Chapter 44

Name:Gourmet Live Room Author:书一
With Su Yemu's order, the crowd dispersed. Those who take care of the garden go back to look after the garden, and those who look after the poultry go back to look after the poultry.

The menu of the imperial restaurant is fixed today. Since it is called the imperial restaurant, it must be worthy of the name. The dishes selected today are all famous dishes.

Su Ye Mu is busy in the kitchen. Xiao Nan takes No. 2 and Da Zhuang Dayu to open the door.

At this time, a lot of people were standing outside the farm. The wasteland outside the farm became a temporary parking place for private spaceships. Two star ships, private spaceships and private starships, were mixed in. If there was no XIAOJINSHAN at home, there must be a mine. As for the large army, that is, those who come on the Neptune passenger ship, they are still waiting at the ship station. When they see a part of the private spaceship flying over their heads and their faces are ferocious, they argue with the staff of the ship station why they have to wait until 11 o'clock to leave the ship. Believe me or not, believe me or I bite you.

It's too late for those who haven't bought tickets to gnash their teeth secretly? Give me the ticket! It's all due to the Ministry of communications. It won't add another spaceship or more flights.

"This, this stone carving, what kind of animal is this?" The old man was shocked by the two stone statues at the gate. The stone statues on the left and right are huge in size. They look at each other with their heads turned, and the smile is faintly seen in the open mouth. They are simple and full of aura. Close look, copper bell like eyes, chin slightly raised, with domineering, as if to tell others, do not look at him simple and lovely, but not easy to provoke.

"It's a beautiful building. I've never seen it before. What's the pattern engraved on it?"

"My God, it's a miracle. How could there be such a beautiful pattern? It's more exciting than watching it in the studio at that time."

"I'm so good at broadcasting."

A group of people, dressed in high-end famous brands, customized clothes and valuables, stood in front of the gate and whispered. They looked up at the colorful and colorful archways and marveled constantly.

There is also a plaque under the archway, which says in gold: Imperial dining building.

The problem is, they don't know traditional Chinese characters!

Behind the archway is the gate, which looks like it is made of wood, heavy and atmospheric.


When the door opened, a little girl in a panda apron came out with a white rabbit and two tall men.

"Welcome to the imperial restaurant. Please come in."

People are disappointed to see that it is not su Yemu.

"Broadcast it!"

"My brother didn't know someone was in the kitchen so early."

There are dozens of visitors with their families and families. When they walk in, they are shocked by the magnificence and magnificence of pavilions and pavilions, the flowing water of hills, the floating water beside the bridge, and the beautiful lotus flowers. The problem is that many of them don't understand! Then there is the following dialogue:

"what is that?"


"What is that?"

"Water wheel!"

"What is that?"

"Bamboo chops!"

"What is that?"


People: first of all, I feel that I am a bumpkin.

Su Yemu was surprised that someone had come so early. He had to ask Jiang Xiaoyu to make snacks and let them eat breakfast first. The dinner would not start until noon. There were still two hours to go. In addition, he sent robots to take the people around the garden, farm and ranch to pass the time.

"Wow, this is chicken! What a chicken

"Ah, this is a duck. The duck looks like this."

There are many people taking photos, some people are simply broadcasting on the platform, and some are broadcasting to relatives and friends of their families. For the first time, the imperial restaurant went to people in this way, causing a small-scale outbreak.

People from behind came one after another until 11:30, ushering in the peak.

People slowly back to the lobby, but at this time there are too many people. If you know someone to sit at a table, you can't sit down at all. You can't join the table. Anyway, today's dishes can't be ordered. Fixed dishes.

Four gentlemen's pavilion has been set. Grandfather Zong and black boss are sitting in plum Pavilion, old Chen and president are sitting in Orchid Pavilion with some people they don't know, general Gu and general Gavin are sitting in bamboo Pavilion, marshal he and his subordinates are sitting in Ju Pavilion.

All of them had received a post from suyemu, and lane had no seat when he came with Mr. DAIM.

Finally, he pushed to a young man with his face covered.

"Carey! Don't think I don't know you by covering your face, "said Ryan." what? After you, cousin Kevin is here. "

Carey slapped Ryan's hand. Who came for the fool: "are you kidding? I'm here for the broadcast."

Ryan laughed twice and took a sip of the grapefruit tea on the table. His eyes were bright and delicious. There are also some empty plates on the table. I think it's a snack that has been served for a long time, and it has been eaten up. This group of food has been eaten.

At this time, five robots push the dining car out. They put away the empty dishes on the table. When they wanted to take Ryan's cup, he hugged him: "I haven't had enough."

