"Qin Yan, the general manager wants you to go to his office."

Someone yelled.

"OK, I see."

Qin Yan got up and went to the general manager's office.

Two colleagues looked at Qin Yan's passing figure and whispered, "you know, I saw Qin Yan shopping with the general manager that day. It was so intimate. It's like a lover. "

"Really? Don't talk nonsense. Qin Yan has just got married. Besides, Director Su is so good. How could she do that? "

"Director Su is good, but the general manager has money."

All of a sudden, the two people stopped talking and looked down unnaturally.

Su Yu walked past them with a gloomy look.

Su Yu went back to the office and threw his folder on the desk.

His angry face turned white, and anyone who heard this rumor about his wife couldn't calm down.

After sitting down, he suddenly got up.

He couldn't calm down at all. Just now he saw Qin Yan walk into the general manager's office.

Su Yu takes a deep breath and calms himself down.

He can't doubt his wife because of what others say.

Besides, such a thing is no small matter.

Ten minutes later, someone knocked at the door,

"come in."

Pushing the door into is Qin Yan, she came in with a smile, "husband, I have a good thing to tell you, you guess."

Su Yu said softly, "I can't guess, what good thing to say!"

"Guess. So uncooperative

Qin Yan said arrogantly.

Su Yu said, "are you pregnant?"

Qin Yan said, "Oh, it's not this."

Although Su Yu tried his best not to let his bad mood show, he was really not interested in guessing with Qin Yan at the moment.

"I can't guess. Come on. " Su Yu said.

Qin Yan was a little disappointed, but she was still in a good mood. She said happily, "your wife, I'm going to be promoted."

Su Yu said suspiciously, "promotion? What kind of promotion? "

Qin Yan came over and took Su Yu's arm and said, "the general manager talked to me just now. He said he would promote me to be the customer service manager. How are you happy? "

Su Yu eyebrows a pick, on the face does not have any happy meaning, "why suddenly promoted your post?"

Qin Yan said unhappily, "cut, you are not happy about your wife's promotion. Do you still talk like this

Su Yu slightly faded out a smile, "OK, I'm happy. It's just a little sudden, so I think it's a little strange. "

Qin Yan said, "I signed up for this account manager competition early in the morning, but I'm afraid I can't compete, so I haven't told you. After the job fair the day before yesterday, my comprehensive score was the highest, so I was selected. "

Su Yu was surprised, "did you participate in the competition?"

Qin Yan nodded, "yes."

"then why didn't you tell me?"

"I don't know what to do. I'm afraid of losing face."

Su Yu's mood finally improved a little, at this time, his phone rang.

Looking down at Subei, Su Yu picked up the phone, "Beibei, why do you call so early? Don't you usually sleep at this time?"

There came the lazy voice of Subei, "well, brother, I just woke up."

"What can I do for you on the phone?"

Su Yu's face finally overcast, with a smile.

Subei was suddenly silent over there, but she could be heard breathing heavily.

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