After getting out of the bath, we sat on the sofa, fiddling with the TV screen.

It seems that nowadays, you can connect your TV to the Internet and watch video streaming services without using a computer.

“Romance, horror, action. There are many genres, but is there anything you’d like to watch?”

“Watching what’s popular right now is fine, right?”

Unfortunately, I’m not too familiar with such things.

So, when people ask me what kind of movies I would like to see, my preferences are based on recollections from my childhood, which don’t fit my current age.

“I suppose so. I didn’t even have time to watch movies until a little while ago… Let’s take a look at the top movies in the viewing rankings at random.”

I changed the screen to the ranking section and selected the most-watched movie of the past month.

From the thumbnail and the description, it looked like a horror movie.

It’s about a happy family with no money who moves into a cheap house, and they are attacked by inexplicable strange phenomena as a result.

“Do you have any tolerance for horror, Haruyuki-kun?”

“No, I don’t think I have any… I don’t even like to watch them.”

“I see, I see. Then, if you get too scared, you can just cling to me and shrink back. As long as you’re next to me, you can rest assured.”

With a cute, smug expression on her face, Tojo-san put her pride on the line.

The fact that she went so far as to say this means that she probably likes horror movies.

I’ve heard that you can get used to horror, but… If she actually can’t and gets so scared that she doesn’t know what to do, I can help her out, I guess.



I felt something soft touch my right arm.

Tojo-san, who was now clinging to my arm looking deeply frightened, turned her face away every time something happened in the movie. 

(For someone who bragged like that, you’re not very good at it, are you now…?)

She’s been like this since a while ago, so it seems she wasn’t trying to act cute.

“I-I’m sorry… but I’ve never really watched horror much, so…”

“Wouldn’t it have been better if you weren’t so confident?”

“But… I wanted to show off a good point to Haruyuki-kun…”

So it was for a cute reason.

While we were talking about it, another frightening scene happened in the movie.

At the same time, Tojo-san screamed and hugged me tighter.

“N-now! B-b-behind you!”

“There it is, that ghostly looking one.”

“Ha-Haruyuki-kun, are you alright…?”

“It was fine compared to what I was expecting.”

I was a little nervous, but once it had started, it wasn’t something I needed to be on guard against.

It’s not that I wasn’t surprised. I was a bit, but not to the point of reacting to it.

It could be there to scare me, or it could be behind me as I turn my shoulder.

Since there were many predictable scenes, I had a good feeling that I was mentally prepared for them. 

“If you feel scared, feel free to cling to me, okay?”

“Uu… Please don’t tease me!”

Tojo-san’s teary-eyed, frightened look was helplessly adorable.

The next thing I knew, I had my hands on her shoulders and pulled her to my side.


“S-Sorry. My mistake…”

“N… no, um… I don’t know if it’s due to the fear from before, but my heart just jumped…”

Her face, which looked frightened, suddenly turned red.

She had been teasing me since yesterday, but it seems that she wasn’t very good at it when she was on the receiving end.

That’s just too cute—

(No, I can’t. It’s only been two days.)

I feel ashamed of myself for being so easily influenced.

After taking a deep breath to calm down, I gently removed my hand from her shoulder. But it was grabbed by Tojo-san, and I couldn’t force it away.


“I’d like to stay like this for a bit longer.”

As I straightened my posture, Tojo-san closed the distance between us even further.

The scent of shampoo, which I had smelled yesterday, wafted into my nose, making my heart race while I tried to calm down.

However, this was when things started to go wrong.

Suddenly, with a loud bang, a ghost’s face filled the TV screen.

I was so glad that I was in a soundproofed tower apartment.

[EN: Lmao]

It’s a good thing that this apartment had good soundproofing because Tojo’s scream was loud enough to make me think it was needed.

At the end of the day, we decided that it was impossible to watch any further, and we decided to brush our teeth and go to bed.

“Don’t ever leave me, okay!?”

“Aah, okay.”

Tojo-san, who had crawled into bed, had been affected by the movie and was frightened the whole time.

It’s a great perk to be able to see Tojo Fuyuki’s, the one considered a perfect human, weak side.

“It’s… kind of the opposite compared to yesterday.”


“Yesterday I was the one who was saved by Tojo-san, but today I’m the one being relied on.”

In the end, I was able to sleep soundly thanks to Tojo-san hugging me.

—I feel embarrassed to say it, though.

Anyway, I already owe her a great debt of gratitude.

I wanted to pay it back somehow, and if this helped Tojo-san feel at ease, I wouldn’t hesitate to do so.

“S-So… Can you hug me to sleep?”

That’s a pretty difficult request to make, but—

“… Okay.”


I laid back down and spread my arms.

“If it makes Tojo-san feel at ease… I’ll do it.”


Tojo-san jumped into my arms without hesitation.

Just the cover of the futon made me feel closer to her than when we were on the sofa.

I was so tired last night that I could easily fall asleep, but maybe it won’t work out that way today.

That’s how much my heart was pounding.

“… I’m so happy it’s driving me crazy.”

“I think you need to tone that down.”

“I can’t… because I’m being hugged by someone I love, you know?”

She twisted around as she said this.

I don’t know if it’s the rustling of her hair or clothes, but it feels ticklish.

“Until I fall asleep, stay by my side, okay?”

“… Okay.”

So I put a little more strength into the arm hugging Tojo-san.