Chapter 133

Name:Gourmet Live Room Author:书一
Marshal he had a quarrel with Commander Su recently. Both the emperor's department and the expeditionary army knew that, after all, it was too obvious.

In the past, marshal he was directly connected with chief Su in the front line, but now Marshal he directly contacted the military headquarters. This situation was seen in the eyes of the public and anxious in their hearts.

After listening to the words Su Yemu asked him to bring, Heka took a careful look at he Yunting, hoping to see his reaction to the words. Unfortunately, marshal he did not change his face. He just left the command room and ordered to open the cabin in a deep voice. Then he jumped into the air wing and flew out.

The huge silver mecha stands in space. Behind it is a biological mecha. Unlike other warships and mecha, they use not thermal weapons, but knives.

It is reasonable to say that if the hot weapon meets the cold weapon war, the winner must be the hot weapon. However, since the emergence of the biological mecha, the conventional battlefield theory is no longer suitable for this war.

Their speed and density of cold weapons are not available in all the energy sources in the universe at present. They are so powerful that they can tear up flying saucers directly and cut class 12 Star Destroyers with knives. These weapons that the first civilization is proud of are vulnerable to attack.

No, it's even certain that they don't exist in the same dimension as the intelligent creatures found in the universe today.

The supreme ruler of the first civilization looked at the war situation coming from the front, his face was pale, and he sat down. Six hundred years ago, she also participated in the war between the first civilization and the Empire. She watched general he die in a nuclear bomb. But now, looking at this huge silver mecha leading a team of biological mecha sweeping around, she seemed to see general he reappear 600 years ago.

The first civilization has been declining, but in a month, the third civilization has come in!

Artillery fire rang out and exploded on the edge of the first civilization's main star, reflecting the night of the main star and other planets.

As the highest spiritual power of the known biological intelligence bodies in the universe, the first civilization has never been baptized by war. They look down upon all the intelligent bodies in the universe, and they have made rules in the universe. The space court is not only like their own back garden, but also has been driving the hegemony of the first civilization for thousands of years, which is taken for granted.

Even if it is illegal occupation of other people's bodies, it is also publicized as a gift. Gao Gao stands at the top. Under the escort of high-level force, the hypocritical goodness makes countless civilizations hate it, but there is nothing to do.

Now the lower civilization that they look down upon has come in. It is not the frontier mentioned in the news reports before, but the real main star of the first civilization.

"It's only a month, a month. How can a lower civilization hit the main star? This is false news."

"The fire is playing on your head. Don't deceive yourself."

"Damned low civilization, there must be someone helping us, otherwise we can't be defeated."

At this time, the rulers in the palace of van bus were in contact with the star court, asking the court to announce the "evil deeds" of the third civilization empire in the universe, and to ask the armed forces of other civilizations for support.

Then, within 10 minutes, documents supporting the armed forces were received from the first civilization to the fifth civilization.

In the office of the second civilization president, a congressman looks at their president in silence.

President: "there's nothing we can do about it?"

Mr. a replied, "Mr. President, we are only the second civilization."

"What they mean is let's go to the siege together," said Mr. B

As soon as this was said, everyone was silent again. The third civilization empire was very fierce, and a burst of energy rushed into the star system of the first article. In fact, its power was unfathomable. However, if all the civilizations besieged the third civilization Empire together, it would not be difficult to win, that is -

President: "if you reply in a few days, I will say that I have an emergency and I am being treated."

Representative: I see.

The third civilization, the Federation.

The federal president stood in front of a group of officers and soldiers, looked at the murderous soldiers in front of him, nodded with satisfaction, and said in a loud voice: "I believe you already know what is written in the latest documents sent by the star court. Although we have had a war with the Empire, we are all from the galaxy. Our mother planet is called the earth, with broken bones and tendons. Now, as a judicial StarCraft court, it has issued a document of armed support for the first civilization. It wants to besiege the Empire. What do the generals say? "

People, shameless

Federal president laughs: it's so direct.

As soon as the documents of the StarCraft court were published, the Empire also caused a stir. In the palace assembly hall, officials at the bottom argued about it. Some said that they would either withdraw their troops, others said that they would fight against the first civilization. Only when they were afraid of fighting the first civilization would they not be like a cloud over their heads.

It's like a vegetable market. Kevin looks at Su Yemu beside him in a daze.

Su Ye Mu smiles and Kevin shivers. He always feels that the current master is a little terrible. However, the cabinet members present had bright eyes. Since the crown prince Kevin returned to the palace, Su Yemu moved back to the Yuan Dynasty. Almost all the government affairs were handled with the help of the cabinet.At this time, the situation of the Empire was complicated, and Kevin had no political ability. The emperor, who was far away in selstar, had shrunk his head all his life and pretended to be dead. All the cabinet members had a headache for a long time, but now the situation was serious. The cabinet couldn't make up its mind and could only stare at Su Yemu and hope that he would do something about it.

Su Yemu also knew Kevin's level and sighed: "the Empire does not recognize the star court, and doubts the legitimacy of the star court's trial of general he 600 years ago. The third civilization Empire appeals to all civilizations in the universe to establish a united interstellar civilization."

