Chapter 88

Name:Gourmet Live Room Author:书一
Sheep skin from the golden yellow slowly began to turn yellow, the fragrance floated out, and all the people at the scene swallowing water.

Su Yemu cuts the word "Tian" with a knife. The fat mutton splits, and the tender juices slide out from the inside, dropping into the fire and making a "Zizi" sound.

/Hiss, saliva doesn't listen. /

/ it's delicious. It's golden red and shiny. I want to eat it. I can't control my claws. When can I eat it? I can't help it. /

the soldiers on the scene stretched out their necks one by one and inhaled hard. It was too fragrant to eat and smell more.

After cutting off the golden skin, suyemu applies another layer of oil on the meat. The slightly reddish meat turns golden with the "Zizi" oil.

"Go and dig out some jars of fruit wine buried at the door."

Su Ye Mu tou also did not say that the degree of fruit wine was not high. For these high spirited generals and soldiers, it was like drinking drinks.

The soldier who stares at the roast sheep and dribbles is listening, wiping his mouth, making wind under his feet, whizzing, and running to dig for wine. Other soldiers have a look. This is the prelude to eating!


The meat turns golden, and the skin starts to turn yellow. Suyemu sprinkles chili powder, pepper and other spices on it. It doesn't need to be too much, because the sheep have been kneaded with seasoning before, but now they are sprinkled with dry powder to attract the flavor.

The other two sheep also began to draw the word "Tian" and sprinkle with spices. The soldier took a sip of saliva and looked at the golden sheep with green eyes. The general standing next to him couldn't help his throat moving. He was staring at the two sheep and couldn't move his eyes.

After the fire test, the fragrance suddenly erupted; the roasted sheep skin was golden and shiny, the meat cut outside was brown and crisp, the mutton oil squeaked out small bubbles, and the meat juice overflowing from the meat continued to slide down and fall into the fire, which made people heartache and wanted to lick it. It was a cheap fire.

"Here comes the wine!"

Stick to six jars of fruit wine, clever also moved three tables, big bowl, chopsticks, Su Ye Mu also saw a knife.

"By the way, bring three big iron pots, which can hold the size of a sheep. They should be flat."

Next to the two soldiers is a fast action, less than 20 seconds, a person carrying two big iron basin.

Su Ye Mu: this speed is too fast! All are masters!

After the flavor of spices roasted, the oven can be started. Soldiers have already worn gloves, picked up the sheep with one hand, and put them on the big iron basin. The golden oil with spice powder flowed out, and the rich roast mutton flavor spread, and the saliva overflowed instantly.

Suyemu sprinkles green onion and coriander on top.

Just staring at the mouth watering Live Room of mutton, the audience starts to clamor again. Some ask to put more, and some ask not to. Su Yemu uses the old method again, sprinkling half.

Half of the table is made up of a whole roast sheep. It is golden on both sides, scorched outside and tender inside. It is decorated with scallion and coriander. It is very delicious.

/You can eat it! I can't help it. /

/ broadcast, I tell you, if you don't give me food, I'll make enemies with you. /

there are three tables in total, Su Yemu occupies one table, and the other two sheep occupy one table respectively. Everyone has a good eye for walking to the other two tables. Only he Yunting sits here with his hands flat on his knees and his waist is very straight.

People looked at each other and whispered in the live room.

/Who's going? /

/ I'm not going. /

/ if the federal people go, they say it's sown and roasted for us. /

/ why don't people from your empire go? /

/ because of the round survival rate, you are a little bit higher. /

/ just a little bit? You'd better go by yourself! /

people are chatting secretly and dare not speak in the live broadcast room.

Su Yemu began to cut mutton. He Yuanting opened a jar of wine and poured three bowls. He and Su Yemu had a bowl. One bowl was placed beside him for the people in the studio. When he put it down, the bowl collided with the table and made a dull sound.

When I turn my head, my cool eyes scan the terminal intentionally or unintentionally. Everyone in the live room is excited and sweating behind.

The roasted whole sheep was burnt outside and tender inside. The skin was crispy and the meat was smooth. When he cut it with a knife, the skin was crisp and the sound was crisp. Su Yemu could not help but want to eat it. However, he found: "how could it be so quiet?"

Su Yemu raised his head and looked at the terminal. In the past, he started to make a fuss and yelled to eat, so he rushed to bite him.

/I, we are waiting for sowing and cutting mutton. We are good children. /

/ Yes, that's right. /

Su Yemu was puzzled and held out a hand in front of him. A piece of newly cut mutton disappeared from the side of the whole sheep full of meat oil and juice and entered he Yunting's mouth.