The robot blinked and left.

Ryan: why do I see disdain?

At the same time, the robot also put on the dishes, bowls and chopsticks that had not been placed. The lobby is a picture of spring, while the Sijunzi Pavilion is divided into four types, with patterns corresponding to the pavilion name.In the kitchen, Jiang Xiaoyu is responsible for snacks, the wheat field is responsible for cold dishes, erha is a second-class cook certificate, and his study time is longer than that of wheat fields. Su Yemu asks him to take charge of hot dishes, while ace is carving flowers.

The first is the soup. After 10 hours of boiling, the rich fragrance overflows. It is not true that it is full of fragrance. The mellow and sweet smell of seafood floats from the kitchen to the lobby and then to the Sijunzi Pavilion. Almost everyone stands up and sniffs.

"It's delicious. What's the smell?"

"Is it Buddha jumping over the wall?"

Someone said something. It was the audience who watched the live broadcast last night.

"What is Buddha jumping over the wall? I was too busy last night to watch the live broadcast. I came here early this morning." A middle-aged woman stood up, especially in a hurry.

The person who was asked was stunned and then said: "it is made of a lot of precious seafood and meat, dozens of materials!"

Hiss, remembers saliva to come.

Those who have been brought by their families and have not seen the live broadcast of Su Yemu are even more looking forward to it. They have to see what kind of goblin has caught him (her) so much that he or she stays in the live room on time every day, which is more timely than watching the central news of the Empire.

Fo Tiao Qiang is divided into two small soup cups, and the food is also cut. There is no way. This abalone, sea cucumber and other seafood are unexpected.

"Master, can I have a bite?" Erha almost cried and kept licking his mouth.

The others were no better, and their faces turned red.

Su Ye Mu is helpless, pick out a few pieces of food from inside, one person feeds a piece, No.

Erha: I want to eat more. I want to drive the mecha to blow up all the people outside. In this way, Buddha jumps over the wall.

When the robot pushed the dining car out, everyone crowded to the kitchen door. Fortunately, Dazhuang stopped people.

When the covetous Buddha leaping over the wall appeared and was distributed to everyone one by one, he could not wait to open the cup.

The most original taste of dozens of food ingredients is forced out and blended into a small cup of soup. When the rich and mellow soup is drunk into your mouth, you can feel its tenderness and delicacy, and the degree of delicacy is unimaginable.

"I even want to cry because of a bowl of soup. I want Esme to eat all over the world, even the alien civilization has gone, but I have never eaten such delicious food. This time, I have to make a special topic for him." It is a pearl dust, so delicious, she does not promote, heaven forbid, waste the name of gourmet.

When the Buddha jumped the wall to the four gentlemen Pavilion, the queen was relieved. She could hardly hold the emperor.

Grandfather Zong ate a lot of food that Su Yemu brought to him. He knew that he was a good craftsman, but he didn't expect to be so superb. He couldn't help worrying: "I'm afraid I can't keep it!"

The black boss sneered and said a few words to grandfather Zong's ear.

Grandfather Zong was stunned, shook his head and sighed: "I didn't expect to attract these people. I don't know whether it's a blessing or a disaster."

The black boss didn't care: "don't worry! He's smarter and luckier than we thought

In this world, the most afraid of lucky people.

He Yunting of Juting looks surprised when he hears the report of the adjutant. Tut, this little guy, who attracts people is not ordinary, but there is nothing to be afraid of. He is there.

After the hot soup appetizers, people are even more hungry, are stretching their necks to wait for the next dish.

The first dish is a cold dish called "salt baked chicken". When baking chicken with salt, it is necessary to use a tile pot. The bottom of the dish is covered with coarse salt. The chicken is drained. The feet are stuffed into the stomach. The wings are broken off and stuck on the back. Put them in the clay pot and covered with coarse salt. Bake for 40 minutes at low heat.

After cooking, you must immediately out of the pot, pat the salt clean, otherwise it will be salty.

The golden salted chicken is cut into pieces and spread on the plate. There are three cauliflower plants beside it. In the middle of the cauliflower, there is a rose just picked from the garden. The porcelain plate is golden and green, which is very beautiful.

When the dishes are served, you can smell the unique flavor of salt baked chicken from a distance. If you bite into your mouth, the skin is soft and the meat is tender and delicious.

Winding up, winding up, winding up the first course.

"Marshal, it's delicious. Come on." Huka had the chicken in her mouth, two pieces in the bowl and one on the chopsticks.

