At the Genius School of Magic, the class placements of the students were done on a random basis. There may be some underlying ‘intentions’ on how the students were assigned. But the students themselves, at the very least, had no measures to ascertain such ‘intentions’.

There was only one class that held great importance in contrast to the other classes. It would highly elevate one’s status just by belonging to it. 

And that was the ‘Noble Class’.

It is an elite class that gathers only those who have performed extremely well and achieved exceptionally high scores on the entrance examination. This class was established on the rationale that, if students with outstanding capabilities were to be lumped together with many other ordinary students, those students would have a hard time keeping up with the aforementioned high performers. And this would turn out to be detrimental for both the educators and pupils in the end.

As some of you may have noticed already, both Alfie and I belong to this ‘Noble Class’. In other words, there are two commoners inside this “noble” class right now, oddly enough.

“…Hey buddy, can I ask you something?”

I asked Alife, as I took a seat next to his desk in the classroom. But don’t underestimate this as a simple chair. You could discern the unique craftsmanship used in manufacturing these study desks just from their outer appearance alone, and it wasn’t just the desks. Almost everything in the classroom boasted an extravagant look which would make someone doubt ‘is this really a classroom?’. And it didn’t end with just that, the floor was also covered by a fluffy carpet as well. I had seen a few other classes while on my way here, but they didn’t seem as spectacular as this one.

“I don’t remember being buddies with you. Anyway, what?”

Isn’t he such a nice guy, he still asks what it is even though he denies being a friend.

“Why do I feel like I’m being glared at?”

From the moment I entered the classroom, to the time when I called out to Alfie after taking the empty seat next to him, the other students had been intensely staring at me with both disgust and resentment.

“If you’re seriously asking me that, then you have a fatal issue with your memory. But it’s not too late to get that checked by a doctor. Fortunately for you, the doctor assigned to this school seems to be an excellent one.”

“Well unfortunately for you, my memory seems to be good enough to get me a perfect score on the entrance exam.”

As soon as I mentioned the words, ‘perfect score’, many of the glares that had been boring holes in my back became a lot more intense all of a sudden. Although… it wasn’t a very, ‘let’s be friends’ kind of a situation, rather it was more of; a ‘let’s start a bloodbath’ sort. 

… is it better to reply with, ‘Then bring it on oy!’ I wonder?

“Stop it, seriously! Please don’t cause any trouble before the first class starts, I’m begging you!” (T/N: –whispering)

Oops, I guess my inner thoughts showed themselves on my face. Alfie suddenly stopped me with his desperate whisper. It’s kind of disappointing but I guess it’s better to show some restraint for now.


Among those gazes that were pouring in, there was one that seemed to be painfully sharp. If other gazes were to be compared to arrows shot from a bow, then this particular gaze was like a huge crossbow used in a siege. The target of that gaze seemed to have gone numb from it already.

I peered at the source of the gaze while quickly glancing back sideways, trying not to be so obvious about it. The moment I turned a little, I immediately knew who the source was. It was that pretty girl with big boobs who was glaring at me with an awful look when I was delivering my speech on the podium at the school entrance ceremony. That aside, the people around Melons-chan were on the verge of tears from being hit with that unusual amount of bloodlust suddenly originating out of nowhere. But thanks to that, most of them couldn’t keep up their composure enough to keep scowling at me.

While on that topic, if I were to consider her glare to be classified as a strategic weapon, then her chest would also definitely be in that same grade. They just simply outclassed all other women. And if she were to lean forward a little, those two mountains that were tightly cramped up against her uniform would comfortably land on top of her desk. It’s probably one of the best I’ve seen so far. If you took the overall balance into account, it might be the best one yet.

Honestly, I’d love to get closer to her, but it would probably be very difficult to do so with her being so hostile. Apparently, she would have been the top student in the school if it wasn’t for me. But considering how she also seemed rather prideful, it wouldn’t be easy to get along with her anyway.

Then again, I do have a track record of getting along with someone like Alfie. So, I’m sure we can work things out later on.

After I reached my optimistic conclusion, the main door to the classroom opened. And all the hostility that had been focused on me, temporarily dissipated and was instead concentrated with interest on the person that just came through the door.

A worn-out-looking man with stubble on his face and a lab coat draping from his shoulders made his appearance.

That person is Zest. He was the teacher that was in charge of grading my entrance exam scores by the way. He slowly went up to the podium in front of the blackboard and faced the students in the classroom with his sleepy eyes before opening his mouth to speak,

“For now, let’s proceed assuming that everybody is present in the classroom right now. I have already given you a small introduction at the entrance ceremony but let me introduce myself again. My name is Zest, and it was decided that I am to be in charge of the Noble class, very reluctantly so, I might add. Anyhow, let’s get along from now on.”

His attitude wasn’t hiding his lack of motivation to be here at all. The air in the classroom was filled with questionable thoughts like ‘Is it gonna be okay with a teacher like this?’. As if he sensed the gradually spreading unease, Zest scratched his head a bit and released a sigh.

“Originally, the noble class was supposed to be overseen by that young lady Hyria, but due to some complicated circumstances, she was put in charge of a different class. You can find out more by yourselves if you’re curious…”

After saying that, Zest threw his gaze toward ‘me’.

Hyria was the name of the woman that I went up against during the practical exam if I recall correctly.

… Don’t tell me that she was too shocked by her ‘defeat’ at the entrance exam? If that’s the case, then her mentality is way too weak. Then I suddenly heard a faint whisper coming from the side, 

“So, she’s an early victim of this guy…” 

It seems that I’m hearing things, maybe it’s just my imagination.

“I did say I was reluctant earlier, but now that I’m entrusted with this class, I intend to fully carry out all my duties as your homeroom teacher. I don’t want to be called a salary thief after all.”

It’s hard to say for sure if he was being serious or not. Even though some of the students seemed dissatisfied, Zest didn’t seem to care in the least as he continued on.

“Well then, let’s start the first class. Most of the teachers and students are already tired from the entrance ceremony, so today’s class will be short. After I’m done passing on a few messages, you’ll be dismissed. Tomorrow, you’ll be given a tour of the campus facilities and the actual lessons will start the day after tomorrow… With that out of the way, I’m very sleepy right now as I was up all night due to my research. I wish to go home soon and sleep as fast as possible.”

Zest earnestly began explaining the upcoming important matters on the blackboard, while ignoring the growing air filled with the questionable remark, ‘Is everything really, really gonna be okay with a teacher like this?’. 

Despite the lack of effort to hide his disinterest, he seemed very polite and comfortable to listen to. The headmaster did say that he was a ‘reliable teacher’, that might be true after all. So, let’s look forward to the classes starting the day after tomorrow.