Chapter 144

Name:Gourmet Live Room Author:书一
The banquet, which gathered all the highly intelligent creatures, was officially opened. 120 civilizations from all over the space broadcast the banquet. The most striking thing about this feast was that he Yunting, the imperial marshal who led the imperial * * team to defeat the army of the first civilization, The people of all civilizations are also waiting for this dinner to unveil the mystery of the empire with all kinds of curiosity about the Empire.

The dinner started at 8:00 p.m. the highly intelligent creatures of various interstellar civilizations stayed on the satellite network early with excitement. Some of them were lazy at noon and refused to leave. In order to pass the time, they found posts and posts about the dinner party on various communication platforms. They discussed and speculated about the dinner. Among them, the most concerned was the Empire human.

The dinner is divided into live broadcast and live broadcast. Besides Empire and federal star network, the first and second civilizations have the scientific and technological strength. As for other civilizations, they can only relay the pictures. The pictures can be delayed for at least 10 minutes, and even longer can be delayed to more than half an hour. Therefore, in order to get the first-hand information, the most direct way is to enter Imperial Star.

So on this day, the Empire's star network ushered in the largest and most terrifying traffic in history, and even a sparse card network situation. However, it was too late for us to complain. After all, there were hundreds of billions of views. Therefore, compared with this, waiting for the dinner party to start is more exciting:

[how to start? I'm worried. I really want to see what human beings look like. ]

[I'm so excited today. I can't help asking for a half day's leave. From noon to now, I still have an hour to catch up. ]

[ah, I finally got off work. The first thing I did was to open star. I didn't even have time to eat the nutrient solution. I was starving to death. PS: I've been looking forward to this night for a long time. Especially the marshal who defeated the first civilization. Ah, I'm looking forward to seeing him. ]

[I don't know why the heart is sour when I hear the three words "nutrient solution". I heard that there is a kind of food called food, which is super delicious, which is 10000 times more delicious than nutrient solution. I don't know whether it will appear at the dinner party. I'm looking forward to it. ]

[I've heard that there are many kinds of meat, seafood and vegetables. I haven't heard of them. What is this? Isn't there only one thing called nutrient solution in the whole universe? ]

[as a highly intelligent creature of the first civilization, I tell you, the food of human beings is so delicious that it can fly, and there is something called green element in the food. That is the treasure. Our first civilization has gradually replaced nutrient solution with food. ]

[as the fifth civilization, we tell you that the civilization of eating nutrient solution, food is our foundation, from snacks to large, there are many kinds of food, you can eat as you like, super delicious. ]

[yes, as the sixth civilization, we also grew up eating food. So, low civilization also has the advantages of low civilization. I heard that the rise of food in the Empire was due to a human named Mr. Su. Alas, I always think that the human named chief Su may not be our civilized person! ]

[is it really delicious? No evidence, doubt, at least the last picture! ]

with the emergence of the fifth and sixth civilization, the topic has been dragged to eat, which is so different among a large number of netizens who eat nutrient solution. The voice of asking them to upload pictures is higher than wave after wave, which makes the lower civilization long face.

So, in the midst of a crowd of voices, these food eating civilizations finally uploaded the food pictures that they thought could best represent the delicious food, a large piece of barbecue, a pot of sticky soup, a big pot of stew that could not be seen clearly

In a word, there is no appetite to see the thing is put up, causing other people who have not seen this kind of food exclaim, this thing really can eat?

The weak and weak of the first civilization who had eaten human food raised their hands and asked: is this thing really from the same place as imperial food?

Fifth, the sixth civilization can't help but bring its own biological form when uploading pictures. The fifth civilization looks like a parrot, and the sixth civilization has a small head, a big stomach and a long legs. This makes the imperial netizens who have been diving for a long time can't help but look forward to it:

[this, I can guarantee, our broadcasting is definitely not from your civilization. ]

[yes, it's true that you don't have to talk about the food, just the appearance. ]

[whew, seeing this photo startled me. My first reaction was that Mr. Su had cosmetic surgery. Later, I thought, how could it be? Ha ha ha -]

[well, if you refute with your looks, I'll say food! This is the simplest dish I've just made in broadcasting teaching us cooking skills. Just talking about this dish can prove that broadcasting is not really from your civilization, [picture]. JPG,]

this is the simplest picture of fried meat with chili. The slender shredded meat is perfectly blended with the green and red peppers. The shredded meat is bright red, the color of red and green peppers is green and shiny, and the smoke rising from babbling is imitated Buddha with a smell of food spilled over the screen.


Coincidentally, living in the universe and living in different light years, the saliva of creatures in different light years suddenly overflowed. If the food pictures of the fifth and sixth civilization before just let them know the food, the pictures uploaded by Internet users from the Empire really aroused their interest in the so-called food.You don't have to eat it. You can make your mouth water when you look at it. Moreover, this is just a learning chef for a netizen. If this dish is headed by Su Yemu, the creator of the dish, what will it be like!

