Chapter 113

Name:Gourmet Live Room Author:书一
In the silent night, he Yunting lies with his hands on the back of his head, listening to the chirping insects, and considering whether it is better to continue repairing the air wing tomorrow, or to use the parts of the air wing to make a transmitter. The former takes a long time, and there is a great possibility that it can't be repaired well, even if it is repaired, it needs to find energy; the latter has a high success rate of signal transmitter manufacturing, and the signal sent by the enemy has a great chance of being intercepted by the enemy.

"I don't know if Susu knows about my disappearance."

He Yunting looked at the starry sky and missed Su Yemu more and more. At this time, a light suddenly appeared in the sky. He Yunting's first reaction was meteorite, but when the light was getting closer and closer, the dazzling light was not emitted by meteorites at all.

He Yunting sat up and watched it fall slowly from the sky, getting closer and closer. There was something hidden in the huge light body, but he couldn't see what it was.


The wild animals in the forest suddenly agitated and kept shouting. He Yunting's eyes were fixed on the light group. Instinctively, he placed a three foot long saber in front of him and made a defensive posture. The light group approached the forest and slowly fell into the prosperous forest, and the light disappeared.

The wild animals in the forest stopped howling and only the insects were barking. He Yunting's tight muscles relaxed and lay back in the haystack.

The next day, he Yunting wakes up and remembers that the first thing is the guangtuan of last night. The place where the light group disappears is not far away from him. He Yunting is a little concerned, and he is going to have a look.

He Ting's spirit has not disappeared from this place since he left the planet.

After he fell to this planet, he could not sense his spiritual power. He Yunting's analysis shows that it is probably caused by the radiation of unidentified matter in the cosmic vortex. In addition, it is a primeval forest, and he often hears the howl of beasts. He is not ready to rush into the inner zone until his feet are ready.

But now, he has to go this way.

He Yunting went to the lake to wash his face first. Looking at the purulent wound on his chest, he tolerated it and didn't pick it up. He felt itchy and painful behind him. He thought he should also have pus. As a soldier, he Yunting is no doubt dissatisfied with this situation; the military department has done jungle training, even if unarmed into the primeval forest, food will not be a problem, injured, as a spiritual strength, recovery is amazing, but who would have thought that one day, the spirit of the awakened will disappear.

After this, he Yunting had to pay attention to this.

Don't put on the saber, take a metal stick from the air wing and go to the place where the light ball fell last night. The lush grass is half the height of a man. He Yunting slaps the grass with a metal stick. From time to time, he can see snakes running out of the grass and some unknown small animals.

According to the memory of last night, he Yunting walked toward the place where the light cluster fell. After walking for about 10 minutes, he Yunting quickly flashed into the grass beside him, grasped the metal rod, and looked ahead cautiously. He turned his head slightly, listening to the sound to judge the size of the animal, but he could hear the sound of footsteps

People in the distance came closer and closer, and their figure slowly appeared. He was wearing a tight black military uniform, and his black boots stepped on the grass, making a sound. The sweat slipped down his forehead and was wiped away from his chin. He squinted slightly, and his lips were tightly closed. His cold and solemn look was very dignified. He looked around and seemed to be thinking about how to go.

At this time, he Yunting, who was lurking in the grass, was sluggish. His heart beat with excitement, as if he had jumped out of his chest. He slowly stood up and said, "Susu."

Su Yemu, who is looking around, hears the familiar voice and quickly turns his head. He Yunting's pupil shrinks at first, then throws the stick in his hand and rushes towards he Yunting. He Yunting opened his arms and held the man in his arms tightly. He could not help kissing his hair. He was always hard hearted. At this time, he was so soft hearted.

He Yunting closed his eyes, buried his head and took a mouthful of familiar breath, calmed down his mood, pushed aside Su Yemu, and said in a deep voice, "follow me first."

The grass here is too high, and it is also the interior of the forest. There will be beasts at any time. It is not safe to speak here.

He Yunting pulls Su Yemu and is preparing to go to the lake. Just lifting his feet, he suddenly thinks of his lame feet. He is in a dark mood for a moment.

Su Ye Mu saw he Yunting didn't move. He wanted to ask him what was wrong. His eyes were related to the pus on his body. His eyes were red instantly: "what's the matter? How is it pus? "

At this time, he Yunting thought of his wound purulent matter, holding his hands in the chest, and said, "it's OK, but it's just pus. It'll be good soon."

"It's nothing. It's all injuries and pus."

Su Yemu turns he Yunting around and wants to see his back. He Yunting doesn't move. Su Yemu is angry and pushes hard. His mouth is shriveled. He looks very aggrieved.

He Yunting sighed and turned around. Su Yemu's eyes were moist. His back was more serious, red and swollen. The pus at the wound had been swollen up. It was still hot to the touch. After a while, it might be infected with worms.

Su Ye Mu pounced on he Yunting's back, but he didn't dare to exert himself. He could only hold his waist and put his head against his strong back. Tears came down in an instant. He Yunting listens to Su Yemu's sobbing voice, his heart aches and he can't imagine. Su Yemu knows that he is lame and will cry more severely.

