Chapter 1697 Respect

Name:Grand Ancestral Bloodlines Author:
Chapter 1697 Respect

"The Ruin Master Guild of this world is just a single branch. Of course, it is a branch of great power, so do not assume I am saying that it is weak in relation to its true power. But what I am saying is the sheer depth of their existence is beyond your current understanding.

"As you probably know by now, the Title Stele vanishes after every appearance and no one knows where it goes. This is technically true, but in the strictest of senses, not so much.

"While it is true that I could not tell you exactly where the Title Stele goes, this does not mean that I do not have the faintest inkling."

The implied meanings were as clear as day to Ryu. Obviously, the Title Stele traveled through all those vast worlds he had seen, maybe even taking a stop in them all one by one.

But was Veridia mentioning this only to imply that the Ruin Master Guild had branches across all these worlds, or...

"Although I have no way of knowing for certain, many speculate that not only does the Title Stele have strong ties with the Ruin Master Guild, but it is also they who set the course it follows. It might even be the case that the Title Stele is not only guided by them and controlled by them, but was also created by them."

The implications of each one of these things was far more harrowing than the last.

To set the course for such an important treasure was shocking enough, to say that it was controlled implied an almost omnipotence over the treasure that was even more gripping, but to say that it was created by them...

Ryu had never seen the Title Stele before, as was the case with most people. Due to this, it was impossible to say for certain, but such a treasure had to be beyond the normal God Grade. It was capable of doing something even normal Dao Gods could not do, and it was entering Realms of existence that reminded him of the Phoenix Sky Gods gaze.

Dao God might be the highest Realm there was, but the striations between those who shared this title made it clear that this was only optically speaking.

The gap between some Dao Gods might even be as large as the gap between a Mortal and a Dao God...

These were all Ryu's speculations, but he had seen the Dragon Emperor with his own two eyes, he had felt his majesty...

And yet this mighty Dragon Emperor, in his opinion, was nothing more than an ant compared to the Phoenix Sky God.

The Phoenix Sky God, however...

That was a peak even he couldn't say with any certainty that he could reach. For the first time, he had respect for someone as deep as his father, but rather than being built on love and childish adoration, it was built on their strength and the unfathomable gap between them.

In the past, he had just hated the Phoenix Sky God, feeling that they were just another unworthy existence who only suppressed him based on their age advantage.

But now, he didn't feel hatred, he didn't even feel unwillingness...

He just felt excitement...

His blood boiled and his gaze flickered back and forth between slits and not.

Selheira squeezed her legs shut, pulling at Ryu's sleeve in an attempt to get him to calm down. She really couldn't take it, or else she might pounce on him right in front of her mother.

His aura right now was too domineering. His Dao Heart shone with such a bright light that even looking at it might shatter one's own.

Learning about the Ruin Master Guild seemed to outline more of the mountain he had to climb, and that made the image of the Phoenix Sky God in his mind brighter.

If he couldn't crush them beneath his feet, what right did he have to face off against that existence for the truest peak of the world?

Ryu didn't seem to register Selheira's pleas, his fists clenching. He wanted battle, and who better to stoke his flames than Demons?

"We're going to the Nether Plane," Ryu suddenly said, more like a roar than a statement.

He wanted battle, and who better to stoke his flames than Demons?