Man's heart has never been so tangled, he knows this time Subei is really angry.

No, it's not just anger, but patience has reached the limit.

He slowly sat up straight, then knelt on one leg on the bed, stretched out his hand, and said solemnly and solemnly, "I, Hua Jinan, swear that I have never had a relationship with any woman. My heart has always loved my wife. I can't tell the reason for today's events. When it's over, I'll tell them all. "

His eyes have been deeply frozen in the north of Jiangsu, with commitment and oath.

Subei took a deep breath, she slowly lay down, back to him, did not say a word.

What else can she say!

She didn't know what to say.

Maybe that's what Murphy wants to see.

Now, if she knew they had quarreled, she would be happy?

Subei didn't want to hurt her feelings with Hua Jin'an because of some trifles, but she was really upset.

Bored to death such a day, a person who disgusts himself always appears in front of her and disgusts her.

Hua Jin'an slowly put down his hand and lay down from her back. Then he tentatively stretched out his hand to encircle her.

Subei did not refuse, he was relieved, the sweat on his forehead rolled down.

He said softly, "wife, you remember I told you that as soon as I finished my business, we would immigrate immediately. I'm telling you the truth, not lying to you. "

"In fact, I hate that she always makes you unhappy. But now I really can't get rid of her. "

"I've made it clear to her that I'm not even a friend to her now."

Subei has been silent, but Hua Jin'an knows that she is not sleeping.

"Wife, I admit I was really moved when I first met you. However, the most important reason to marry you is because of Dabei. "

"You are so bright, moving and full of life. You once said, I am like a sunshine into your heart, warm you, light your soul. But you never know. In fact, in my heart, you are a beautiful woman like sunflower

"Kind, brave, full of sense of justice, you have principles, you have self-respect, you are full of strength. I can't even imagine that you have really experienced such a painful and terrible thing in the past six years. How can a girl who has spent such a miserable period of time laugh so brightly

Hua Jin'an faint voice, some hoarse, but his mouth has been with a smile.

He went on, "I don't know when you stole my heart."

"Wife, before I met you, I thought it was love to be with her in the past, but after I met you, I really understood what love is! I love you! Is carved into the bone marrow, so deep love. So, I'll never change. Forever I won't look at other women any more! "

"If half a word of what I said today is false, it will make me lose everything I have, including my health!"

Suddenly, the woman's shoulders trembled.

Hua Jin'an reached out to move her body and saw the tears on her face.

He said with heartache in his eyes, "don't cry, darling!"

But he himself blurred his vision.

Su Bei suddenly stretched out his arms around his neck and held him tightly. He cried and said, "husband, let's go right away. Let's not let anyone disturb us any more, OK , the fastest update of the webnovel!