When the plate was empty, Alan stretched out his chopsticks and took it from the Huka bowl. He screamed with anger.

"Soon," he Yunting returned calmly: "I'll cook and eat later."

Heka biting chicken: too much, I wish you can't catch up with you. Even if you do, you'll have to cross the mountain and cross the sea of fire, so that you can eat alone.

Chief of staff: if you have the ability, let's go!

"I haven't eaten this food. What's the meaning of sitting here?" The middle-aged fat man stabbed and poked with his chopsticks and poked pieces of chicken into his bowl.

When the queen saw her, she coughed twice: "Your Majesty, be careful. What's your etiquette from primary school! Miss Bai is still there... "

The woman wanted to say that your teacher is still there! When she saw the old man with a piece in his mouth and a piece between his chopsticks, she fell silent.

Pick up chopsticks, learn from the emperor poke chicken, no way, no knife and fork.

"It's really special," Gavin put down his chopsticks. "Is general Gu familiar with him?"General Gu shook his head: "I'm not very familiar. I don't know why he sent me a post. I think that since it is, it's nothing to come here."

"Is it?"

"Isn't general Gavin more surprising here?"

"I'm here for Kevin."

They stopped talking and thought about each other.

In the lobby, a small reporter took the terminal and took pictures while eating. Yes, yes, and so on

Who is that man?

Star Star Nancy! Millions of fans! Why is he here? Didn't he have a fan meeting?

Wait, who is that?

Karman, a biologist, is an important figure in the biological world. If he remembers correctly, this is the opening of a farm, not a biological seminar!

And who is that? Esme, the famous gourmet of the Empire and the Federation, and the woman who is known to eat all the planets of the Federation and Empire, not only has mines in her home, but also is a guest of honor in major programs.

Next, when the little reporter found many celebrities, he was no longer surprised, unless the emperor of the Empire appeared here.

Cold dishes out of six, in addition to salt baked chicken, crispy crucian carp, steamed prawns, cucumber mixed with tomato, Ruyi fish roll, finally out a plate of flowers and happy moon!

This cold dish is based on the theme of Guanghan palace. Chang'e holding the jade rabbit is vividly depicted. The osmanthus trees are luxuriant, and half of the full moon is hanging on the branches. In the Guanghan palace, the immortal spirit is floating and beautiful.

Then, No. 2 was frightened, chirped and screamed, and was not beautiful at all.

The people in the lobby don't know the mood of No. 2. They are shocked by the scene in front of them.

"It's so beautiful. This is really food? This is art

"My God, how did it come out? Is there really such a place in the world? Where does this smoke come from? "

"I would like to praise it a few words, and finally found that I have no culture, I just think of four words: lying trough, so beautiful."

"Can all these things be eaten?"

"This cold dish is called" flower and moon circle ". The food is under the smoke and dipped in sauce." There was a voice in the lobby, and Su Yemu's gentle voice came out.

I haven't seen Su Yemu's fans for most of the day and called out: "broadcast, good opening."

Su Yemu chuckled: "thank you!"

"Broadcast, tell a story."

The crowd raised their opinions in a loud voice, as if in the studio.

However, after a while, the story of Chang'e's flight to the moon sounded, and the broadcast really favored them.

Since Hou Yi shot the sun, his clear and clear voice was full of voices, and people were fascinated by it. However, when he failed to arrive at the scene, he could only watch the live broadcast in front of the star network. The audience secretly scolded those who robbed the tickets with themselves and called out to love broadcasting. They did not expect that the broadcasting station had left a table for them. They were really moved and ate more.

Under the air of immortality, there are tender white shellfish dipped in sauce. The most original fresh and sweet seafood is fried in the mouth. It's delicious

"The shadow of the candle on the screen of mica is deep, and the river is falling and the stars are sinking. Chang'e should regret stealing the elixir. Her heart is blue and blue at night. "

With the end of the last poem, the story is over, a lot of people moved, but we don't understand, so sad thing, why is it called a good moon?

"Because from a long time ago, August 15 has become a festival, symbolizing reunion and happiness," Su Yemu said. "In a few months, let's spend the Mid Autumn Festival together."

Su Yemu's words attracted warm approval. Professor Li, who was in a hurry to return to the farm, heard this poem. When he patted his legs, a good poem was much more beautiful than those poems. How talented he was to make such a wonderful poem!

How deep the cultural heritage of this nation is, how bright and brilliant the civilization is, can we have such beautiful literary works of art.

At this moment, the travelers who have been looking for seem to find their own destination. Originally, I belong to here. Originally, I come from here, this civilization, this nation.

