Chapter 103

Name:Gourmet Live Room Author:书一
Su Yemu, who sleeps with his eyes closed, is very sensitive to hearing. He Yunting pushes in the door, to the clatter of his military uniform belt falling off the ground, and the sound of taking off his clothes

After listening all the way, I can't help but feel a fever on my cheek. I quickly recited in my heart that if you are not polite, don't listen, if you are not polite, don't say anything, do not move

With a warm palm on his face, Su Yemu could feel the touch of his powerful fingers plucking the silk. His eyelids could not help beating, and he Yunting's mellow smile sounded on his head. Su Yemu finally opened his eyes and regretted: "you knew I was awake."

He Yunting's military coat was left on the sofa beside him, with only his white shirt and black army trousers. He had two buttons untied at the neckline. One was propped up by the bed, and the other hand was playing with his own hair. He looked lazy.

Su Ye Mu is not at ease. She pulls the quilt to her face and covers half of her face.

He Yunting's big hand pressed on the top of Su Ye Mu's head and said, "it's the second time."


"Let yourself catch a cold the second time. If you don't cherish yourself, next time..."

He Yunting stands up, which means he doesn't know what to look at Su Yemu and goes to the bathroom. Su Yemu turns over and sits up and shouts at he Yunting: "what?"

Footstep stops, he Yunting returns: "spank."

Su Yemu:!

When the bathroom door was closed, Su Yemu rolled on the bed two times and snorted: "I'm afraid you don't call Su Yemu."

When he Yunting comes out, Su Yemu goes to sleep again. When he goes to bed, Su Yemu rolls over automatically and lies next to he Yunting's chest and sleeps soundly.

He Yunting half hugged suyemu, closed his eyes and meditated. In a short time, Zerg had occupied several planets of the gasla Empire, and the offensive was fierce. Today, marshal ASA and his cabinet finally let go and agreed to the expeditionary army to help the vasra empire. Allen was about to go on the expedition. Everything seemed to be going well, but he Yunting always felt that he had neglected something.

The next day, Su Yemu gets up, he Yunting is no longer there, and he is inexplicably depressed. After washing, he goes out to see Yuan Ying and Dazhuang standing in the yard looking at each other, and the atmosphere is not very good.

As their name suggests, Dazhuang people are strong in appearance, strong in stature, thick in character and reticent in character; Yuan Ying is much more handsome in appearance and sincere in character, so it is hard to imagine that they will quarrel with each other.

"Your honor."

"Sir su."

At the same time, they found that Su Yemu came out and stepped forward, one left and one right, like two Dharma protectors.

"Big Zhuang, welcome back," Su Ye Mu said with a smile, and then looked at Yuan Ying: "where's Brother Yun Ting?"

"The marshal has returned to the imperial capital," Yuan Ying said with a look of loss, and then said, "today general Allen is on the March."

The expedition was not sudden. It had been debated for a long time, and the people of the Empire also joined in the discussion, with some supporting and some opposing. The supporters, like the expeditionary army, thought that the Zerg would learn from their previous experience and no longer attack the Empire. Instead, they were ready to capture the vasra Empire and serve as a springboard to attack the Empire.

The opposition thinks that it is not our empire that it has captured. Why should we use the money of the people of the Empire to help other countries? Many poor planets in the Empire have not been taken care of!

At the same time, many people mentioned the old story again and impeached the expeditionary army. He Yunting led the yuan expedition army to fight abroad for several decades. In addition to recovering more than 20 planets of the Empire, more than a dozen planets captured are still not included in the territory of the Empire. Isn't this the use of imperial resources and Treasury to save private property for he Yunting?

In a word, there is a fierce political struggle in the imperial capital, and there is a faint wind all over the building.

As soon as the live broadcast started today, the topic of expeditionary army appeared in the live broadcast room.

/Oh, see the marshal. The expeditionary commander is out of the sky. /

/ ah, I didn't expect that general Allen's beauty was so high. Unfortunately, it was not a holographic live broadcast, so he could only lick the screen. /

"going out live"

Su Yemu was a bit surprised.

/There are reports in the news, only a few seconds live, flash by. /

/ the expeditionary army rushed to fight the Zerg, and dragged them back to sow braised pork. /

/ Hello, there are many intelligent creatures in the front of the Zerg. Can you eat them?

as soon as you say this, many people's faces turn green. It's not that intelligent creatures are all right. They have wisdom. How can you think that they can't eat.

"Let's start today." Su Yemu was ready to open it quickly and went to the imperial capital to see the situation: "I'll teach you two things today: rice flower fish soup, garlic shrimp, salt baked crab, loach just caught yesterday, so it's hard to eat now."

/It's a pity, but I'm satisfied with these three things. I'll wait to eat. /

/ it sounds like my mouth is watering. Please help me. /

/ the previous ones have not been started yet! I started to want to smoke, really, remember to take me one. /

"the rice fish, shrimp and crab grow because they eat rice flowers, so their taste is less fishy and more rice flavor than the itchy plants in the water."

Su Ye Mu explains and works at the same time. First, he brushes the crabs with a brush. Before brushing them, he has already let Dazhuang stun them, so he is not afraid of being caught.Yuan should see that when the great strength of spirit is used here, the expression is rich and makes people laugh.

After the crab is washed, use absorbent paper to absorb the water drops; lay a layer of coarse salt under the casserole, and then put the crabs in one by one, and then spread a layer of salt on the top. The salt will fall into the middle along the gap, which will ensure the taste and not be too salty.

When finished, lay a layer of paper on it, cover it, and fire.

