Chapter 64

Name:Gourmet Live Room Author:书一
Su Yemu, who wakes up from sleep, covers his head and moans / groans. Last night, he has a nightmare because of entanglement between virtual cabin and battle armor. Two voices keep arguing:

buying virtual cabin Buy virtual cabin

Buy battle armor Buy battle armor

Drive out the two voices, Su Ye Mu gets up and washes and starts to make breakfast, leek box and soybean milk.

First knead the dough and put it aside to wake up the noodles. Wash and chop the leeks. Chop the pork and add the seasoning ingredients into the pan. Stir well and set aside.

The dough is divided into small groups and rolled into a round shape. Put the stuffing into the middle of the dough, then close it to the left and right to fry it.

In a hot pot, fry the oil over a low heat until golden. Turn to the other side and continue to fry until golden. The aroma comes out and you can start the pot.

Su Yemu made a total of 12, the children slapped big enough to eat.

People at home keep getting up, all to the chef, leek box appearance golden, bite off the skin crisp, fragrant, filling heart chives crisp tender, absolutely delicious.

During the meal, Su Yemu told Xiao Nan about battle armor and virtual cabin. Su Yemu's suggestion was to buy virtual cabin. Zhan A and others would buy it after a while.

"Brother, I want armor."

"But you don't have real experience."

"I used to study in the virtual class with the black boss. It's no problem."

Xiaonan said confident, Su Yemu can only respect her opinion.

"That you go up star net to have a look, like which one tells elder brother, elder brother buys for you."

"Thank you, brother!"

Xiao Nan, with a bright face, jumped up and took Su Ye Mu's neck, and kissed her brother with her bright mouth.

After breakfast, Su Yemu took out the menu he hadn't written for a long time and wrote it slowly. Around noon, the black boss asked big head to deliver the grain seeds to Su Yemu.

Su Yemu can't tell the difference between good and bad grain seeds, but the things sent by the black boss are not so bad.

After three days, Su Yemu was not idle. Instead, he recruited all the farm cooks for intensive training.

Cut vegetables, knead noodles, stir pot, put ingredients, heat

Su Yemu, with a ruler in his hand, walked up and down the kitchen like a landowner who had been exploited in ancient times. Apart from occasionally visiting his baby seedlings, Su Ye Mu almost stayed in the chef and was under great pressure.

The wheat field is close to Jiang Xiaoyu: "do you feel that Xiaoye has been terrible for the last two days?"

Jiang Xiaoyu glanced at the wheat field and said, "the whole kitchen knows it."

Wheat field looks at ace, a face calm in carving, ten fingers are wounds, but do not feel pain, others are more busy, even sweat did not have time to wipe.

It was not until the fourth day that Su Yemu left the kitchen after the training like fire and tea. The mood of everyone finally relaxed. The serious Su Ye Mu was really terrible.

When the seedlings are put on the ground, the machines are used. They slip past, horizontally and vertically. They are very neat.

It took less than half an hour to plant four plots of land, which was too efficient.

Su Yemu is very busy here, and people in other parts of the Empire are also busy learning to identify seasonings, learn how to make side dishes, and even how to control food by themselves. They can't rely on machines to distinguish them.

The most important thing is knife work. In the past, they used to use machines to process food materials. No matter how thin or thin meat or vegetables they want to put into the machine, the machine can handle it. But now, Su Yemu said, everything has to be done manually.

In the 21st century, the basic skills of chefs are a disaster here. Since Su Yemu announced the conditions, it is not that no one has quit, but more people have persisted.

Tomorrow is the day of the chef's interview. Su Yemu is writing the process. A gorgeous woman suddenly appears at his door: "Hello, I'm Esme, the food writer of Empire one. Can I interview you?"

After leaving the company, Esme found a better platform to enter empire one. His first job was to write an interview manuscript of Su Yemu.

Su Yemu was astonished: Empire one, so powerful.

Esme spent an hour in this interview, asking a wide range of questions, even involving the source of allusions Su Yemu said during the live broadcast. After the interview, Esme did not leave immediately, but wanted to stay to see how Su Yemu recruited the chef.

