Chapter 125

Name:Gourmet Live Room Author:书一
When the truth is revealed, the woman looks at the two people in front of her and can't help feeling a little nervous.

Her name is Nina. As early as she sent No.2 to Sailstar, her family had been paying close attention to the situation of selstar. Of course, the rise of suyemu attracted their attention. After a period of time, when she saw No.2 appearing in the live broadcasting room, she was really scared. From that day on, her family had been worried about the discovery of her successor, and the van bus family would be destroyed.

The family is afraid, but they can't. now the rulers are seduced by the Zerg. Sooner or later, they will find out the existence of No. 2. It seems that the only choice is to force the palace. But now, she found the most powerful marshal of the Empire and the highest administrator of selstar, which made her ecstatic. It was an opportunity, a chance to revive the van buss family. As for the rebels who are now sitting on the throne, they must die.

About 600 years ago, Su Yemu and he Yunting are not very clear about the details. After all, the average life span of the empire is only 250 years, the highest is no more than 300 years. There is no record of the imperial history. But what she said, combined with the history of the Empire, has a very high credibility.

But even so, it is impossible to listen to Nina's one-sided words. Nina also knows that she can't win the trust of these two people so easily. If she hadn't called "No. 2" just now, they would not have come back with her.

He Yunting pondered for a moment: "since you want to cooperate, let us see your sincerity."

"The biological warfare..."

Nina couldn't help but stand up and want to ask about biological warfare armour. However, he Yunting's eyes were cold and she immediately shut up: "I'll arrange for you to meet with my family elders immediately."

Nina arranges the residence of he Yunting and Su Yemu and leaves in a hurry. He Yunting stands by the window, observing the terrain outside, while Su Yemu is sitting on the chair beside the window, meditating on nanina's words.

"Brother Yun Ting, can she believe it?"

"Four points."

"Can we find the biological armor she mentioned?"

He Yunting turned around and saw Su Yemu frown with a worried face. He went to him, bent down, put his thumb on his upper eyebrows and gently stroked it open: "don't worry. Have a rest first, eh?"

The first civilization, let alone Zerg, must be exterminated.

Cold eyes flash to kill, but soon disappear, soon to Su Ye mu can not catch.


He Yunting touches the blue black under Su Ye Mu's eyes, picks him up and walks to the bedside, and then bows his head. Su Yemu has already snored in the past.

But after a while, Nina knocked on the door, and her family arrived. He Yunting doesn't wake Su Yemu, but talks with them outside. The door is half hidden. He Yunting sits in the position where he can see Su Yemu on the bed. For his caution, several biological consciousness bodies did not say anything. If he Yunting is not careful, they will really worry.

When it comes to noon, he Yunting wakes Su Yemu for lunch. He goes back to sleep. He Yunting continues to talk to these people.

At present, it seems that the new crown prince of the empire is about to ascend the throne ahead of time. The Zerg and the "traitors" of the first civilization have occupied more than 20 planets of the Empire. Now they are negotiating with the Empire. In addition to the chips of human bodies, they also want one thing, the unicorn falls.

The former empire has agreed, and the latter, they say, is on the chief executive of selstar.

When he Yunting heard that Ryan had promised to provide human beings to the first civilization, his breath immediately became chilly. Sitting in a crowd of consciousness bodies with high mental strength, he felt cold. Did the Marshal's mental strength really only have 3S?

The spiritual power of the first civilization is currently the highest in the universe. These family elders are thousands of years old. Their spiritual strength is unfathomable, but they were oppressed by he Yunting just now.

He Yunting said in a deep voice: "why should the unicorn fall?"

One of the lion shaped old man looked at he Yunting with a complex mood. However, he replied: "there is information that the biological mecha comes from the seven dimensions, and the Kirin pendant is the key to enter the seven dimensions."

Seven dimensions, a world now known but untouchable, are rumored to disappear into the seven dimensions.

When they were about to leave at dusk, Su Yemu rubbed his eyes and came out. He Yunting immediately thought about himself. He went to Su Yemu and grasped his hand that rubbed his eyes: "don't rub it, hurt your eyes."

"Then you get ready. In four hours, move."

Nina said, and left with a group of family elders; outside, one of the creatures said, "that's the chief executive of selstar?"

Nina replied, "yes, he's Sue."

The old man pondered for a moment and said, "it's not easy."

Others nodded in agreement; he seemed to have a lot of mental power, even above all the people at present, but his mental strength was a little strange.

After a group leaves, he Yunting takes Su Yemu to wash, and then Su Yemu goes into the kitchen to cook dinner.

For dinner, Su Yemu is going to make pimple soup and shoot cucumber.

First wash the cucumber, and then put the whole cucumber on the chopping board. Pat the lower part directly with a knife face. The best way is to cut it into half a finger long. Then mix it with soy sauce, vinegar, chili oil, sesame oil, a little sugar and garlic puree. Pour it on it. It's sour and spicy, especially refreshing.Geda soup is also simple. Pour water into flour, stir it with chopsticks to form pimples, then boil water and pick them in. Many people like to pour the prepared pimples directly, but there are still many fine flour inside that do not form pimples or are too small and broken. If you pour it in directly, the water will become sticky. Su Yemu doesn't like it. He also likes clear soup.