He Yunting's generous palm covered Su Yemu's hand on his waist and said in a soft voice: "how did you cry? I'm fine. I just look serious. "Su Ye Mu didn't answer. After a while, the sobbing voice decreased. He took his hand out of he Yunting's hand, and Su Yemu wiped his face. When he Yunting turned around, he only saw Su Yemu with red eyes.

He reached out his hand and touched the corner of his eye. He rubbed his thumb gently and said, "are you still crying? It's you. How did you get here? What do Yuan Ying and black boss do to eat? Is that what happened to sailor? "

Su Ye Mu murmured: "come to see you."

He Yunting squeezed Su Ye Mu's hand tightly: "let's go!"

Even if he is lame, he must know it. This place can't stay any longer. He has already smelled the smell of beasts coming. It is strange to say that he has lived by the lake for more than a month, and there are no beasts to go to. According to reason, the place with water should be the habitat of beasts.

He Yunting led Su Yemu to the lake. Su Yemu didn't find any problems in the first two steps, but he was shocked and speechless at the back. He saw he Yunting, who had always been firm and forceful in his walking, but now he is dragging his foot forward

Su Ye Mu muddled, trance, he Yunting pulled to the lake, waiting for him to stop, only to return to God. Su Ye Mu looks up at he Yunting. The mood in his clear eyes is not criticism or anger, but heartache for him.

Su Yemu pulls his hand away from he Yunting's hand, squats down, reaches out and grabs the foot he wants to retreat. He takes off his boots. His swollen ankle is covered with blood stasis. Su Yemu pinches his hand and feels that a sharp bone is thrown out. This is not a dislocation, but a broken bone.

Su Yemu squatted on the ground, head buried in the knee, silent.

"Susu, it doesn't hurt. You forget that I'm a spiritual person," he Yunting squatted down, half holding Su Yemu, chin against Su Ye Mu's head, and gently coaxed: "not sad, OK?"

Su Yemu's choked voice rang out: "I should have come out earlier to look for you."

He Yunting said with a smile: "fool, I'm very happy to see you."

This is one of the ideas in my heart. There is another idea that I want to spank Su Ye Mu's ass. if something goes wrong, what should I do? How did he find it? Is something wrong with selstar?

These he wants to know, but at present, Su Ye Mu's mood is not right, he Yunting can only bear not to ask.

The two men squatted and hugged for a while before they separated. Su Yemu pushed he Yunting down and sat on the ground. In he Yunting's stunned eyes, he Yunting reached out and took the saber on his waist. With red eyes, he said in a cold voice, "you sit down and don't move."

Su Yemu took his saber and went to the lake. He saw it just now. There were many weeds growing by the lake. He wanted to find out if there were any herbs.

The grass by the lake is very luxuriant. It's no surprise that there are wild vegetables. It's still in the morning. He Yunting has not eaten breakfast yet. Su Yemu conveniently picks plantain and fern and puts them aside.

Bending down, Su Yemu focused on the ground, looking for a while by the lake, he found a kind of grass with purple flowers. This is a small thistle, which can cool blood, stop bleeding, remove blood stasis and detumescence.

In addition to these, Su Yemu also found several kinds of wild vegetables that are beneficial to detumescence and hemostasis, but he did not find what he wanted. Su Yemu is a little anxious and walks to the forest with a saber.

He Yunting looked at it and exclaimed, "Susu, where are you going?"

Su Yemu looked back: "I'll find some herbs."

In the 21st century, people like to return to nature. Wild vegetables and coarse grains have sprung up. Su Yemu, as a chef, has also studied them. Naturally, he has come into contact with many wild vegetables and Chinese herbal medicines, and has read many books about them. Although he is not proficient in them, he still knows the general wild vegetables and Chinese herbal medicines and knows their medicinal effects.

"I'll go with you."

"I'll look for it on the edge, not far away."

Su Ye Mu frown, with the expression of disapproval, he Yunting moved.

"Susu, I'm actually..."

"Now I am."

Su Ye Mu knew what he wanted to say and immediately interrupted. He Yunting looked at Su Yemu's stubborn face and stepped back: "don't leave my sight."

Su Ye Mu Mu nodded and nodded. Many Chinese herbal medicines appeared at the edge of the forest. Su Ye Mu could not help but wonder that the undeveloped places were really different.

Su Yemu searched for a while and found shiyanjiang, which is also known as Drynaria Drynariae, ant eggs, nux vomica and other five or six kinds of herbs. This is a prescription for fracture. Su Yemu has seen it in compendium of Materia Medica.

Overjoyed to pick up such herbs, Su Yemu came to the lake to clean up, paying attention to the herbs. He Yunting did not find that he Yunting had stood up and walked this way.

"What is this?"

Su Ye Mu frowned, raised, staring round eyes with a small flame burning; Su Yemu pointed to a stone by the lake and said in a cold voice, "sit there."

He Yunting sat to one side without sighing and looked at his face. He was excited and helpless in the herb washing, and was angry!

The author has something to say: the next chapter explains how Su Yemu came here. Thank you for the angel who cast the overlord vote or irrigated the nutrient solution for me ~

thank the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

20 bottles of small D; 14 bottles of Nanqiao; 10 bottles of Tu Xiaomo; 7 bottles of Xia; 5 bottles of sunset, non sky and even the moon; 3 bottles of beef calves who love to eat meat;Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!