"Beibei, I know you are sad. But if grandma saw you as you are, how sad she would be

Left Xiao looked at the side of the thin woman heartache said.

Tears fell down from the face of Subei, the lake had already frozen, covered with a layer of snow, at the moment her heart was cold as ice under the snow.

Left Xiao see her cry, immediately flustered, "north north, you don't cry. People can't be reborn after death. You still have big north. You have to think about the children, don't you? "

Su Bei turned his head and looked at Xiao left. His face was full of tears and showed a helpless smile. "I don't look like crying, but I can't control it. Zuo Xiao, my heart seems to be dying of pain. "

Zuo Xiao nodded and took a deep breath, "I know, I know..."

"No, you don't know. None of you knows."

Subei's voice was hoarse, "I thought a long time ago that when my grandmother was old, I would let my grandmother enjoy happiness. When she was ill, I would accompany her. When she died, I would stay by her side and hold her hand tightly, so that she would not be afraid."

She turned to look at Zuo Xiao, "have you heard of it? When people die, they will feel collapse and collapse, and they will feel that they have fallen into a bottomless abyss. So, I want to hold her hand and let her know that her favorite granddaughter has been guarding her all the time

Subei closed his eyes, choked in pain, filled with remorse, "but, I did not. I didn't even go to her last birthday I think I will go when she has her birthday next year. I thought there was still time. I thought next year... "

She couldn't say any more, slipped to the ground and lost her voice in pain.

"Without Baili Lingyan, grandma would not die. If they don't come back, how can my home be like this? "

She looked up and looked at Zuo Xiao with tears in her eyes. "Grandma's last time, every day is sad, every day is suffering, is spent in endless pain."

"Don't squat like this, the man in the north is full of pain

Subei shook his head, "Zuo Xiao, do you think they should die? Shouldn't they pay for grandma's life? "

She didn't cry for the last two days, she kept it up.

Now he suddenly understood that the feelings between Subei and his grandmother were much more profound than he imagined.

Bearing incomparable self blame, and the grief of her grandmother's sudden departure, in fact, she has been unable to support.

The only support is to avenge my grandmother.

In fact, at that moment, she had already given up everything.

Zuo Xiao stretched out his hand and hugged Subei into his arms. "Damn it, they all die. North north, it's cold outside. Let's get on the bus. "

Subei is left Xiao to help up, she step by step on the car.

In the car driving air-conditioning, but, Subei how also can't warm come over.

Sitting not far away from Hua Jin'an, looking at the car with Subei disappeared in his sight.

He leaned against the back and suddenly seemed to have been emptied of everything.

There was no grandmother at home, and it became desolate.

Su Yu pushed aside Subei's room, sat by the bed and looked at Subei holding Dabei. "Beibei, I talked to Zuo Xiao. He said he wanted to take you away."

Subei looked at him in surprise, "brother!"

"Go with him." Su Yu said in a low voice with helplessness.

"If you go with him, you won't be disturbed. He told me that he would not force you to do anything. "

Su Yu looked up at Subei with soft eyes.

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