After the pimple is picked in, stir with chopsticks continuously. After boiling water, add vegetables and seasonings, and finally pour some oil. Stir and open to start the pot.

In the Fuqing soup, a tender and white pimple floats on the top, and the green vegetables make it very appetizing. At noon, the food they sent was meat. Su Yemu only took a few mouthfuls of rice and did not dare to touch the meat. Now he is very hungry.

The taste of pimple is smooth and tender, and the taste of white flour is particularly fragrant and fragrant; the cucumber is crisp and refreshing, and the garlic and chili oil combine to form a unique spicy, which matches the green crisp and sweet of cucumber, which is very delicious.

After the two finished eating, he Yunting told Su Yemu about the night; Nina will send them away from the main star tonight, but it is not guaranteed that it will go smoothly. If something goes wrong, they will kill themselves.

"I'm a little worried. We were swept over by that lake. What if we go back to the lake and can't cross the space

"At present, there are two plans. If we pass the test successfully, we will go back to the lake for space teleportation. If we are found, we can only forcibly enter the universe."

That is to say, they have no choice; today the queen has ordered a full search and it will not be long before they are found here, so they have to leave tonight.

He Yunting saw Su Ye Mu's face worried and said: "don't be afraid, I have sensed the air wing's breath, but now it's not convenient to call it out."

Su Ye Mu's eyes brightened: "is it all right?"

He Yunting looked at the silly Su Yemu's appearance and chuckled: "before falling into the lake, the signal transmitter has been completed. I think Yuan Ying has already found us and sent the air wing to les, but I didn't expect that LES would move so fast this time."

He Yunting thinks it's a bad thing. The repair of the air wing has nothing to do with master Reyes. To say it has something to do with it. Master Lester put the air wing back to its original shape. Finally, the air wing was repaired by himself. When the air wing stood up, he was scared to enter the door and screamed with shame. Then, he saw that the air wing walked directly into the space in front of his own face.

At night, the main star of the first civilization is still bright. All the flying saucers that leave the star have to be checked. It's not surprising that all the flying saucers that live in and leave the satellite pass the detector directly. Now it's time to get off the flying saucer for manual inspection. Leading the team are the teenagers who met with Su Yemu in gambling / field.

The situation changed. He Yunting was about to retreat, but the aircraft had just moved. The boy immediately found them: "what's the matter with the aircraft in area three? What is the refund? "

Their weapons were about to turn around, and the flying saucer suddenly disappeared.

"Quick, chase!"

It takes a short time to get to the universe from the ground, and the speed is very fast, but at this time, the aircraft behind also catch up. When the aircraft enters the universe, it is affected by the matter of the universe, and the navigation becomes slow. He Yunting stands in front of the command desk and looks at the star chart shown above, which shows the position of each space point. He Yunting orders again and again and shuttles in space, but They were chased by military aircraft, which was faster than their civilian aircraft. When the shell came, the flying saucer had no time to dodge and was hit in the face.


A huge silver armor appeared in the universe, the mechanical arm holding a big knife with blue streamer, coldly looking at dozens of aircraft in front. Then he turned and jumped and flew forward; the shells in the back kept coming, but because he Yunting was driving the air wing, the flight trajectory was constantly changing, so he avoided it.

This is the first time he Yunting is facing the first civilization. He Yunting will surely fight against them if he has been in the past, but just now kongyi told him that it is just an empty shelf and has negative combat effectiveness.

"So, why can you appear in the space, I can feel your breath again."

The deep voice faintly can hear he Yunting teeth bite creak.

Air wing: "the biological mecha can repair itself, but it can only be repaired by returning to the seven dimensional space."

He Yunting: "so what are you doing here?"

Kongwei: didn't you ask me to come

"Can you jump in space?"

"We don't have enough energy. We'll run out if we can't jump twice."

"Can you withstand another undercurrent?"

"Don't be kidding. It'll be scum."

Listening to the dialogue between Kong Yi and he Yunting, Su Yemu is also very nervous. What is all this?

"Susu, you told the Kirin pendant that if you don't want everyone to be scum, you'd better show up now."

Su Yemu:?

Although he Yunting's words were inexplicable, Su Yemu took out the Kirin pendant and said, "show your spirit!"

The Kirin pendant was motionless and did not even flash the red light.

"Didn't you protect me once before? Although I don't know why you helped me, could you help me again? "The Kirin is still motionless.

The flying saucer in front of us is slowly approaching. The empty wing says that the energy is not enough for two jumps, so it can only go on and on.

He Yunting quickly thought of countermeasures, he reached out and held Su Yemu's hand: "Susu, are you afraid?"

Su Ye Mu was afraid at this time, but turned to see he Yunting's resolute eyes, the heart inexplicably settled down: "there are you, not afraid."

He Yunting smiles, holding Su Ye Mu's hand tighter. As long as Su Su is not afraid, he has countermeasures.

The author has something to say: it takes another chapter for Su Su Su to recover his memory. I wanted to solve this copy quickly. Thank you for the little angel who cast the overlord vote or irrigate the nutrient solution for me ~!