Everyone in the studio was wide eyed, and they all heard the creak.

/Ah, my mutton, the first bite is gone, the second one is mine. /

/ fouls, broadcast did not say to start, I also want to eat. /

Su Yemu watched he Yunting eat fast and chewed, and the people in the live room screamed and wanted to laugh.

Su ye Muxuan's sheep are fat and strong. The burnt yellow sheep eat fat but not greasy, crispy and delicious. In the mouth, the hot pepper and pepper powder are fried, and the crisp skin is first bitten off, and then the delicious tender mutton is eaten. The layers are clear and the flavor is unique./Wow, it's delicious. The skin is crisp. It's Crispy when you bite it, but it's not dry at all. There's thick juice. The meat inside is also tender. /

/ crisp, delicious, wonderful! It's so tender, so smooth, so delicious. It's amazing. /

/ delicious, delicious, but I am the only one who wants to bite directly? /

/ I also want to jump up and hold a whole sheep, but /

however, many people know this, but they dare not say any objection, and their tears collapse.

Su Yemu cut this side with a knife to eat, and the other two tables are not so polite, so they tear them directly.

Hot, hot? There is no such thing as the outbreak of physical functions after the awakening of mental power. This temperature is nothing.

The brown skin is torn up to reveal the tender and smooth meat inside. The meat tendon is pulled transparent, and the meat juice drips down. The rich fragrance diffuses. The mouth of my mouth pulls up the big meat. Ah Wu, I bite off half of it. The skin is crisp and the meat is tender and delicious.

"Yummy, yummy. I've never tasted anything so delicious. You are really good."

"Mm-hmm, yes..."

Other people can't stop eating, they can only nod their heads; a mouthful of mutton and fruit wine is hard to imagine.

In autumn, the temperature began to cool, the wind was blowing slowly, the sun was setting in the west, and the courtyard was full of hearty laughter and shouting. You snatched my sheep's feet and I bit your sheep's head, which was very lively.

/Oh, everyone is eating, only sowing in cutting, heartache. /

/ ah, it's all due to the Marshal's eating too fast and not enough sowing, sowing and cutting. /

/ not at all /

in the middle of the speech, stop; the crowd glared and gasped to see Marshal he feeding a piece of mutton into Su Yemu's mouth, and Su Yemu naturally bit it into his mouth.

Su Ye Mu chewed twice and said, "less flavor."

He Yunting chooses the tenderest part, which is attached to the bone. It is not surprising that he Yunting chooses another piece and rolls it in the juice before feeding it to Su Yemu.

Su Ye Mu nodded and he Yunting fed him meat from time to time; their every move was extremely natural.

People in the studio: did something happen when I didn't know?

After the whole sheep roasting activity, Su Yemu cut the mutton into small pieces, and the number of each sheep was quite large, but even so, with more than 20 billion fans from the Empire and the Federation, the sheep couldn't even splash water. After

finished the award, the live Kwai draped the curtain, and the people who had enough to eat and drink quickly and quickly got the things away. The five generals left and returned to the expeditionary army barracks with an air that was dazzling.

Huka, who has been busy in the army headquarters for a day, glances at these people and feels that it's not right! Every time the marshal looks for someone to have a meeting, few of them don't wilt after they come out. Why are you in such a good mood today?

One of the generals put Heka on his shoulder and exclaimed, "general Huck, you are right. Your craft is really good. The roast whole sheep is so delicious. It tastes great. It is even more delicious than all the things I have eaten in my life."

Several generals talked about how delicious and tender the mutton was and how good it tasted. Hucka's mouth watered. He looked at Allen with a bitter face: "Marshal must have complained that I didn't protect suyemu well, so he didn't inform me to roast the whole lamb. It must be."

Ellen looked at some of the generals of Huka and thought that this was the present, who told you to show off in front of them.


The appointment ceremony of Su Yemu will be held soon. As the first special administrative planet of the Empire, it has caused a great sensation. Even the Federation called to congratulate him.

The royal capital was once again lively. The governors of the autonomous regions returned to attend the appointment ceremony. Star ships landed in the imperial capital and set foot on the land of the imperial capital again. Many people were filled with emotion.

"I always feel that Su Yemu will not stop here."

"First, the honorary chairman of the culinary Association, then to the chief executive and members. He is only 23 years old. I can't tell."

"You're kidding. No matter how you rise, you can still get over your majesty."

"But I don't care about my duty."

However, there are still many people with complicated ideas about Su Yemu's promotion. Who doesn't want to have a special administrative planet and independent military and political affairs?

