Chapter 96

Name:Gourmet Live Room Author:书一
What Su Yemu is going to do today is walnut porridge, which has the effect of "unblocking the meridians and moistening the blood vessels". At present, the "lucky son" still focuses on regulating the internal organs, and the meat smell can not be touched yet.

Today, Su Yemu is also preparing to cook a large pot of walnut porridge. After the experiment of hawthorn and coix seed porridge yesterday, Hei Meng brought the rest of the "lucky son" to eat. In his words, it was food anyway, and it was no harm to eat it.

In addition to walnut porridge, Su Yemu is also ready to make two orders, which was promised yesterday.

Walnut porridge to do is not difficult, with soybeans, Bletilla fried cooked, flour, rice porridge, add walnuts mashed, then add, soybean, Bletilla powder, cooked, finally add rock sugar.

In the live broadcast room, people look at Su Yemu's neat movements, but they never find Marshal he leaning against the door, covering his mouth and laughing.

"Yesterday I promised you to make two kinds of snacks. Let's make Lily and hazelnut cakes today."

/Meat eaters are good kids. I'll wait until the day when the meat is sown. /

people who like eating meat pretend to be pathetic in the studio, so ye mu can't laugh or cry.

Suyemu is going to make Lily cake first. Lily cake is made of two kinds of pastry: dry pastry and water pastry. Dry pastry is mainly made by mixing flour and lard.

There is no ready-made lard in the underground, so Su Yemu can only fry it by himself; the choice of frying lard is fat meat, which is commonly known as lard plate, cut into square small pieces, put into the pot, add two bowls of water to boil, boil at a high heat, turn to a low fire slowly, and when the water is dried, it begins to produce oil.

During this period, suyemu began to stir fry stuffing. Lily petals were washed, flour was mixed with fine white sugar, and oil was put in a hot pot. Lily petals were pasted with thin flour paste. The next pot was 70% oil and began to fry. Because the petals were too thin, it was better to overlap the two petals. When frying, you could pass it gently, and the light yellow color was particularly good-looking.

/Wow, great. I think of the Magnolia food I made before. /

/ is this Lily cake? /

/ good smell, broadcast, can I eat it? /

the sweet smell floats out, and the petals fried to light yellow are particularly good-looking, and they look full of appetite.

At this time, some people could not help it. They didn't watch Su Yemu live for a long time. They didn't even taste the porridge made yesterday, and their stomachs kept crying.

Su Ye Mu could not help but take out the plate and put out several pieces: "taste..."

Eye tail aims at he Yunting standing at the door. He picks up a piece and puts it in a small bowl and hands it to he Yunting: "brother Yunting, try it."

/It's so crispy, it's chewy, it's delicious, it's sweet, it's exciting. It's just a piece of food. I feel there's nothing in my mouth. /

/ well, it's delicious. If you don't eat it for a long time, the broadcasting technology is getting better and better. The light flower flavor and sugar are perfectly integrated. /

"yes," he Yunting doesn't like sweets, but Su Yemu's craftsmanship is really superb: "crisp."

/Click, click, bite Lily crisp, feel like eating dog food. /

/ dog food, dog food, why are you sweet. /

/ add a little fire, and it will be bitter. /

in the live room, people were eating and staring at the man who was smiling at each other.

Su Yemu knows that he Yunting doesn't like sweet food very much. He gives him a taste and returns to the cooking table to fry peanuts and white sesame seeds. After frying, the peanuts and fried lily petals are crushed for standby.

Remove the core of the jujube and put it into a plate with sugar, peanut, white sesame and lily petals. Add a little flour, add peanut oil and stir well.

At this time, the frying lard began to smell fragrant. Su Yemu opened the lid of the pot, and the lard plate had already produced oil and turned pale yellow. Turn the oil plate over with a shovel, cover it and fry it for another five minutes, until the oil plate turns into oil residue. Turn off the fire and pick up the oil residue.

Because the oil needed to be used urgently, Su Yemu used a filter screen to filter out the oil residue, and immediately used the freezer to cool down. At this time, everyone has been watching pieces of fried to golden yellow, rolled up oil dregs and saliva.

/It's delicious. I want to eat, want to eat, roll and eat. /

/ blind guess this food can be eaten, delicious, especially delicious. /

/ it's brown and fragrant, and it must be delicious to explode. Sow ~ ~ /

this wave line can't help but give suyemu first. Put pepper and cumin powder into a large bowl with proper amount of salt. After mixing, pour it into the oil residue and stir it evenly, so that each piece of oil residue is covered with spices.

