Chapter 286 Complicated

Chapter 286 Complicated

More than five years ago when Adam had left Behal Town and journeyed to Moon City, he and other prospective, young Magi had been escorted by a group of mercenaries hired by the Clover Academy.

The Magi that led this traveling party were none other than the people who were standing in front of Adam right now.

He was stunned when he saw Magus Alex. He didn't expect to see that latter here after all these years, to say the least.

"What?" Alex's lips curled up into a smirk, seeing the youth standing there in a daze. "Cat got your tongue?"

Adam snapped out of his thoughts and shook his head, forcing a smile. "Just surprised to see you is all." He glanced at the other two and greeted, "How have you all been? It's been five years since we last met."

The burly Magus with a buzz cut, Ivan, did not reply, nor did the woman named, Kelley. They glanced at Adam with indifference.

"Haha, don't mind them," Alex said with a slight chuckle. "They're quite worked up because of the war and whatnot."

Adam was about to answer, but all of a sudden Lisa came forward and glanced at Kelley and Ivan in disdain.

She asked while glancing at them in contempt, "Adam, how do you know these people?"

"They were the ones who escorted me and the other kids to Clover Academy for the entrance exam," replied the youth.

"I see," Lisa sneered. "So that must mean they were already final-year students when they took up that mission. If my guess is right, they should have been Organ Stage or Neural Stage Magi back then."

She paused before speaking again, "It's already been five years since then and they still haven't advanced to the Mana Liquefaction Rank. How pitiful!"

"You!" Kelley snapped at the insult, glaring at Lisa. "Watch your mouth."

Lisa muttered in distaste, "Heh, forgive me if my words stuck a nerve. I was merely trying to deduce the truth."

She could feel the blatant hostility that this group of Magi was showing Adam. But for some reason, she couldn't understand why the youth wasn't responding in a similar manner. This was completely unlike him.

Thus, she took it upon himself to stand up for her friend.

Seeing that things were about to escalate, Alex stepped forward and tried to diffuse the situation, "Let's all get along, please. We're allies, after all."

Kelley deeply glanced at Alex before harrumphing and looking away. Lisa glanced at the blond Magus and simply nodded.

Since time immemorial, learning magic has always been an expensive aspiration. That is why, more often than not, children from simple backgrounds would never be able to embark on this path, even though they had a talent for spell-


People such as Magus Alex and his team weren't fortunate enough, and thus, had to stoop so low to acquire money by hook or by crook.

However, that didn't absolve them of the crimes they committed against those innocent children. Moreover, even if these offenses were brought to light, they wouldn't be punished for it.

After all, who would want to offend a Magus over someone who's already in the grave?

This is where Adam's deep sense of loathing came from. He absolutely detested what these Magi did all those years back. But at the same time, he was also greatly conflicted.

Lisa glanced at him and asked, "It's unlike you to behave the way you did back then. Do you owe something to that Magus named Alex?"

"Owe?" Adam helplessly sighed. "In a manner of speaking, yes. Although they were responsible for the deaths of those kids, they were also the reason why the rest of us managed to survive."

The youth paused for a moment before continuing, "So I guess you could say, I'm indebted to them."

"No!" Lisa replied solemnly. "You're not. You're alive because of your own efforts. You just so happened to be fortunate to survive that wolf pack long enough for those three to step in."

"She's right," Edward chimed in. "If it weren't for your persistence, you would have died with the rest of those children as well. Don't think for a moment that you owe anything to those bastards."

Adam remained silent, ruminating over his friends' words.

"And I get a really bad feeling from them," said Lisa with an uncomfortable expression. "Especially Alex. Although he's smiling on the surface, for some reason he gives me the creeps."

Hearing her say this, Adam's eyes narrowed. He was very sensitive to others' emotions despite how hard they tried to hide it.

So how could he not tell the deep envy and hatred that Alex was subtly radiating?

Adam had a grim expression as he thought to himself, I'm willing to let bygones be bygones as long as you don't come in my way.

The next moment, his dark pupils seemed to momentarily flash with a cold glint.

But if you do...