Early in the morning, Su Yemu put on the formal dress sent by the royal family, partial military style, white, more solemn than the previous Royal dress.

The shoulder is an olive branch plus four stars; the empire is a country with centralized military and political power. As the special chief executive of Selin, Su Yemu is also in line with the shoulder bar. It also means that selstar can form armed forces under the direct command of suyemu.

This is what the governors of the autonomous regions of the planet are envious of. Olive branch plus four generals, the Empire in addition to the three marshals, he.

When Su Yemu became the chief executive, Xiaonan's identity changed instantly. The aristocrats in the school also began to contact her. However, Xiaonan was cold and solitary, and did not even waste the corner of her eyes.

When Su Yemu took office, Xiaonan would like to ask for leave to attend. The leave note said: I'm going to take a day off today. The reason: my brother took office as the chief executive of selstar and went to the palace to attend the inauguration ceremony.

It is the first time that the Royal College has received such a leave slip since its founding.Early in the morning, the royal family directly sent the Royal motorcade to the Marshal's house. After receiving people, they went back to the palace along the main road.

On both sides of the main road were full of people, almost all Su Ye Mu fans, old and young, men and women. Su Ye Mu looked at everyone through the window, a little trance and a little unreal.

"What's the matter?" He Yunting held Su Ye Mu's hand and clapped: "don't be nervous, there is me."

Su Yemu turned back and laughed at the sight of Shanghe Yunting.

The car came to the palace and fired a salute. Su Yemu and he Yunting got off together. It was Crown Prince Kevin who came to meet him.

At the gate of the palace, another bus was changed to arrive at the palace hall; all the governors of the autonomous region were already waiting.

When Su Yemu stepped into the hall, the solemn national anthem of the Empire sounded. Su Yemu came to the rostrum, stood on the chairman, and took the oath of office to his majesty.

The inauguration ceremony was broadcast live to the public. Outside, there were lively cheers. Su Yemu's live broadcasting room was not opened, but it was full of people.

Su Yemu doesn't have an official website. It's a fan's cabin directly.

/It's going to cry. It's so cool. /

/ I didn't expect to see the broadcast King coming to the world one day. /

/ in front of me, I'm crazy, I'll delete it quickly; now I have different broadcast identities, I can't make fun of this joke. /

the common people say that they want to be emperor. If a general says that he wants to be an emperor, the nature is different.

Just want to brush Jun Lin world fans quickly shut their mouths, can not give broadcast trouble.

After swearing in, Su Yemu, who took over the letter of appointment and had never been a group leader, became the chief executive of the special planet.

Su Ye Mu didn't know whether it was another kind of glory.

After the inauguration ceremony, many governors of the autonomous region came forward. Before that, some people thought that Su Yemu, the chief executive, had no status. When he Yunting and erha were standing beside him, they had to pay attention to them.

Due to the large number of Governors of the imperial region, it is impossible for everyone to come up and talk to Su Yemu. The first ones are the governors of several big planets, and then some of the governors of poor planets whom Su Yemu named. After the conversation, he Yunting took Su Yemu to have a rest.

In the lounge, she meets Xiaonan and Kaili; when Xiaonan enters the palace for the first time, Su Yemu is still worried about her. Fortunately, Kaili has always taken her with her.

The party took a rest in the lounge for half an hour. They came to notice that the dinner had begun. More people attended the dinner, including black boss, Bai Jun and Da Zhuang, who were present as temporary officials of selstar.

The cooks of this dinner are all from the imperial restaurant. They are good at craftsmanship.

This is undoubtedly another advertisement for selstar. If it were not for the inaugural dinner, they would like to talk business with the black boss.

The dinner lasted until 10:00 p.m., and Su Yemu felt that he was not suitable to be an official! His mouth was stiff with laughter.

Other officials thought that Su Yemu was not very easy to get along with! All night, it was a sneer.

After the inauguration ceremony, there was also a celebration of selstar.

Although the selstar government was established temporarily, due to the small population, there was a set of management methods before, which went smoothly. The administrative government building was also built. The speed of infrastructure construction was frightening.

The first thing Su Yemu did when he returned home was to sleep. He was lying on the bed and sleeping faintly.

When returning to selstar, the black boss said that he would hold a three-day celebration ceremony. Su Yemu was so scared that he refused.

Black boss ignored Su Ye Mu's refusal, so the decision, and then talked about all matters of sal..

Bai Jun asked, "when will the district day be set?"

Su Yemu thought: "lunar January 1?"

Bai Jun doubts: "why? Is the lunar calendar to be used in Sailstar

Su Yemu: "because it's Spring Festival, I like Spring Festival best."