/Wow, it's delicious and delicious. The light pepper flavor and cumin and oil residue blend perfectly. It's very crispy. It's chewy and delicious. /

/ it's delicious but not greasy. I hate to eat fat meat except for the fat cooked by sowing and sowing. I didn't expect that the fat meat would be so delicious to fry, so I would like to buy a pile to fry it. /

/ as far as I know, because a lot of people don't like to eat fat meat, most of the lard plates have been thrown away. I didn't expect that this deep frying is a delicacy in the world! Broadcasting is indeed sowing, turning decadent into magic. He is indeed my favorite man. /

"what is so fragrant?"

Before people arrive, the voice goes first. The loud voice is heard in the live broadcasting room./Men? /

/ men? /

people in the live room looked at each other and looked at the kitchen door. A thick looking man strode in and saw the oil residue. His eyes lit up and he reached for it.

The audience in the live broadcasting room broke out in a flash. If the wireless network could climb, they would have climbed over and robbed the man.

/Bold, where thieves, put down my oil residue. /

/ I'll go, who is it! Even the marshal didn't dare to take it for granted. He gave you a name and taught you how to be a man. /

/ thief, do you want to be enemies of Empire and Federation? /

when the black fierce picked up the basin and heard the two words of Empire and Federation, he immediately hummed and took it and was about to leave. The eyes of people in the live room watching this action all turned green, and they immediately howled -

/ broadcast, we don't give, we don't give. /

/ broadcast, our, our, return. /

"don't take all of them. They haven't had enough to eat," Su Yemu quickly stopped heimeng and took out a basin: "pour out half of it."

/No, it's all us. It's all ours. /

Su Yemu was helpless: how can these children protect their food?

"It was obviously fried by suyemu. How could it be yours?"

/As long as it's broadcast, it's ours. /

"this meat is still provided by me

The people in the live broadcasting room are stunned. How can this meat become someone else's? The studio was silent for a moment.

Black fierce wins the final victory, and draws up the corner of his mouth to the terminal, especially drags.

/Wow, broadcast, he's mocking us, mocking us, whining, broadcasting, making decisions for us. /

Su Yemu:!

"By the way, Su Yemu is still my second leader."

People bite their teeth in the studio: broadcast, you evil man.

However, there were still sober people in the studio, and immediately someone answered back.

/So what, no sowing, your meat is still raw fat, you eat, eat! Eat raw fat! /

/ that is, when it comes to the seeder's meat, it is ours. /

"Susu is not your second leader. Don't identify people indiscriminately."

/Wow, marshal is so strong. /

/ poof, I wonder if the marshal is going to shrink, cough and cough /

with a look in his eyes, he Yunting swallowed the words behind the audience in the live broadcasting room. Of course, he was choked by saliva, which made the five viscera and the lungs ache, and the tears flowed.

After all, the people in the studio also gave in. After all, the meat was provided by others, only:

/ hum, marshal, I can't even afford meat. /

/ the wrong person can't even afford meat. /

/ that is, broadcast, remember to wipe your eyes, even the meat can not afford men, not worthy of what. /

he Yunting: Why are these children so badly beaten?

Su Ye Mu confused face: "what do not deserve to do?"

"Don't listen to them," he Yunting picked up his chopsticks and put them in the basin. The entrance was full of pepper and cumin. The taste was crisp and raw, and the taste was good. He said, "I'll use my money to buy meat in the future."

Then he Yunting said to the terminal, "bind my salary account to Susu terminal account."

[yes, sir. ]

[your honor, it has been bound. ]

people in the Live Room: this dog food is really bitter.

"No, brother Yunting. How can I do your money?"

Su Yemu quickly refused.

He Yunting lightly glanced at Su Ye Mu: "don't you say when I'm a brother?"

He Yunting said that he was gnashing his teeth. The people who had suffered from eating dog food suddenly felt comfortable. The account of closing the small black room was still in the small book!

The people in the live room were very proud, but when they saw Marshal he begin to put chopsticks on the oil dregs, they stopped talking and began to eat hard, just like who ate more in the competition.

Su Yemu, who is inexplicably rich in money, sighs. After a while, the pork is frozen, and Su Yemu begins to make dry oil noodles and water oil noodles.

Neither can be done, but the proportion should be good; the method of dry oil noodles is flour and lard, and slowly knead into dough.

Water oil noodles are flour, water, lard, the same knead into a dough.