After coming out of the cabinet and parliament room, Su Yemu returned directly to Huayan hall.

"Kirin, come out!"

The words fall, Kirin slowly appears, from transparent to entity, see surprised.

Kirin tossed his fluffy head and slouched down: "do you want to roast the whole cow for me?"

Su Yemu smiles, goes to Qilin, squats down, reaches his chin, and flicks it gently. Seeing that he raises his head unconsciously and squints comfortably, Su Yemu says, "no, I owe you first. I want to go to the front line. You send me there!"

Qilin closed his eyes and whispered, "what are you afraid of? Now general he has the same mental strength as you. It's impossible to do this again six hundred years ago."

"I know," said Su Yemu Chenbing for a moment. "I wasn't with him six hundred years ago. Now I hope I can be with him."

"He may not want to see you."

Although Qilin doesn't understand human love, general he's idea is not difficult to guess. He loves Su Yemu too much, and he can't bear to hurt him, but he can't accept Su Yemu's practice 600 years ago. He can only choose not to see Su Yemu. Human beings are vulnerable.

"I know, so I want to go more," Su Yemu said, her eyes slightly red, pressing down the pain in her heart. "I'm afraid, I'm afraid he'll disappear."

At first, Su Yemu regained his memory. He was very clear that he was su Yemu. But when general he appeared, Su Yemu sometimes could not tell whether he was Emperor Shengyuan or Su Yemu. But then he thought, it was always himself, wasn't he? Why bother.

Qilin lifts his eyes and sweeps Su Yemu. He shakes his ears and feels his touch. He doesn't open his voice any more.

What Su Yemu said in the cabinet was published in the official media, which was forwarded by other media. However, it swept all civilizations, including the expeditionary army in the front line.

At present, the expeditionary army is resting next to the main star of the first civilization. The students of the Royal College and a group of officers and soldiers are watching the reports of the Empire in the canteen. After coming to the Star Department of the first culture star, this is one of the essential programs for the expeditionary army every day. From the completion of the reconstruction of the Empire, to the recovery of the economy, and to the repeated speeches of suyamu, they did not miss it, this time as well.

"Ha ha, it's really the chief su. He's domineering."

"Ah, it's Mr. Su, my idol!"

"Seeing Mr. Su, I'm hungry."

There were all kinds of voices in the canteen, and everyone was talking about Su Yemu. From his leading the army to his cooking, he talked endlessly about his posture, which could not be finished for a day or two.

There was a lot of discussion behind him, but the table of senior officers was deserted. All the people wanted to speak up and praise Mr. Su. When they saw the Marshal's long face, they did not dare to speak out.

Xiao Nan in the distance held No. 2 and stared at he Yunting. She also heard about the news that the marshal and her brother were not in a good relationship. She was so angry that Xiaonan didn't sleep well for several days. If it was not for the prohibition of external communication, Xiaonan would call her brother and confirm with him.

However, Xiaonan always thought that it must be the Marshal's problem. Thinking about it, he was about to get up and ask he Yunting. However, he stood up and left with a calm face, and Su Yemu's speech was still being reported in the news, which made Xiaonan quite dissatisfied and couldn't get up and down in his chest.

General he arrived directly from the canteen to the command room. After finishing his work, it was late at night. When he went back to his room to wash himself, he closed his eyes, and a gnashing voice appeared in his mind.

"General he, this is my body."

In Zhihai, general he looked at the younger man in front of him and didn't want to pay attention to him, but they shared the same knowledge sea. At present, although they can hold him in the sea of knowledge, if he wants to entangle himself and not let him leave, general he has no way.

General he didn't entangle with he Yunting: "I have a complaint with the first civilization, and I will return it when I have something to do."

He Yunting eyebrows a pick: "you want to leave?"

He Yunting's departure means that general he automatically deleted the part of the memory belonging to general he. Yes, general he is no longer an independent personality, but just a memory in he Yunting's consciousness.

General he did not answer he Yunting's words. He left from the sea of knowledge and opened his eyes. The people in front of him made him suddenly rise.

"Long time no see, general."

General he frowned and was not satisfied. "Did Qilin send you?"

"Yes," Su Yemu went to the bedside and bent down slightly. He put his hand on the bed behind general he, and his eyes were fixed on general he's eyes. "Why didn't the general receive my communication?"


"I dare not see you."

When the lie was exposed, general he turned darker and said in a deep voice, "don't worry, I'll let him out when the war is over.""Why don't you think I'm here for you?" Su Yemu then said, "general, you haven't answered my question?"

Come for me?

The hands hanging on the side of his body were tight into fists, and his dark eyes looked at the strange face in front of him. General he had a trance feeling, or was this man not Su Su?

"I'm Su Yemu, and also the saint Yuan emperor six hundred years ago. Don't think I'm not him."

He was once again said to be the center of the idea, general he's cold face has been a bit hanging.

"You, go back!"

"I will not return."

"You may still be the saint Yuan emperor 600 years ago, but I'm not the one I was 600 years ago. Those are all over, you..."

The lip was suddenly blocked, and general he's body became stiff and unbelievable. His eyes widened and his head exploded like fireworks.

The author has something to say: Thank you for your support and I will continue to work hard!