Next, make shrimp with garlic. First, chop the garlic and set aside. Remove the head of the shrimp and remove the shrimp thread. Cut it from the middle of the back and place it on the plate. Spread the lotus on the shrimp meat with a spoon and steam it in the pan.

Steamed garlic shrimp must grasp the time, high heat boiling water for three minutes, immediately start the pot, so as to maximize the freshness of shrimp meat.

In the live broadcasting room, people didn't expect that the shrimp was cooked so quickly; the delicious aroma came out, and they didn't agree to swallow their saliva, and their eyes were fixed on the red shrimp, which was shining.

"You can't eat it yet. Wait a minute," Su Yemu added soy sauce and salt to stir and bring it to a boil. He sprinkled green onion on the shrimp and poured hot oil on it. The rich fragrance suddenly came out, which was even more fragrant than before.

/Wow, delicious, salty, salty, delicious. /

/ different from eating shrimp, it has a very special flavor, which can't be said, but it's delicious. /

minced garlic shrimp has a strong garlic flavor, and the shrimp meat is salty, fresh and crisp, which is rare. People in the live room are eating it, and Su Yemu starts to make rice fish. The fish is delicious and pure. No matter how it is cooked, it is an attractive dish. If you want to taste the most original delicious, clear soup is the most suitable.

Considering the perception problem, Su Yemu did not kill the fish live, but had killed more than a dozen fish before the live broadcast.

Su Yemu explained how to kill fish, and then said, "the rice flower fish does not need to remove the fish scale. Its fish scale has high nutritional value and is fresh in the mouth and is not difficult to eat."

Rice fish soup is very simple, hot pot oil, 70% oil hot fish, fry until both sides slightly yellow, add water, high heat, add tofu, ginger, turn to medium heat stew, 10 minutes can add seasoning.

It has a unique flavor, fresh and tender fish meat, soft and edible scales, tender fish soup, mellow taste and unique light rice flavor.

/Oh, my God, I'm sure it's at least the top five in soup. /

/ it's delicious, and you can't tell what's in the soup. /

people in the live room immediately glared at the freshness of the soup and the pure freshness of the meat.

/Ah, ah, I must be hit today. All my luck and marshal must be gambled away. /

/ in front of me, marshal is broadcasting. /

yesterday, the marshal left with the broadcasting station in his arms. They had already suspected that the marshal had a bad intention. They officially confirmed that the marshal was really in a bad mood. However, they would not remind the broadcasting station.

At this time, the smell of salt baked crab also spread; people drank soup and ate shrimp, and their eyes were fixed on the casserole. Su Yemu turned off the fire, opened the lid and pulled out the salt on it. The crabs had turned yellow, and the crab feet had basically been broken. Some people couldn't help reaching for a crab foot.

/It's salty. /

the salt baked crab eats crab roe, and the crab feet are too small, so the salt is not strange; Su Yemu had no choice but to smile and say, "the rice flower crab is too small, the salt baked crab can only eat crab roe."

After all the crabs were clipped out, Su Yemu put on his gloves and took out a crab. He carefully broke open the crab shell, and the tender yellow crab yolk wafted out the fragrance. People in the live room sucked it hard. They could not wait to learn Su Yemu's appearance. He broke the crab shell and dug out the crab yolk. His eyes were bright.

/It's delicious. It's delicious. It's not fishy at all. /

/ it is very fresh and has a rosin taste, which is totally different from eating steamed crab. /

/ it's just that the amount is too small. One mouthful is not enough. It's better to have more. /

undoubtedly, the river fresh raised with rice flowers always has a special flavor, which is not available in other river fresh food and seafood.

The people in the live room have a good meal. Su Yemu looks at the time and it's almost time. Today, he has to go to Xiaonan and send him lunch.

"We have to go to the imperial capital today. The time is a little tight. Let's start the lottery!"

/No, it's so fast. I haven't eaten enough! /

/ in front of me, what's going on? I understand. Go to Huangdu, Xixi. /

/ what I didn't understand, I got it, ha ha. /

Su Yemu was speechless: "what do you know?"

Su Yemu's goose bumps were all up in the live broadcasting room. She had to draw a lottery at the command terminal. Today, there were 53 places for three cooked food and fifty rice fish. After drawing the prize, Su Yemu couldn't wait to turn off the live broadcast, which attracted laughter from the studio, which made Su Yemu angry.

After the studio was closed, Su Yemu packed up the food to be sent out, and gave Dazhuang a list of 50 rice fish to help him send it out.

"I want to go with you to the imperial capital," he said firmly

"Yuan should be there."

After that, Dazhuang suddenly knelt down: "Sir, I was not good last time. I didn't protect you and let you be kidnapped. This time, I swear, it will never happen again.""No, I don't mean that. I just don't think it's necessary to have so many people follow me. I'm..."

Su Ye Mu wanted to refuse, but he saw the guilt and gloom in Dazhuang's eyes. He couldn't say it for a moment. The last time he disappeared, Dazhuang should be in a bad mood!

I can't help but ask him to send it to someone else. Su Yemu packed the rest of the food into three portions, as well as the rice fish to be sent to other people. He packed them separately and took the ship to the imperial capital.

Now suyemu also has his own spaceship, the badge has not been engraved, this matter Su Yemu has not yet decided what to use to represent the sailor.

After 20 minutes of sailing, the spaceship landed in Marshal's mansion, where he Yunting had already been waiting.

The author has something to say: sorry, just found in the repetition, update again. Thank you for the angel who cast the overlord vote or irrigate the nutrient solution for me ~

thank you for throwing the [mine] Angel: Yu Yun 1;

thank you for irrigating the [nutrient solution]:

thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!