"Yes, it's not a big deal." The black boss felt indifferent: "by the way, many people want to immigrate to selstar. What do you think?"

Su Ye Mu asked Bai Jun, "what do you think?"

Bai Jun agreed: "there are a lot of land in Sailstar, but not many people. It is feasible."

Man is the real power of a planet.

"Then you can deal with it."

Su Yemu decided to be the first to be the shopkeeper, and then to talk about the others. The three talked about something. The black boss put down the official appointment table and left with Bai Jun.

When Su Yemu woke up, it was already dark, and rummaged around at home and found that there was nothing to eat.

After washing up, Su Yemu decided to go to the farm. Since the start of tourism in Saier star, according to Bai Jun, everyone would not leave until two or three o'clock every day.

When you go out, the light is bright, and the fruit trees and flowers are more beautiful under the light. There was a lot of noise in the distance, and his door was quiet.

When Su Yemu was quiet, he saw several people suddenly appeared under the tree in front of him, and was shocked.

"Your honor."

Behind him came a strong voice, Su Ye Mu looked back, saw him with two people come over, nodded. Then he looked at the people who were looking at him: "how did you come here? This is not a tourist area. "The little man bowed again and again: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, we came out of the farm, walked, walked, and came here."

"Dazhuang, you arrange a person to take them out."

"Thank you very much."

"You're welcome."

Su Yemu left. He had no food for a day and was starving to death.

In the past, Su Yemu didn't pay attention to it, and soon ushered in the celebration; the lights left by the Mid Autumn Festival were hung up and decorated.

The black boss means that Su Yemu should do what he or she should do. On the first day, he can speak a few words.

In order to make the ceremony more full of Chinese celebration atmosphere, Su Ye Mu Gan Cui uses the dragon dance and lion dance as the characteristics of Chinese traditional festivals in oral form, so that big Zhuang's sister Xiao man can reappear in the form of 5D. Then input the program into the robot chip, and the black boss let people reproduce the dragon and lion mold at a very fast speed, and form a dragon and lion team with robots.

So it's no surprise that on the day of the celebration, when suyemu was lying in bed, he heard drums.

Su Yemu got up to wash, finished breakfast, and turned on the live broadcast. There was another explosion of people in the live room.

/Sow, go out, the lion is coming. /

/ ah, I'm so excited. The lion is coming and will be at the door. /

/ my God, broadcast, don't you tell me, you just wake up now? /

"where did you know the lion was coming?"

Su Yemu is strange. He only hears the drum, which is far away.

/Star network has live! Broadcast, I tell you, if you don't work hard, your fans will be robbed. Do you know how many anchors have run to selstar to grab traffic with you since the official media released the details of the celebration? /

/ broadcasting has fallen! /

/ on how to save broadcasting. /

Yes, there are official media in selstar. Su Yemu admired the black boss and Bai Jun, and he hardly cared about his ability.

"If you follow me, you may not have much time to play." Su Yemu will go back to the government building for a meeting and give a ceremony speech. What else is left behind? Su Yemu doesn't remember much after sleeping.

/It's OK. Follow! I can't help it. If I leave, there will be no one in your studio. /

/ broadcast center, my family has two terminals, one is watching you, the other is watching other anchors live! /

/ Yes, broadcast. Just do your own thing. /

Su Yemu: what were you urging just now?

When the door knocks, Dazhuang brings the dress; Su Yemu leaves the terminal outside and goes into the inner room to change clothes, but after a while, people come out.

People who were bored looking at the hall took a breath.

The Su Ye Mu temperament of the black military uniform becomes more cold, and the golden generals are shining in the light. With boots and a military cap on the head, the badge in the middle and the star on the shoulder reflect each other. The armed belt with big palms makes the waist strong and thin, which makes the body more upright.

He tightly pursed his lips, and his dark eyes were clear and penetrating, which attracted people's soul. Coming face-to-face, the sound of cold feet stepped into the hearts of the people.

The people in the studio were stunned, but he Yunting, who had just arrived from the imperial capital, was stunned.

This is the man he loves. He is gorgeous and elegant.

The author has something to say: I really want to eat barbecue, but the barbecue is not so early, so I ordered a fried chicken to eat. Thank you for the angel who cast the overlord vote or irrigated the nutrient solution for me ~

thank you for irrigating [nutrient solution]:

Miss Liu 70 bottles; Mengmeng quadratic yuan 45 bottles; 1210 bottles; Diaboli 9 bottles; 19502686, today's happy bald 5 bottles; a big orange 2 bottles; 32052820, a Kai, Shang jiuxiao, July month 1 bottle;

thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!