Chapter 123

Name:Gourmet Live Room Author:书一
"OK, OK, go and have a rest. It's already two o'clock in the afternoon. The VIP will enter in three hours later. Take time to have a good rest."

A familiar voice wakes Su Yemu. He opens his eyes and sees a dim, warm body surrounded by water. He moves by hand and wants to sit up, but suddenly he hears a scream. There is a noisy sound outside. Su Yemu is thinking, what about the master? Aren't you in the lounge? Where is this! Just when Su Ye Mu wants to open his voice, he suddenly faints and stealthily attacks. When he opens his eyes, he sees the sunshine.

Su Yemu was picked up, then the umbilical cord was cut off, and then put into the water to clear, Leng Su Ye Mu finally found out something, he seems to have passed through.

Su Yemu was born in the imperial royal family. His father was the emperor, and his mother was the queen of the Empire. As soon as he was born, the Empire was in crisis. The front-line troops retreated one after another, and the leading stars of the Empire were constantly occupied and occupied. Everyone was in fear.

"If only the prince's mental power is 3S."

"No if, the prince's mental strength must be 3S."

Third, the highest spiritual strength of civilization is the double s. It is hard to find one in the 3S millennium. Everyone knows that the opportunity is slim, but the imperial people have no way out. There is no hope, only despair.

Then, in the time of life and death of the Empire, all people placed great hopes on the birth of the imperial crown prince, but finally diagnosed that there was no spiritual power.

That night, all the people of the Empire collapsed and cried. The Empire was saved, and they were not saved.

Su Yemu didn't know these things when he was a child. When he knew that, he was already three years old, and the queen was about to die. He held him in his arms and cried loudly, saying that he was sorry for him. He should not have been born in the royal family. He was hated by the imperial people. How should he go on his way in the future.

Su Yemu, 23, took the Queen's hand and said, "I will find 3S soldiers to save the Empire. You can rest assured that I will not let the Empire be occupied by Zerg. I will not."

In the end, the queen still did not smile, she died in tears and guilt.

At that moment, Su Yemu grew up, 23-year-old Su Yemu did not grow up, and Su Yemu, who was three years old, grew up. He studied politics with the emperor and tried to recall the art of war he had seen in his previous life, to see which chapter could resist the enemy, and the thirty-six strategies taught by his teacher to see which plan could save the Empire.

He thought and thought about it for two years, until the emperor worked day and night with a high load and fast operation like a machine for a long time. Finally, he had to work hard and become ill. He had not come up with a way.

The emperor said, "my child! Father is sorry for you

I'm sorry again.

Su Yemu took the emperor's hand and said, "I will find 3S soldiers to save the Empire. You can rest assured that I will not let the Empire be occupied by Zerg. I will not."

The emperor was different from the queen. He believed with a smile.

Emperor Shengyuan ascended the throne at the age of five.

Taking a small step, Qin Lao followed him and ascended the throne step by step. When Su Yemu sat on the throne, he really understood what an empire was.

Before meeting the 14-year-old general he, Su Yemu heard most about which planet the Zerg had occupied and where the Empire was in turmoil; the former wanted soldiers, the latter wanted soldiers, and Su Yemu lacked soldiers most.

When Su Yemu was 23 years old with a small body and a big soul, it was when he was eight years old that Su Yemu began to change the Empire. She said that her husband died on the battlefield because he did not wake up to 3S and that he did not protect the Empire.

She cried and then killed herself with a dagger.

The water overflowed his ears and nose. Su Yemu even heard the murmur. He thought vaguely that he was not afraid of death. He had promised the queen and the emperor what to do?


A unicorn wrapped him with light and slowly fell on the shore; Su Yemu leaned against the bank and coughed constantly, and the water in his mouth spat out one mouthful after another, just like spitting blood, which made him dizzy.

Su Ye Mu lies on the bank and returns to his mind for a long time. He touches the head of the unicorn and feels strange. He asks it, "are you a unicorn?"


"Thank you for saving me."

"You're welcome. After all, I brought you this world. How can you die..."

Kirin's voice stops. He looks at Su Yemu carefully. Seeing that he is cold, he shrinks his head and dare not open his voice again.

Su Ye Mu secretly called out to calm himself, but still wanted to beat it.

"What did you bring me here for?"

"I was not careful. I went through the time to play. I found that what you made was delicious. I brought your conscious body to me. But because the space was closed, I couldn't go back to earth. Then, I found that the children of the imperial queen lost their breath before they were born, so I put your consciousness in."

Qilin keeps on saying that it's so light and light that Su Yemu's green veins burst out. Finally, he beats Qilin and gives him a good meal.

By the way, let him sign his autograph and sell him Su Yemu for ten thousand years.Later, Su Yemu asked Qilin, "where are you from?"

Kirin said, "I come from seven dimensions, a world of nothingness."

The creatures in that world are also consciousness bodies, but they are gods, and the first civilization only sweeps the floor.

Eight year old Su Yemu had open arms, but he had no generals until he met general he, 14, at the age of 10.

General he wakes up to 3S. General he enters the barracks, and he wins the battle. Su Yemu is happy. He coerces and lures the Kirin. He has the first biological warfare armor air wing, which is a gift to general he.

In one battle, general he was injured. Su Yemu held Kirin in his arms and said that if general he died, he would not live. In the future, Qilin would not be able to eat delicious food. Then general he added a team of biological armor.

General he was very happy. He picked up a stone on the battlefield and carved it into the shape of a Kirin pendant and gave it to Su Yemu because he heard Su Yemu say that Qilin is a auspicious animal, so he can be safe.

Kirin saw that it was suitable for me to stay. Then he stayed.

After six hundred years, Qilin Mu will come and live soon

Su Yemu asked, "where is the general?"

Kirin said, "OK! For the sake of your liking him, let him live. "

So Su Yemu, according to the Kirin religion, left the will to let his descendants take the genes that general he had preserved for a long time after 600 and let them be born. And he, who will also be born in 600 years, will be born in selstar. The fool Su Yemu has been waiting for 23 years for his consciousness body to return.

After his body was buried in the wormhole, Kirin used the time-space transfer principle of the wormhole to make su Yemu reborn with his original memory. However, he forgot that he was once emperor Shengyuan. He only remembered that he was su Yemu, who came from the 21st century.

The author has something to say: it was written as the text of the next chapter. It says that if you feel sick, you should put it up.