Chapter 355 Harbor

Acryon was a large coastal city, situated on the banks of the Galestine Ocean.

Its port could be said to be even more bustling than the Grand Bazaar. It was active during the daytime and even after sunset.

As Adam walked through the Grand Bazaar in the Outer City and toward the city's large port, the market's bustling activity gave way to the unique atmosphere of the harbor.

The cobblestoned streets beneath his feet transformed from narrow and winding to broad and structured, reflecting the transition from the chaotic market to the industrious vibe of the port.

Adam could feel the salty smell of the sea with every step he took. The smell also mingled with the scent of tar and fish, making him scrunch his nose a little.

A strong gust of cool wind blew by, causing the youth's black cape to flutter behind him. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

He looked around and smiled, "This place is nice. It kind of reminds me of Hannes City."

Except this was countless times bigger and more flourishing than Hannes City.

Adam was suddenly attracted to the cries of seagulls, which became more and more pronounced as he walked toward the sea coast.

Soon, the sight of the port came into view.

It was a sprawling stretch of piers and ships of every shape and size. Tall masts reached toward the skies, their sails furled, waiting for the next time they departed.

Countless dockworkers went about their jobs, unloading crates full of goods and shouting orders at one another.

The next moment, the youth heard footsteps approaching him from behind. He didn't turn around to glance at this newcomer, however.

He knew exactly who it was.

The figure walked behind the youth and then agilely climbed his shoulder.

'Find anything interesting?' Adam asked mentally as he untied the wine gourd hanging from his waist.

'A lot of fish!' Valerian replied jovially.

'Be serious.' Adam rolled his eyes and then took a swig from the gourd.

After walking through the packed crowd, Adam finally approached the distant pier after about fifteen minutes.

Neither of them showed any ill intent. That's how he knew that these people were most likely from the Brotherhood.

As Adam stepped on the pier and walked toward the edge on the other side, he saw the waves crash against the wooden pillars underneath.

Droplets of water splashed on his face, causing him to involuntarily close his eyes. He placed his hands on the wooden railing and took a deep breath, the salty air filling his lungs.

When he opened his eyes again, he noticed a middle-aged man standing right next to him, gazing at the horizon where the sky met the sea.

"The sea carries with it the promise of distant lands and new adventures," said the man. "Vast and full of possibilities."

Adam calmly gazed at this newcomer.

He wore a simple yet sturdy outfit - a white linen shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, displaying his muscular forearms. He wore tight-fitted, brown trousers and knee-high black boots. Over his outfit, he wore a dark brown cape.

The man's skin was tanned, indicating the years that he must've spent at sea. A few white strands could be found in his thick, dark hair that was tied into a ponytail.

"In many ways, a port is a place of beginnings and endings." The man then turned his head and glanced at the raven-haired youth with a faint smile.

"Don't you think so too, Magus Adam Constantine?"

Adam didn't reply. He simply stared at the man without a hint of nervousness in his eyes. He wasn't surprised that this middle-aged man had suddenly appeared beside him at all.

Noticing this, the middle-aged man's smile deepened. "You're quite the cautious one, aren't you?"

Still, Adam didn't reply.

"Good." The man nodded. "This is how it should be."

The following moment, the man raised his right hand and touched the center of his forehead with his index and middle fingers.

Then, he slowly lowered his hand and drew an arc, placing his two fingers over his chest. His lips parted, and he greeted, "In twilight, we find truth."

Finally, a trace of emotion rippled in Adam's jet-black eyes. After hearing that particular phrase from the man, his lips curled up into a smile and he replied,

"In shadows, we seek wisdom."