[ahhh, I hope this dinner party will see the appearance of imperial food. ]

when this comment came out, it was immediately topped up. At this time, half an hour before the dinner began, the live broadcast began.

The star netizens who are still chatting in various forums instantly rush to the live broadcasting room of the military headquarters. The first thing they see is the Imperial Palace Square, and then there are the heroic steles on the imperial square. On the stele are the soldiers who have been sacrificed for the Empire since the founding of the Empire. The number of soldiers who died for the Empire was the most numerous 600 years ago during the reign of emperor Shengyuan.

The sacred, solemn and majestic war song of the Empire rang out. The netizens of the Empire who sat behind the star net stood up and murmured the hymn of the Empire:

we come from the ancient earth, which is called blue star -

our ancestors fought for freedom and established a new kingdom -

it is called Empire -

this imperial anthem has a long history of 3000 years Changhe has been changed only twice. Once, after the establishment of the human regime, there was a large-scale war between mankind and mankind, and finally divided into Empire and Federation. One was 600 years ago, when Emperor Shengyuan and general he led the imperial * * team to a final victory against the first civilization.

every time the hymn was changed, it was an era when human beings experienced massive bloodshed. It was a hymn written with human blood and a history that human beings could not forget.

Among all the feelings, the first civilization is the most intolerable. No matter 600 years ago or 600 years later, they were the ones who started war with mankind. They could only say sorry in silence.

In a solemn and solemn atmosphere, before the live broadcasting room began to play, the videos of various civilizations arriving at the Empire's star harbor were recorded. At this moment, the imperial people were filled with pride and pride, and the empire finally ushered in the most glorious era.

"Dong Dong Dong Dong!"

The bell of Empire square rings, and the formal announcement dinner begins. From the video, the first thing you can see is the emperor standing on the palace hall to give a speech welcoming the arrival of civilizations. At the bottom are the creatures of various civilizations.

Consciousness, little people, giants, salted ducks, parrots, crickets and so on. Different civilizations have different forms. Strange biological forms have been seen for a long time. In addition to political figures, Prince Kevin's speech did not attract much attention from civilians. Instead, more people paid attention to he Yunting and the latest governor of the first civilization.

Fan Bu * Li and he Yunting are very easy to find. They all stand in the front row, with a rabbit and a tall man. No doubt, people pay more attention to men. One is dressed in black military uniform, with clear outline, fierce temperament, and no anger and self-respect -

this is a very attractive man.

[I fell in love with this man in an instant. I look at the black military uniform, cold temperament and powerful momentum. Ah, from this moment on, I fell in love. ]

[human beings have a good look. It's a bit clear why the ideology of the first civilization wants to find human as a parasite. ]

[I also understand. JPG]

[hum, only the princess of our second civilization can match such an excellent man. I hope we can marry the Empire. ]

[our third civilization is not bad!]

[Hello, the parasite mentioned above, don't destroy the unity, it's the period of great harmony. ]

[hum, it's nice to think about it. The front, the front, the marshal belongs to chief su. Don't think about it. At this time, you have to @ commander su. ]Why do so many people fall in love with Marshal? Broadcast, someone robbed you man @ Su Yemu. ]

[picking nose, making a fuss, seeing the broadcast is not beautiful. ]

[I would like to ask, who is the broadcast and commander Su in your mouth? ]

[back to the front, the broadcaster is the same person as Mr. Su. The more handsome we broadcast, the more Marshal you are than the marshal. ]

[want to rob people? Have you asked the Marshal's 80 meter sword? ]

[Marshal agreed, but air wing did not agree! ]

[eh, are those people in front of the Empire netizens? what do you mean? Marshal and commander Su are a couple? ]

in the explanation of imperial netizens, people from other civilizations finally saw that something was wrong and could not help asking questions. Someone immediately said that the two people had announced that they were about to get engaged and would be married in three months.

Most people in alien civilization express regret and choose blessing. However, a small number of people are determined to snatch people over and directly state that Su Yemu is just a cook. As a royal family, we can still win?

Su Ye Mu's fans are instantly angry and are ready to start scolding. You can click on each other's profile and have a look. Royal family? Forget it, it's up to you for the sake of great unity. After all, no matter how blind the marshal is, he can't fall in love with a duck or a parrot.

As for Su Yemu, he was just a cook. Hum, he went directly to popular science and was very angry with you. The contribution made by Su Yemu to the empire is not what you foreigners can understand. It is even more impossible for him to marry by robbery.These alien civilization creatures don't know what human beings think of them. Su Yemu's science popularization doesn't even want to open. They just rub their hands and prepare to publish their love for Marshal on after the dinner today. Maybe he can see and fall in love with himself! Even if you can't love, you can marry the Empire!

This thought, these royal families who like he Yunting can't sit still immediately. They watch the live broadcast and directly open the terminal to find someone to match. So many people spy on Marshal he, so they must step up.

These strange things happened on the satellite network, and the representatives of various civilizations in the venue did not know about it. After speaking on the stage in turn, the dinner party officially began.