Chapter 1313 Finally

Name:Grand Ancestral Bloodlines Author:
Fiind updated novels at

1313 Finally

Even after several moments, Ryu found nothing out of the ordinary. However, his mood didn't change. If finding something out of order was so simple and easy, considering how much effort most had to put into understanding their bodies in order to succeed, in cultivation, how could someone have not found it before?

Of course, Ryu had no idea if he was the first to think of this matter or not. It was very much possible that someone had figured it out and he simply wasn't aware of it at all. Or, it was very much possible that they had already tried and simply found nothing.

That said, Ryu felt that he was in a very unique position.

For one, he had experience with losing parts of his soul, evolving it and then regaining his own soul back. But what was even more important than that was something that should have been a bad thing but had suddenly become a net benefit instead....

His Dao Heart had shattered.

This might sound like an odd benefit, but if he was correct in the fact that his Dao Heart was just one of his many souls, then the fact that it had been compromised would make it easier to pick out faults.

Most others that had suffered such a fate wouldn't even have the mind to care about cultivation, let alone pay attention to their bodies to spot peculiarities. This also left Ryu with another interesting thought.

It was said, in those legends, that after one died, the Seven Corporeal Souls dissolved with the body, vanishing with it. However, the remaining three souls dispersed.

There were many tales about what might occur with the others, so many that there was absolutely no consensus at all. The only thing that these folk tales seemed to agree on was the fact that the Original Spirit would be the one that entered reincarnation to be wiped of its memories and reborn. As for the other two, there was absolutely no decided upon conclusion at all.

At that moment, Ryu had an absolutely wild thought.

What if his soul wasn't located in his Spiritual Sea at all, and was instead right here?

He looked down at his cracked Spiritual Foundation. These cracks had occurred after the Infinity Mist Cosmic Seed was planted, so he hadn't originally mused much about it. Why would he be thrown off by cracks when that was precisely what state his Spiritual Foundation should be in at the moment?

But now that he looked again, he finally noticed it.

These cracks, they were more numerous than the last time he checked. In addition, rather than giving up a large amount of rich Cosmic Qi, many of these fissures were instead giving off a deathly sort of qi that was swallowing up much of the Cosmic Qi his Beyond Perfect Extreme Spiritual Foundation was producing.

Ryu descended and touched down on his Spiritual Foundation, feeling a shudder in his heart. He could almost hear it wailing. It wasn't a real, physical sound, but he was being washed by its sadness. The hopelessness hit him in waves and all those emotions that he hadn't been able to sense previously flooded him as thoug he was facing a tsunami.

Ryu realized now. It was actually a confounding of several events. It wasn't just that he was used to having portions of his soul snatched from him, it was also that this section of his soul wasn't connected to him via normal means, and most important...

He finally realized what those weird alterations in his Realm Heart were.