Chapter 30 Find Meaning

Chapter 30 Find Meaning

Edward was completely and utterly dumbfounded as he stared at Adam. His roommate had become taller and much leaner than before. He simply couldn't believe it.

Could the Body Cleansing Essence Oil really have such an effect? It was simply inconceivable to Edward.

After a long time of staring with his mouth agape, he asked in astonishment, "Adam, is that really you!?"

Adam grinned at his friend and replied, "Hehe, who else—"

But before he could finish what he was about to say, his smile froze and his eyes rolled back as he fell face-first. The grueling experience of having undergone a complete body remodeling had finally gotten to him and he instantly passed out.

Before Adam fell to the ground, the adamantine golem had swiftly and gently picked him up and placed him on its shoulder.

"Go lay him down in the guest room," Berger instructed. The golem silently carried Adam and walked to the other end of the floor, towards the small guest room.

As Edward saw the departing back of the towering golem, he couldn't help but ask out of concern, "Is Adam going to be alright?"

Berger who was studying the notes on the parchment papers replied without looking back, "Don't worry about it. The kid's simply tired."

"Okay..." Edward replied softly.

Berger finally turned around and walked toward Edward. He took out a metal flask from his pocket and gave it to the boy. "Trust me, your friend is going to be just fine. And take this potion. It's for your mother."

Edward's eyes lit up as he saw the metal flask in the gnome's hands. He carefully grabbed it and placed it in the pocket of his robe. He then looked at Berger and sincerely said, "Thank you very much, sir."

Berger waved his hands. "Now, shoo! Get going. I'll send Adam back to the academy after he wakes up."

Edward bowed gratefully. "Thanks once again!"

He then turned around and ran out of the store. The youth made his way out of the crowded streets of the market, all the while making sure that the potion inside his pocket was safe and secured.

"Mm." Edward nodded and wiped the tears from his face.

"Don't worry about me, okay?" His mother, Elia, comforted him. "How did you come to have my medicine today? It's usually your father's men delivering it."

Edward replied while forcing a smile. "Mother, I went to Magus Berger's store with my roommate today. It was there that I found out that he's been the one who's been concocting your medicine all this while. So he handed me the medicine and told me to give it to you."

Elia coughed while covering her mouth. She then drank some water and nodded. "Old Berger has helped me tremendously. It's good that you got acquainted with him. He's a very wise man."

The mother and son spoke for a long time. Edward had met her for the first time today after joining the academy and thus had a lot of things to share. He spoke about his roommate, Adam, and how life was at the academy.

After about ten minutes or so, when Edward noticed that the medicine's effects were taking effect and his mother was getting drowsy, he said affectionately. "Mother, you should rest now. I'll come meet you again tomorrow."

"Alright, Eddie." Elia nodded. "Go back to your room and rest. Mother will see you tomorrow."

"Yes, mother!" Edward tippy-toed and planted a kiss on Elia's forehead. He then turned around and ran back to his room.

Seeing his beloved son's departing back, Elia couldn't stop her tears from flowing. She muttered under her breath, "I don't know how long I have left to live... My only wish is that you, Elaine, and Victor live a happy life."

Elia knew that she would die sooner or later because of her illness. She didn't fear death, but the pain and suffering her dear family would have to go through after she left them.

As tears slid down her pale face, Elia soon fell asleep, dreaming of better days that she knew would never come.

In this vast world, everyone, whether they are rich or poor, old or young, man or woman, had to endure some sort of pain and suffering in their lives.

After all...

To live is to suffer.

And to survive is to find some meaning in this suffering.The most uptodate novels are published on n0velbjn((.))com