers in the Marshal's house sighed that this was the Marshal's first time to punish empty wings!

Look, the three meter high armor is facing the wall. You can see the grievance behind him.

The housekeeper robot is a humanoid grandfather, wearing a suit, and his voice is very kind. If it is not for his face, you can still see the mechanical trace, and you can't imagine that he is a robot.

"Master, would you like to eat first, or take a bath, or have a rest first?"

"Wash first."

Su Yemu was taken to a large bedroom. The decoration style of black and white was clean and tidy. The things were put in a strict way. It was obsessive-compulsive.

After taking the pajamas from the housekeeper, Su Yemu beat himself in the bathroom for more than an hour before coming out. His whole body is fresh and sleepy. He yawns. Su Yemu pours on the bed and almost jumps up.

There is a big face in the floor window beside the bed. The mechanical face is 033.

"033, what are you doing?"

"Master, I, I am basking in the moonlight."

"What a special hobby. I'll go to bed first."

"Good night, master."

When he Yunting entered the palace, several forces had already quarreled. The emperor's Majesty was sitting on the main seat, frowning, and his face was very poor.

When they saw he Yunting come in, how to investigate the case was raised again and began to quarrel until the second half of the night. Finally, with the support of Mr. Bai and Mr. Qin, he Yunting took over the investigation of the case.

Decide to do it, and the meeting is over.

"Yunting, this is a good opportunity. Take advantage of it."

Old Qin patted him on the shoulder and left with Bai Lao.

"Bai Lao is a royalist. How could he get along with Mr Qin?" Heka's danger narrowed his eyes, and countless conspiracy theories were playing in his mind. The Qin family has always been a Heze faction, and when they came together with Bai Lao, the royalist group, was he rebellious?

"What's more, what's the meaning of Mr. Qin? Do you think you've taken the power of Kaman?" The more he thought about it, the more he thought it was.

"Huck, be careful."

Ellen, who has been silent, interrupts Huka's nonsense and steps out of the palace.

"Collect the information about the underground city and give it to me," he Yunting said after getting on the suspended car: "at present, who is in charge of the underground city?"

Allen replied, "Your Highness Ryan is in charge of the dungeon."

Kevin didn't want to be the emperor, but his highness Ryan became the most popular candidate.

"Let him hand over the management of the dungeon."

He Yunting closed his eyes for a rest, and no one spoke.

Back in the Marshal's house, it was late in the middle of the night. When the housekeeper robot said that he had brought Su Yemu to the master bedroom, he quickly walked to the bedroom and opened the door. As expected, he saw Kong Yi watching Su Yemu sleep. Aware of he Yunting's line of sight, the empty wing instantly closed his eyes and turned his back over his body.

He Yunting takes back his eyes, approaches the bedside, gives the quilt to Su ye murala, touches his dull hair, and turns to go out.

An hour later, the black tentacles appeared in Su Yemu's bedroom. They came in through the crack of the door, crawled and crawled to the head of the bed. They were trying to get into suyemu's head, and his head was immediately covered by blue light.

The black spirit antennae turn to the window, is the empty wing, at this time his whole body is covered with flowing blue light.

[get out of the way, air wing. ]

the blue light disappears, and the air wing standing outside the court is knocked back two steps by something, and suddenly falls to the ground.

The black spiritual antennae penetrated into Su Yemu's head and disappeared slowly.

Su Yemu was dreaming, and he was dreaming again. It was dark all around, and there was no light. In the distance, the sound of water drops, Su Ye Mu follows the sound of water drops to go inside, and comes to an iron door.

Inside the iron gate, a man sat inside. He lowered his head. Su Yemu could not see his expression, but he was wearing military uniform."Who are you? Why are you always looking for me? "

"You will know."

"I think you'd better not go into my dream. I don't like it."

Su Ye Mu's words fall, he wakes up, brain pain.

"What kind of world is this? Why do you always dream of strange things

Su Ye Mu murmured to himself. He stepped out of bed with a pain in his shoulder, and fell to the ground. An inexplicable pressure came down. Su Yemu's face turned white and his sight became blurred. Su Yemu fainted on the ground, and his consciousness was instantly dragged into an unknown place.

The waves rolling on the sea, the dark sky seems to be swallowing the earth, Su Yemu is tightly wrapped by the black fog, they seem to be looking for something, always, see the light

It was a very beautiful world, green mountains and green waters, birds singing and flowers fragrant. An old woman was kneading dough, and a little boy was running with flour on his face.

The black fog cleared and the sun was shining.

At this time, the people outside the Marshal's house were surprised and pleased. What happened? Didn't you just say a mental riot? How did it recover?

He Yunting wakes up sweating and quickly gets out of bed and walks to Su Yemu's bedroom. When he sees Su Yemu lying on the ground, his eyes are dark.

Take the man to the bed, cover him with a quilt, turn around and see the air wing is staring at him.

"Pain!" Su Ye Mu moaned / groaned, woke up, saw he Yunting sitting by his bed, a little surprised: "how are you here?"

"Hear the sound, come and have a look!" He Yunting wiped away the cold sweat of Su Ye Mu's forehead: "sleep! It's OK. "

"It's morning," Su Yemu sat up. "I have an exam today."

Su Ye Mu's words fell. He finally rang. It was Mr. Chen. He came to the Marshal's house to pick him up.

The author has something to say: this wave of plot is over, let's go back to cooking!

I see some readers say that I often revise articles. Well, let's see! I'll do it again and revise it once. I'll try my best to keep it within two times.