Express dry oil noodles and water oil noodles into dough, press once, roll water oil bread into dry oil noodles, roll into dough, wrap stuffing, knead into balls, and mark cross on them.

Su Yemu does a lot of work. It takes half an hour to wrap it up.

Oil in a hot pan, fry the lily crispy, heat the oil slowly, and fry until the lily crispy layer cracks.

The delicate yellow lily crisp is like a half opened flower bud. The outer skin is crisp yellow, and the petals are clear. It is wrapped with crisp yellow and tender stamens inside. The color is beautiful and beautiful. It is placed on the porcelain white plate, which is amazing.

Lily crisp has distinct taste, sweet taste, crisp stuffing layer, and the taste is very beautiful. It is called the first snack in the world.

/What did I eat? Is there such a delicious snack in the world? Ah, ah, delicious, delicious, except for these two words, I don't know what to say. //The appearance is beautiful, beautiful, and the taste inside is extremely beautiful. If the perfect integration, a little understand what the broadcast once said about color and fragrance. /

/ after eating and crying, the sweetness is just right, the skin is crisp and fragrant, and the fragrance of peanut and sesame stuffing inside is progressive, but not mixed. The hand sown is indeed kissed by the king of universe. /

in the comment area, the hazelnut puff is more simple than Lily puff. After mixing the egg liquid, fine sugar and oil, add flour and crushed hazelnut, and slowly knead into dough. Press it slightly, put it on the baking plate, brush a layer of egg liquid, put it in the oven for about 15 minutes, brush another layer of egg liquid, and bake for five minutes Out of the oven.

Hazelnut crispy is similar to Lily crisp in taste, both of which are fragrant crisp, with fresh and sweet taste. The difference is that the fruit of hazelnut crisp is sweet and fragrant, with hazelnut flavor and excellent taste.

/The taste buds explode. It's too fragrant. It feels like Lily crispy. The taste is completely different. Both are delicious. /

/ the egg liquid on the outside is delicious. It is sweet and crisp. If you bite it, it tastes like hazelnut. /

"Gulu Gulu!"

Porridge began to smell, walnut porridge, suyemu add rock sugar, cook for three minutes, start the pot, tomorrow did not eat Hawthorn coix seed porridge, this time certainly will not miss this opportunity, Su Yemu just served the porridge, everyone rushed up.

Walnut porridge rice porridge is tender and smooth, tastes fragrant, walnut fragrant, silky sweet taste palatable, just good.

/I don't feel greasy when I eat so much sweet for the first time. The sowing materials are too accurate. /

/ it was a pity that I didn't eat it yesterday. /

/ I feel that the green pigment is stronger than the soup. Sow it and raise me! Warm up the bed, fight. /

/ the porridge sown is very comfortable to drink. It's as cheap as soup. /

people in the live broadcasting room took a mouthful of porridge and pastry, and there was also a person who took a mouthful of porridge and pastry. In that case, they didn't like to eat sweet food at all.

Su Yemu looked at he Yunting's eating seriously. He didn't notice that the audience in the live room looked at him about to spit fire. He said with a smile, "it's almost today, because brother Yunting will come back before me. Except for porridge, other two kinds of prizes will be drawn today. The prize won will be taken back by Brother Yun ting and sent to everyone."

He Yunting raised his head and pointed to himself: "me?"

Su Yemu nodded: "you."

Seeing the Marshal's reluctant face, people immediately withdrew their angry eyes and expressed their positions in succession:

/ in fact, I have known for a long time that the marshal is a good man, but I haven't said it all the time. /

/ Yes, and the marshal is so handsome that he is out of the sky. /

/ my God, I've never seen such a powerful marshal. There's no one here before. There's only one in the universe, my little heart! /

Su Yemu: Why are you so incoherent? Brother Yun Ting's face is green.

Finally, in the praise of Marshal, Su Ye Mu took ten copies. The live broadcast room was overjoyed, and Su Yemu was also happy. All of them looked like the Chinese New Year. Only the marshal who accepted ten minutes of praise had always had a black face.

The author has something to say:

he is speechless about his ability to predict chapters, and he still can't get out of the small map, alas!

Thank you for the angel who cast the overlord vote or irrigate the nutrient solution for me ~

thank you for the little angel who cast the [landmine]: Ming Yuexi, Yu Yun 1;

thank you for irrigating [nutrient solution]:

15 bottles of Hongyan; 12 bottles of Moonlight over Pearl summer; 5 bottles of coriander; 3551, 1984 4 bottles; fire charm, a big orange 1 bottle;

thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!