Su Yemu didn't know that because of a poem, Professor Li held the stone lion outside the gate and cried into tears. He was busy serving hot dishes.

The first hot dish is Beijing roast duck; the roast duck is roasted by suyemu in the most traditional way with fruit wood charcoal fire. It is red in color, shiny in oil, crisp in skin and tender in meat. It tastes mellow, fat but not greasy.

The roast duck is sliced into slices with lotus leaf cake, sweet flour sauce and cucumber strips.

Just came out, people have smelled the fragrance, salivating.

Pick up a lotus leaf cake, two pieces of duck meat dipped in sweet sauce, cucumber strips, radish, green onion roll up to eat, meat tender, crisp duck skin, delicious.

So, it was wound up again, and it was already the eighth share. At a glance, there was a piece of meat left on the plate of every table, which was instantly clean.

From the ground, people look at the table left for the live room, lick their lips, and look fierce.

/Lie trough, you dare to come, I will climb from the star net to fight with you. /

/ I tell you, if you dare to rob, you are the enemy of our 30 million people who don't have tickets. If you think about it, you can act again. //Call broadcast to protect our dishes. Someone wants to rob them. /

obviously, people in the live room think too much, and they are all dignified people. How can they do such a thing? Although they want to act in their hearts, they must resist it.

The second is steamed white fish, Chinese banquet, chicken, duck and fish is a necessary dish, chicken and duck are served, poor fish.

Clean up the white fish, draw cross knife on both sides, add ginger, cooking wine, green onion and other ingredients, add pure chicken soup, put into the drawer, it only takes six minutes, the time is long, the meat wood is short and not ripe.

The delicious chicken soup and fresh fish blend into a unique flavor. The tender and white fish meat is tender, refreshing, salty and tasty, and the soup is light. It is one of the famous Chinese dishes.

"Delicious, delicious, ha ha, your majesty has never tasted anything so delicious!" As soon as Huka chopsticks, he breaks off half of a fish.

Chief of staff, adjutant: I haven't caught it yet!

What about the rest? Where's the marshal! Moved?

Dare not move!

Ellen, calm down again and reach for his chopsticks.

"Ah Cho!"

The middle-aged man sneezed and ate hard.

The Queen's face wrinkled: "Your Majesty, you have a lot of fat."

Emperor's majesty: "it's OK. You can reduce it after eating. Besides, if you don't eat it, you can't reduce it."

Bai agreed with President Qin.

One soup, six cold dishes, eight hot dishes, a table of 12 people, and so on to the sixth hot plate, the most people have already held up, but in order to eat, adhere to the end.

The person that snatches less, dark hate, next set, see who dominates ups and downs, take out momentum.

The seventh way is to roast mutton chops with cumin. One fan of lamb chops is divided into two parts. Blanch water, put it into the sauce and cook until it is eight times ripe. Take out the water and put it on cumin. Marinate it with chili powder for five minutes. Put it into the oven and bake it for another five minutes.

The color is scorched yellow. Cumin powder and chili powder are immersed in the lamb chops, giving off an attractive fragrance. When you bite in the mouth, the meat is soft and tender.

One by one, not only the bones were gnawed, but dozens of centenarians were still licking their fingers, but no one felt ashamed. The taste was too fragrant and delicious, and it was not a problem to kill them.

The eighth hot dish, seafood ramen, is because there are too many people, afraid that they can't eat enough, so Su Ye Mu te changed the last one.

Soup base, abalone, fresh shrimp, fresh shellfish on the surface, the color is beautiful, fragrance is attractive, pull noodles elastic teeth chewy, fresh sweet soup to drink down, absolutely.

Finally, sweet scented osmanthus cake is the shape of Osmanthus fragrans. The color is sweet and yellow, transparent and beautiful. Before entering, you can smell the faint fragrance of flowers. After entering, the taste is sweet, delicate and smooth.

People have been eating silly, sitting still, can not return to God, only one thought: how can there be such delicious food in this world?

The author has something to say: quote, author: Li Shangyin (Tang Dynasty), Chang'e.

After writing, I just want to express two points: first, I like the poem Chang'e. 2、 I'm so hungry.

Thank you a few cherubs for their mines and try to update them. When I saw a little angel saying that he would write a long-term review for me, I remember you. Hum, if I break my promise, I'll put NO.2: JOJO!

The pig's hoof dropped a mine

the other side of Fuhua and Ye Yu threw a mine

Chen's Koi threw a mine

Chen's Koi threw a mine

a mine was hidden

Berl dropped a mine

34160007 dropped a mine