The next day, after su Yemu had breakfast, he started the live broadcast, and the audience poured in, which made his colleagues envious. But now we all know that Su Yemu is the one named and praised by the queen, and he can only feel sour in the bottom of his heart.

A few days ago, Su Ye Mu looked at the number of 3000 applicants. Today, he suddenly saw 5000 people. He had a headache! What's the choice?

"Brother, you open a room, let the people who sign up in, you set up the screening for the title, first part of the people screened out." Xiaonan does not appear in the camera, holding No. 2 to masturbate, and gives advice to Su Yemu who is in trouble.

Su Ye Mu nodded, set the room well, and then let the terminal connect the voice, saying, "now the registration deadline, everyone enter room 001, for the exam."Su Ye Mu recruitment set a total of three levels: knowledge of seasoning, knife skills, cooking!

Unlike the Chefs Association, the seasoning recognition of suyemu is partial to Chinese food.

Five thousand people poured in, and there were tens of billions of spectators outside. Few people could make such a big deal except for the official.

/Oh, my God! Su Ye Mu's appeal is too great! This is more than the kitchen king contest. /

/ his qualifications are very shallow, but his cooking methods are novel and his dishes are more bold. He is a talent. /

/ Su Yemu's culinary skills, if you can learn them, will not worry about food and clothing for their children and grandchildren. /

among the tens of billions of viewers, there are many reporters among them. As early as the news revealed that Su Yemu was the master of the crown prince, he attracted the attention of the media. However, Su Yemu did not appear in front of people except for live broadcast, so it was difficult for them to dig out Su Yemu's news.

They would like to check Su Yemu's life experience, but they don't know why. His information has been completely erased. Some people want to dig deeply. He has been asked to "drink tea" and has not come back.

At present, Su Yemu's information is known: his parents died, and one of them lived in selstar. He was the anchor of TV platform and opened a farm. His products will be put on the shelves in the blue star shopping mall, but it is impossible to confirm whether he has any shares.

Su Yemu's first test is seasoning, and the chefs' Association has also tested it. The difference is that the association distinguishes single samples. Su Yemu grinds and mixes several ingredients together to let them recognize the points.

At this level, half of the people have been wiped out; then, Su Yemu poured several kinds of sauces together and let them distinguish them. At this level, half of them were brushed off.

Su Ye Mu sighs, he has tried to simplify, only put three flavors, so there is no way to eat out, how to be a chef?

In Daogong, Su Yemu asked people to cut carrots. The standard was fast and fine. Only 500 people were selected according to the ranking.

When he came out, Su Ye Mu could wring a fly to death? It doesn't exist.

Su Yemu comforts himself: it's OK, but he has to train later. When he first came, he was also cut into pieces? Isn't it a silk cut?

They barely took 500 people and were preparing for the next level. There were questions in the Live Room:

/ what kind of garbage test? It is clear that there is a machine cutting. Why do we have to do it manually? And try seasoning. How many kinds of seasonings mix together? Who can try it out? /

/ that is, hype! On purpose, I see that in the end, none of them will be hired. /

/ there's something wrong with the front brain, right? Broadcast recruitment, we must follow the broadcast rules, we have no ability to blame others. /

/ Yes, there are 500 more! If you don't work hard, you still want to be indulged by others. /

/ you can only complain, and you can be justified. Get out! You are not welcome here. /It's good that this person has been brushed down. If you pass the pass, you may learn how to do it later! /

several people's speech rounds were quickly suppressed by the audience. Su Yemu looked at his ID, which was cut into pieces just now.

"As a chef, you must be extremely sensitive to food and seasonings to produce the most delicious dishes. This is the basic skill. As for Dao Gong... "

Su Yemu took a knife in his right hand and a carrot in his left hand. Among the stunned people, a carrot was quickly cut into dice, silk, slice, strip and block.

"Cooking pays attention to color and fragrance. Color depends on the shape of the ingredients; aroma depends on the shape of the ingredients in the cooking process, and the shape of the ingredients can be evenly heated; the taste depends on the shape of the ingredients in the cooking process that can absorb the soup evenly. "

"If you want to make delicious food, knife skill is the first factor. Imagine that a dish can be eaten if it is cut in different length and thickness, raw or cooked?"

"As for why not use robots..."

[audience: because this is soulless food.]

