Chapter 255: The Battle for Three Mountains Island

Chapter 255: The Battle for Three Mountains Island

"Young Master Gu," Liu Xiong began, adhering to Jiang Chen's instructions, "the Heavenly Gu Society was established to serve as your protective force."

"Anyone who opposes you, or obstructs you, instantly becomes our target for eradication!"

"If the You Clan should dare attack you, we will decimate them without hesitation."

"As for the Gan and Cai Clans, who scheme behind the scenes to exploit the situation for their benefit, they also warrant destruction!"

"Although you may have seen me retreat earlier, it was merely a feigned defeat. The goal was to bait the You, Gan, and Cai Clans into fighting among themselves. Once the time is right, we'll confront all three clans at once," he declared, his demeanor resolute and his performance utterly convincing.

After all, for a seasoned cultivator like him who had lived through many years, reciting scripted lines was hardly a challenge, was it?

"Oh?" A light of understanding flashed across Gu Ran's face. "I was puzzled why you, previously so full of confidence, suddenly retreated!" His heart was tinged with a flicker of irritation.

Liu Xiong's feigned retreat had cost him the opportunity to eliminate the formidable Inquiring Journey realm warriors from the You Clan.

"Haha," Liu Xiong burst into hearty laughter. "That was all part of my strategic design."

"Next, we will mount an intense counterattack, wiping out all three major factions on Three Mountains Island. In doing so, we'll undoubtedly secure a wealth of cultivation resources," he confidently patted his chest.

After all, under the watchful eye of the Esteemed Holy Son, what could they possibly fear from a mere Three Mountains Island disrupting the equilibrium?

"Excellent! I too am in favor of retaliating against Three Mountains Island!" A flicker of contemplation crossed Gu Ran's eyes as he nodded. "You don't need to accompany me later; I wish to fight on my own."

Having recently ascended to the Early-stage Inquiring Journey realm, he was intoxicated by the electrifying sensation and keen to hasten his next breakthrough.

Naturally, he aimed to eliminate the You, Gan, and Cai Clans to absorb their cultivation base, as they deserved their doom.

"Absolutely not, Young Master Gu! Even if it costs us our lives, we cannot allow even the slightest harm to come your way," Liu Xiong urgently interjected, his hands animatedly gesturing. "You've just come through a major battle; it would be wise for you to rest here. I will handle the affairs at Three Mountains Island."

"No, I wish to go! I want to fight on my own!" Gu Ran retorted, "Aren't you all my protectors? Are you going to ignore my orders?"

"Ththis is... Very well, then," Liu Xiong reluctantly agreed, nodding his head. "But rest assured, I will always keep a close watch on your situation."

"If anything were to happen to you, the higher-ups would never forgive me," he added cautiously.Read latest chapters at Only

This aligned perfectly with Jiang Chen's intentions. Pressuring Gu Ran to stay back, especially given the influence of Heavenly Fate, was not what Jiang Chen sought.

He needed Gu Ran to be directly involved in the unfolding events to more efficiently deplete his Heavenly Fate Value!

"Stay out of my affairs," Gu Ran nodded subtly, detecting a hint of resolve in Liu Xiong's voice.

While the Heavenly Gu Society seemed to hold him in high regard and constantly ensured his well-being, he was aware that supervision and control lurked beneath the surface.

This only intensified Gu Ran's urge to eliminate Liu Xiong and his associates.

His face remained impassive, but internally, he sneered continuously. 'When the battle among the four factions breaks out, I'll certainly have the opportunity to annihilate many, accumulating enough cultivation base to enhance my combat power,' he thought.

'Then, I'll deal with the members of the Heavenly Gu Society stationed here, all at once.'

Just then, a series of rallying cries resounded from within You Clan City: "Attack!"

"If the You Clan falls, we won't fare well either!"

"That's right, I have deep ties with the You Clan. The Gan and Cai Clans won't spare me."

"I took refuge in You Clan City precisely because I've angered the Gan and Cai Clans. If the You Clan is defeated, my fate is sealed. I'm joining the fight against the Gan and Cai Clans!" Moments later, several cultivators burst forth, reinforcing the You Clan's ranks.

These cultivators were mainly those with amicable relations with the You Clan or outcasts who had antagonized the Gan and Cai Clans.

Their arrival offered a momentary respite to the You Clan's dire situation.

However, lacking any Inquiring Journey realm cultivators among them, they remained considerably weak.

Their contribution was but a drop in the ocean, serving only to briefly delay the You Clan's inevitable downfall.

"Ha-ha-ha!" Members of the Gan and Cai Clans erupted in deranged laughter.

"Let the little rabbits of the You Clan tremble! Embrace your despair!"

"Kill, kill, kill! Slaying you is as easy as slicing vegetables!" They continued their merciless slaughter of the You Clan's cultivators.

A few victors among them refrained from immediately killing the younger female cultivators of the You Clan.

Fueled by ignoble desires, they chose to restrain them, intending to 'deal with' their captives after the battle concluded.

As time relentlessly progressed, the situation remained woefully one-sided.

From its highest leaders to the rank and file, the You Clan was disintegrating.

High above, You Haiyin was soaked in blood, his face etched with acute pain and hopelessness.

He had reached the limits of his endurance.

Two factors had enabled him to hold on until now: first, a secret art that consumed his lifespan, and second, a diminishing trust between Gan Ruifeng and Cai Xueqing. The closer You Haiyin came to his end, the less these two allies trusted one another.

Each was wary that the other might seize the chance for a treacherous strike.

After all, dividing Three Mountains Island between two clans was far less appealing than having it all for oneself.

Due to this growing mistrust, the combined efforts of Gan Ruifeng and Cai Xueqing became increasingly ineffective, allowing You Haiyin to hold out.

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