Su Yemu smiles and looks at the terminal: "my territory, I make the decision."

The studio was quiet and silent for a long time, and all the talents responded:

/ wow, the broadcasting is so aggressive and I like it! /

/ in front of me, don't do this. It's a bit awkward, but I still need to support it. It's good to broadcast. /

/ broadcast must support what it says! /

Su Yemu: if you fail to play handsome, you should be warned.

Next is cooking. Su Yemu's question is: fried rice with eggs.

/So simple? /

"the simpler dishes, the more you can show cooking skills, the number of people who will be admitted to the Bureau, how many people they want, and the rice has the final say," said Su Ye mu, "now let's start."

Every candidate is in his kitchen. Su Yemu gives orders, so people start to act. Su Yemu can clearly see their tactics through the split screen.

Su Yemu said that when cooking, all steps must be done by hand, and the machine can not be rescued. So when Su Yemu saw someone knocking eggs on the ground and cutting accessories, he could not bear to look directly.

However, the candidates with first-class and second-class chefs' certificates that he paid attention to were fairly good. They had to practice their knife skills and throw them to ace. Although they were not as good as he was, they were good at carving wood and throwing knives before.Egg fried rice is only a few minutes, 500 pieces in front of you. If it wasn't for the data, Su Yemu doubted that he would have to die.

But it is also a project to try out 500 copies.

Eggs are too fishy, too salty and tasteless, and even recruiters with a first-class cook certificate have such problems. Therefore, the simplest dishes can best test their cooking skills. This is not a joke.

From the first one, Su Ye Mu's eyebrows did not unfold, and the audience who followed Su Ye Mu's taste were also disgusted.

/Sorry, after eating the dishes I used to broadcast, I felt that /

/ mm-hmm, I think it's hard to broadcast. /

the people in the live room stopped talking, but because they knew Su Yemu's temperament, the audience in the live room still reserved their words and didn't say anything unpleasant.

In Su Yemu's opinion, these people are not qualified, but they have to be selected and picked up 120 people. However, in the front:

"it has been said in the bulletin board that after entering the farm, no robot will cut vegetables for you, no robots can prepare seasonings for you, let alone stir fry vegetables with machines. Do you understand?"

/I understand. /

/ envy those who can be shortlisted and cry, broadcast, when can we recruit people? /

/ jealousy drives me crazy and I want to learn from broadcasting. /

Su Yemu: "there is one thing to remind you. I will recruit you to be cooks, not apprentices. Do you understand?"

/Yes! /

Su Yemu: "the shortlisted personnel will send you a private letter later, and fill in the information. When there is no problem, someone will inform you when you will come to the farm."

/Wow, more than 100 chefs. In fact, they are apprentices! /

/ in order to broadcast cooking skills, they must have been trained before taking up their posts. What if they finished learning and then ran away? /

/ I am also worried about this problem and suggest that the broadcasting company sign a contract with them. /

as soon as these words were said, the live broadcasting room was full of worried messages. 120 shortlisted chefs quickly swore that they would not run away, and would follow the broadcast to build a powerful cooking kingdom.

Su Yemu: how does it look like MLM?

Recruitment came to an end in a frenzy. Many journalists were there on that day, and they began to publish articles after the end. The title was frightening:

[today, a new culinary kingdom was born. ]

[Su Yemu, the man who changed the Empire. ]

[suyemu challenges traditional cuisine, who wins? rub one's eyes and wait! ]

[Su Yemu, a man whose hand has been kissed by gods. ]

the only fair report is Esme: cooking, the origin of mankind!

In one page, the head portrait of Su Yemu accounts for half; the other half is an interview about cooking, in which he asked about Su Yemu's views on today's Cooking:

Su Yemu said: good, let's continue to work together!

People: the face turns green. Who believes you.

Su Yemu, who has been devastated by alternative food:!

The author has something to say: "my territory, I am the master" is quoted from the song title of Jay Chou.

I find that the earliest source of the sentence "my territory, I am the master" is Jay Chou's song. As for whether it is earlier, it is not clear. If not, please let me know. Thank you! Thank the cherubs for casting the overlord vote for me ~

thank you very much for your support and I will continue to work hard! Cubic meter ^